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Nope im not contemplating it!


Some guy recently topped himself locally by setting fire to himself.

He was found by dog walkers early hours of the following morning.


I thought to myself what a way to do it!

Surely he could have come up with a lot less painfull way?

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Are we sure he did it to himself? Usually folks desperate enough to self immolate do it for a cause and like to let other people in on it (like the whole world).


Maybe it was spontanious combustion ????



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i take it youre against gun control? lol


I am for gun control in general although,

I dont care who has em just so long as they are used sensibly, i.e not for robbing people and driveby's etc.

I understands mans desire to hunt and protect.


Guns dont kill, People kill, I do think there has to be some kind of vetting for the sale of guns but,

Unfortunatly its not as hard to get a gun as people think, even here in Britain.

£150 for an illegal 9mm handgun.

Thing with this is it will be a reactivated gun that could blow up in your hand.

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Are we sure he did it to himself? Usually folks desperate enough to self immolate do it for a cause and like to let other people in on it (like the whole world).




Yeah pretty sure he did it to himself.

His car was parked in the field near a busy road.

I actually drove past his car parked in the field on my way to the friend that told me what had happened the following day.

He was a Taxi Driver.


Maybe it was spontanious combustion ????


Maybee God stuck him down with a bolt of holy lightning? lol :o)

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Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD


I carry firearms for my line of work..


There is no need for people to be armed in this country (Yet)


Rockin365... Firearms are easy to come by in the UK. Its the ammunition which is near on impossible!



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Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD


I carry firearms for my line of work..


There is no need for people to be armed in this country (Yet)


Rockin365... Firearms are easy to come by in the UK. Its the ammunition which is near on impossible!




"Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD"


Aside from hunting, recreational and competitive shooting, collecting and defending oneself against larger dangerous adversaries and the occasional tyrant, what one purpose would that be? I suspect you've a great number of disarmed citizens in your country who'd vehemently disagree with your appraisal. The unarmed population is in greater danger than the armed population. See, here our police come right out and tell us, it's not their job to protect us. So...if it's not their job and the bad guys have weapons...


"There is no need for people to be armed in this country"


Not even the victims of crime who could have protected themselves? Please.

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Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD


I carry firearms for my line of work..


There is no need for people to be armed in this country (Yet)


Rockin365... Firearms are easy to come by in the UK. Its the ammunition which is near on impossible!





Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD :- Yes firing a bullet. (Not nessesarally to kill though).


I totally agree that there is no need for us brits to carry guns (yet),


Unfortunatly the ammo too is obtainable here if you know the right people.

Obviously mrs Jones from number 43 may have difficulty obtaining either but once you have found one,

you will usually find the other.

Spent cases can be reused as well as reactivated guns.

Its Sad really they even exist.

I blame religion and all the bickering!


Why cant people just get along? (see video clip in my sig).

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Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD :- Yes firing a bullet. (Not nessesarally to kill though).


I totally agree that there is no need for us brits to carry guns (yet)' date='[/b']


Unfortunatly the ammo too is obtainable here if you know the right people.

Obviously mrs Jones from number 43 may have difficulty obtaining either but once you have found one,

you will usually find the other.

Spent cases can be reused as well as reactivated guns.

Its Sad really they even exist.

I blame religion and all the bickering!


Why cant people just get along? (see video clip in my sig).


I'm not an alarmist, and I don't think the New World Order will be invading my shores any time soom, but if The UK waits until its citizens need to be Armed before they are allowed to own guns, wouldn't that be too late?

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Guns are for one purpose! PERIOD


I carry firearms for my line of work..


There is no need for people to be armed in this country (Yet)


Rockin365... Firearms are easy to come by in the UK. Its the ammunition which is near on impossible!




My apologies, I missed the most obvious. Please explain why, if people needn't be armed in your country, you carry firearms for work.

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Our population are unarmed and for the time being that's the way it should stay. I'd love to say every Englishman's home's his castle but that's utter bollocks! You may, in your constitution have the right to bare arms but we here in the UK don't have that luxury! Until UK law get's on the side of the common man and the human rights act stops protecting the criminals, then guns not in the public hands is the way it needs to stay.


And guns are designed for one purpose..... To Kill!


I'm not against the UK population being armed, its just simply not the right time...and hopefully never will be!


That's my opinion!



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My apologies' date=' I missed the most obvious. Please explain why, if people needn't be armed in your country, you carry firearms for work.[/quote']


I protect VIP's and government officials from the obvious...



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Our population are unarmed and for the time being that's the way it should stay. I'd love to say every Englishman's home's his castle but that's utter bollocks! You may' date=' in your constitution have the right to bare arms but we here in the UK don't have that luxury! Until UK law get's on the side of the common man and the human rights act stops protecting the criminals, then guns not in the public hands is the way it needs to stay.


And guns are designed for one purpose..... To Kill!


I'm not against the UK population being armed, its just simply not the right time...and hopefully never will be!


That's my opinion!




Not dissin' ya, Flight. I appreciate your professional view and opinion. Nor would I attempt to sway you on something for which you've obviously taken time to give some serious thought. With respect, I'm trying to understand how a disarmed population needs armed police. I suspect it is, in some small part at least, due to the fact that law-abiding citizens are the only ones who are disarmed. That was my only point. I didn't intend to be subversive.

