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Hey everybody - LOOK AT ME!!!


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Hey everybody - LOOK AT ME!!!







Easy fella, gettin' awful close to the edge there!!!


I just had to put this up.

From one of the posts Cruznolfart made.


I laughed my *** off!!!


Okay people, carry on.

As you were....





Oh, feel free to post any other amusing gif files you may find.

There was one of a dead horse being beaten in a motorcycle forum somewhere - priceless.



That is all.

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No, that's not the same horse I was thinking of but the flies are an excellent effect!


Beavis & Butthead is a classic - I went to high school with those guys!



And bouncing boobies....

What can I say?


There's three things I really like about a woman, and that's two of 'em right there!




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Beavis & Butthead is a classic - I went to high school with those guys!





I used to watch them when I got home from work. My 6 year old daughter used to sit next to me on the couch playing with her doll's just to be close to me while I watched the show. I never thought she was paying attention. WE had her in Catholic school at the time. We ran into the Sisters at the mall and were talken the usual nicesties, when out of the blue my daughter says "I've got to go stroke my monkey!" My wife and I almost passed out. After a moment of silence The younger NUN smiled and said 'You might want to explain to her she dosen't have a monkey to stroke". OUCH! So much for the show. Back to Disney, while she was there with me.

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I used to watch them when I got home from work. My 6 year old daughter used to sit next to me on the couch playing with her doll's just to be close to me while I watched the show. I never thought she was paying attention. WE had her in Catholic school at the time. We ran into the Sisters at the mall and were talken the usual nicesties' date=' when out of the blue my daughter says "I've got to go stroke my monkey!" My wife and I almost passed out. After a moment of silence The younger NUN smiled and said 'You might want to explain to her she dosen't have a monkey to stroke". OUCH! So much for the show. Back to Disney, while she was there with me.[/quote']


ROFLMAO!! Me AND Gramma had a huge guffaw at this, Steven, thanks for the tale.

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Another excellent cartoon that was butchered in editing to be more 'appropriate' for the mass market.


In the first season, Beavis was always trying to smoke with a great deal of comedic effort.

He had a debilitating fixation with fire, remember this?


Fire.... Fire..... FIRE.... FIRE!!!!!! YES!



So, some woman's ten year old kid burned down her trailer house and she sued MTV.


I'm not kidding.


MTV, being the wise folks that they are, demanded Mike Judge use no references to fire in the second season.

The first season was 'sanitized' before it aired again, but veiled references to fire still abound in later shows.


Funny as hell if you catch it, especially when they were watching Henry Rollins' video for his song Liar....

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