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Ever have one of THOSE shows ?

The Mick

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Murph they MATE for life' date=' not breed for life LOL Big distinction there.


Callen once said he shoots pigeons in his spare time and I'll never let him forget it. :-k You know what they say about a woman's memory........ unforunately, the image of that transvestite is gonna be a hard one to erase.[/quote']


Ok ok. Its cuz they sh!t on my car. They're disgusting creatures.



As far as my girlfriend goes, I thinks shes fine just the way she is. :)






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Come ON Mick! I want some more details as to how this woman made it from her bar stool to the stage. What led this savage beast to leave the comfort of the crowd to come up and bare her...teeth?


Problem one was it was snowing and it was some bar that Eye don't even know why we took the gig in the first place kind deal. There was no crowd to speak of and she seemed to like us :) Eye never saw it coming. Funny part is our singer is looking right at e'm like he can't help it.

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Ok ' date=' you can level with us here ( we are your friends and would never tell) ...... The guy in the middle had some "networking" time with her after the show , didn't he? The look on his face is not of horror....[/quote']


Not that Eye know of but he is a horny little freak.

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Here's a funny to think about...


The scene may have been slightly less glaringly obvious, but from talking to guys who did a lot of gigs from the 20s and 30s and upward, the realities weren't all that different.


I'll admit to a degree of cowardice. I figured if a girl wanted "extra time" with me because I was a guitar player, she'd take extra time with anybody who was a guitar player, and if she would, she had... and that kinda removed 99.7 percent of my interest since I prefer my friendships with physicians to be outside their clinics.


On the other hand... I always liked lady pickers, especially the ones who did their own style and knew what they wanted in guitaring. I figured that meant they knew what they wanted (even if it wasn't always the best decision) in male guitar players. <grin> Sadly some of the best of the 1960s crop married non-pickers and quit playing.



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We were playing once in our garage and our closest neighbors came over to hear us jam. They are a bit shall we say, looser, then us. Anyway they had two other couples with them and to make a long story short. It is impossible to play a song when a hot naked woman fueled by alcohol hangs her boobs over the neck of your guitar so she can get to the mic to sing along. I can't go into details of what happened on the floor of my garage. Sufice to say it was awesome.



BTW I'm not a d1psh1t. My kids were at Grandma and Grandpas.

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