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Not dissin' ya' date=' Flight. I appreciate your professional view and opinion. Nor would I attempt to sway you on something for which you've obviously taken time to give some serious thought. With respect, I'm trying to understand how a disarmed population needs armed police. I suspect it is, in some small part at least, due to the fact that law-abiding citizens are the only ones who are disarmed. That was my only point. I didn't intend to be subversive.[/quote']


The British Police Officer is still unarmed. Those officers that carry firearms are in specialist depts... I never thought you were being Subversive...




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Our population are unarmed and for the time being that's the way it should stay. I'd love to say every Englishman's home's his castle but that's utter bollocks! You may' date=' in your constitution have the right to bare arms but we here in the UK don't have that luxury! Until UK law get's on the side of the common man and the human rights act stops protecting the criminals, then guns not in the public hands is the way it needs to stay.


And guns are designed for one purpose..... To Kill!


I'm not against the UK population being armed, its just simply not the right time...and hopefully never will be!


That's my opinion!



If after WWII, the UK still doesn't see a reason to Arm Citizens, what do you think would be the Catalist?


The French were unarmed, so they were not very resistant. The English were Unarmed, so they couldn't supply the French Resistance with anything but Best Wishes. They relied on their Governments to stop an Invading force and Guess What, they failed and the citizens paid the price.


Comapare our military to any other military in the world. We shoot better, ya wanna know why? You can't train a 19 year old with no firearm experience to shoot as good as a guy who learned to shoot at 5 years old.

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If after WWII' date=' the UK still doesn't see a reason to Arm Citizens, what do you think would be the Catalist?

Comapare our military to any other military in the world. We shoot better, ya wanna know why? You can't train a 19 year old with no firearm experience to shoot as good as a guy who learned to shoot at 5 years old. [/quote']


There's more to being a good soldier that just being a good shot.. Marksmanship is a skill which like anything else can be learn't.. And there's no comparison with the US Military, Maybe, Just remember the sun never set on the British Empire!!


What difference would it have made in WWII if the French people were armed? an extra couple of weeks of resistance before the German's marched in. Thousands more dead... People are people not trained Soldiers...



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There's more to being a good soldier that just being a good shot.. Marksmanship is a skill which like anything else can be learn't.. And there's no comparison with the US Military' date=' Maybe, Just remember the sun never set on the British Empire!!


What difference would it have made in WWII if the French people were armed? an extra couple of weeks of resistance before the German's marched in. Thousands more dead... People are people not trained Soldiers...




"People are people not trained Soldiers..."


Interesting that should come from a Brit to a Yank. :-

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Guns are not necessarily designed only to kill.

Back in the day I used to shoot a BSA Martini target rifle.

It was patently designed with target shooting as its main function.


I also fired Stens, Brens, Lee-Enfield 303 (both standard and L42 sniper) and SA80 variants from the bullpup to the Armalite AR-15 and AR-18. Those were intended to kill, and obviously so. Not the case with my BSA Martini .22 LR, which was very obviously designed from the ground up for target shooting.


My beef is that it is now very difficult for me to target shoot freely as I once did - yet much, much easier to get my hands on a 9mm rapid-fire automatic or a .45 hand-gun than it ever was. And for the villains too.


I keep shotguns for vermin control (rat, fox, rabbit etc), and even that involves tight controls, but a half hour drive from home and I could buy a serious firearm and ammo for less than a ton.


I can't see the logic - and would welcome the right to bear arms in the UK.


By the way, flight959, respect to you. Thankless job.

A lot of the public support you guys all the way.

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Guns are not necessarily designed only to kill.

Back in the day I used to shoot a BSA Martini target rifle.

It was patently designed with target shooting as its main function.


I also fired Stens' date=' Brens, Lee-Enfield 303 (both standard and L42 sniper) and SA80 variants from the bullpup to the Armalite AR-15 and AR-18. Those were [i']intended[/i] to kill, and obviously so. Not the case with my BSA Martini .22 LR, which was very obviously designed from the ground up for target shooting.


My beef is that it is now very difficult for me to target shoot freely as I once did - yet much, much easier to get my hands on a 9mm rapid-fire automatic or a .45 hand-gun than it ever was. And for the villains too.


I keep shotguns for vermin control (rat, fox, rabbit etc), and even that involves tight controls, but a half hour drive from home and I could buy a serious firearm and ammo for less than a ton.


I can't see the logic - and would welcome the right to bear arms in the UK.


By the way, flight959, respect to you. Thankless job.

A lot of the public support you guys all the way.


Cheers Bud!


You have gun nuts to thank for the loss... maybe legal owning of sporting guns will come full circle..


Your back then??



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There's more to being a good soldier that just being a good shot.. Marksmanship is a skill which like anything else can be learn't..


What difference would it have made in WWII if the French people were armed? an extra couple of weeks of resistance before the German's marched in. Thousands more dead... People are people not trained Soldiers...



It would have given them a fighting chance. Do you know how many were killed in Concentration Camps set up right there in France because they were unable to fight for their freedom? The Advancement of Nazi Germany would have been slowed, and they would have had to use more Material to get a Shorter Distance. Perhaps the Battle of Brittain never would have Happened.


Of course there's more to being a good soldier than being a good shot, but respect for a Fire Arm is sure a good start. I speak from experience on the Marksmanship point. When I was considering the Military as a Young man, it was peace time and there was a huge waiting list, and a good job came up so I never inlisted, but many of my friends did. When they came out, not one of them could shoot better than me and none of them knew as much about their weapon as me. I'd been shooting since I was 5, they never touched a weapon until they joined the Army.

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