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Priest-nun marriage


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I have lurked here for long and have seen lots of gay marriage threads, but never a "should priests be alowed to get married" thread...


I've seen on the news there's some scandals there over this.


What do you think?

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That would make absolutely no difference.


One reason a small percentage of men go into The Cloth is that they never intended to sleep with a 'woman' anyway.

There's no mention of other men - or children - as a stipulation.


Get mad all you want, but it is a factor in a few of the cases.

A freak is a freak - no matter what he's wearing.

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Maybe if more denominations let their priests get married we'd have less priests raping children because their sexual needs would be better fulfilled. Maybe not. Maybe somebody just needs to teach them how to jerk off.


But I digress...



Then they should allow gay marriage for priests... that would make for an entirely different new poll

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Maybe if more denominations let their priests get married we'd have less priests raping children because their sexual needs would be better fulfilled. Maybe not. Maybe somebody just needs to teach them how to jerk off.


But I digress...



Murph can probably give them handjobs, maybe even for free

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Anybody here a priest or nun?


Didn't think so.


Great topic' date=' especially for a guitar forum.......



You gay?


Or a politician?


Or both?


Is this a gun forum? Is this a republican forum? Is this a democrat forum?


Are you the owner of this place?

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.... If we lay off the personal insults ... <grin> there actually are a few factors to consider:


1. Anglican and various "Orthodox" varieties of Christianity have "priests" too. They can marry. There is, in fact, a big to-doo in the Anglican communion over a "gay" bishop who has apparently had a male domestic partner for years.


2. Celibacy for Roman Catholic priests has not always been the case, by the way; and there also have been some married clergy from, I seem to recall, both Anglican and Orthodox traditions who have been accepted into Roman Catholicism.


3. I've known quite a few Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy who were guitar players. Some were pretty good musicians, some were just strummers but had a lot of fun with informal music. Who cares, they enjoyed playing guitar.


4. It's not terribly kind to take a whole class of people, e.g. Roman Catholic clergy, and suggest all are bad folks because a few of them are. That's like saying bad things about guitar players because some of us have done bad things too.


5. I have an acquaintance who recently sold a hotel-gambling house in Deadwood that he had made quite successful. He's an ex "radical priest" who married a nun. I find the turnaround in economic philosophy interesting, but what the heck, he's got a life to lead of his own and he's a bright guy.


6. Down in Sturgis, SD - home of the famed Sturgis motorcycle rally - there's a Roman Catholic priest who's an excellent accordion player and enjoys putting on "polka" themed religious services. I figure more power to him. I'm told there are other such clerics who are similarly quite good musicians.


7. and final in this note anyway... I also know that in Korea, at least, there tended to be at one time a lot of local jokes about Buddhist monks messing with the ladies. Ditto Chaucer, really... No big deal if you figure they're consenting adults. For some horribly crass and bawdy humor along those lines, check out Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" as an example. It may be found to be a lot more easily read in modern rather than Chaucerian English...


Bottom line is that clergy are just like other folks - and that includes Buddhists and other major "brands." As for nuns, anybody else old enough to remember the French "singing nun" who had a top 10 hit years ago? She accompanied herself on guitar.


I think we're ill-treating ourselves if we forget or ignore the impact of music within religion, too. There's a lot more crossover than a lot of us tend to consider - and "gospel" music through the years has had a large impact on secular music and vice versa.

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Mister Milod, that's the kind of answer one expects to find in a forum owned by a brand like gibson. Respectful, informative, on topic, and writen on a way everyone can understand.


+1000 to anything you say mister. If this forum had more people like you, there wouldn't be trolls like me here (really).

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Darnation - I was expecting a Judas Priest thread, and what do I find.

Somebody says they haven't seen this question asked here yet - so they will ask it.....

That philosophy could open the floodgates (again).


OK - Duster Bennett was neither a priest or a nun, but he could play the blues.

Rory Gallagher and Peter Green, not nuns, not priests, but ditto.

Dave Edmunds. Mick Box. **** Taylor. No priests. No nuns.


No stems, no seeds that you don't need.

Acapulco Gold.

Badass weed.

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Despite all indications to the contrary.....

a Priest-Nun marriage is - and here's the really clever part:

A marriage between a Priest and a Nun.


I know, I know - no clue in the words themselves, you have to know this stuff.

It's like, secret code and Da Vinci, and Area 51 all rolled into one.


Course - know you know about it, we have to erase your memory.....

.....at the very least.


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I dont know about all religions, but Roman Catholic priests cannot marry because their first duty is to the community. How can a priest be expected to go give last rigths to someone if their wife or child is at home dying? Becoming a priest means to put others needs and wants aboce your own, therefore they must be unmarried to serve their people better.

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