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Just got a song up


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well we recorded it on an MP3 player, as for the repetitiveness, we did that cuz we have lyrics, but no singer

thanks for complementing my solo! i literally pulled it outta my a55 on the spot

more material soon to come

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well we recorded it on an MP3 player' date=' as for the repetitiveness, we did that cuz we have lyrics, but no singer

thanks for complementing my solo! i literally pulled it outta my a55 on the spot

more material soon to come[/quote']


You did a good job.

Spontaneity is often the key to a good solo. I think someone posted those exact words somewhere in this forum recently.

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First off... really good. Nice hooks. I thought the cymbals were fine (more cowbell??)

However.... you need to invest in proper recording gear :) .


Just a suggestion... but why don't one of you step up and sing. It's thrash... actual vocal talent is not a high priority.

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cool.What did you use to record it?


the voice recorder on an mp3 player


why don't one of you step up and sing. It's thrash... actual vocal talent is not a high priority


cuz none of us can sing at all (when i do it sounds horrid), but if it comes down to it, i'll end up just yelling

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