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How much do YOU owe the gov't now?


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Yes I remember' date=' Obonga just said the same thing a couple of weeks ago...look it up.[/quote']


My point they are the same with different masks. What Eye don't like is the fact that some think one is truly righteous and the other truly Evil. It's a sham.

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I NEVER said Bush was "righteous" or anything of the sort.


I'm not playing sides as you keep trying to make it.


I was screaming the LOUDEST when Bush was spending money like a drunken sailor on a Filipino port call.....







Doesn't matter who's in the Oval Office, WE will pay for this.


Because Obonga says it's "righteous" does NOT make it so.

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I NEVER said Bush was "righteous" or anything of the sort.


I'm not playing sides as you keep trying to make it.


I was screaming the LOUDEST when Bush was spending money like a drunken sailor on a Filipino port call.....







Doesn't matter who's in the Oval Office, WE will pay for this.


Because Obonga says it's "righteous" does NOT make it so.



But you do always blame liberals for everything. It's our whole government. none of them are righteous.

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I NEVER said Bush was "righteous" or anything of the sort.


I'm not playing sides as you keep trying to make it.


I was screaming the LOUDEST when Bush was spending money like a drunken sailor on a Filipino port call.....







Doesn't matter who's in the Oval Office, WE will pay for this.


Because Obonga says it's "righteous" does NOT make it so.



So What-cha gone-a Do about. What's anyone Gone-a Do about it?



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Well, we here in New York State are the litmus test for the rest of the country. That's because we are the epitome of tax and spend. Note it doesn't matter if we have Democrats or Republicans in office. So after all these years of this, where are we now? Well we have the highest overall taxes in the nation. Health care costs have ballooned to the point where there is no hope of fixing it. For example, retiree costs are now more than working class costs. This is just not sustainable yet politicians don't care to even try to fix it. There are just some crazy things here. For example, "negotiating" free plastic surgery benefits in ANY contract is taking things WAY too far. Companies and people are fleeing this state. Over 50% of the people I grew up with are now gone.


You'd think that with the recent budget problems there be some sense of reality among the politicians here, but nnnnooo. Note that 20% of the State's revenue came from Wall Street bonuses and the State got hooked on that drug. Instead of trimming the overwhelming fat, they increased spending yet again this year. So how did they do that? Well, they increased taxes and instituted more surcharges on items. For example, they increased tuition by $300 and THEY, not the State universities, are keeping most of the money. Students aren't too happy knowing that part of their tuition is being used to pay off the state debt!! They increased taxes on our wealthiest residents, who are finding creative ways of "leaving" this state. Paterson (a Democrat) actually knew this was a bad idea, but got trumped by the other idiots in the legislature. But it's a killer on small businesses because 75% of them file as S-corporations or limited liability partnerships, which means company profits are taxed as part of their personal income. Read this. It's truly sad. Oh, and by the way, Buffalo is the third poorest city in the nation (this is what happens when your tax base leaves!).


Don't get me wrong. I love being back in my hometown and there are a lot of great things about it. I just fear that no one will be left here.


I fear that our country is headed in this direction. Canada has a lot of land though, so let's all move there!! Are Nine, got room for us all? Actually, I may be moving back to Texas if secession comes true. KSG, got room for me?

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Its easier to find 1' date='000 thousand faults on someone else than it is to find one in your self.[/quote']


And again I'll bring up New York State. Incumbent legislators in New York State win re-election about 99% of the time. Since 1982, there have been about 3,000 elections involving state senators and assembly members. During that time just 38 have been defeated!! Why? Because of gerrymandered districts. Note, both Democrats and Republicans do it. What type of government has a 99% retention rate of its leaders? In addition to this, the legislators have no real power anyways. All decisions are made by the famous "three men in a room." So we have legislators that get essentially a lifetime job and three men that control everything without representing us at all. Hmm, doesn't sound like much of a democracy to me. Sorry, but I CAN blame someone else. Stalin would be proud...

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