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Larry' date=' what did I miss here? I've been away for a few days. Hope you're doing well?[/quote']


Hey Karen! My oldest son has been deployed to Bagdad, Iraq for the last year. He's home on two weeks leave. I picked him up at the airport Wednesday morning. I posted on the Forum that I would be absent from the website for two weeks and stated the reason why. I was overwhelmed with the kind thoughts and support for my son from everybody here. You guys are really great! And the gig tonight was "spot-on"! We really played "tight". A great night tonight! Life is good!

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Awww, that's wonderful! Please tell him from me that we appreciate all they are doing over there. They are very brave. My dad was in the Canadian army for 30 years (served in WW11) and I grew up in army camps. I have a great appreciation for the ethics of young soldiers everywhere.


Sounds like you have a wonderful son. Glad you got to spend two weeks together and he got to have some time off and fun!

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Awww' date=' that's wonderful! Please tell him from me that we appreciate all they are doing over there. They are very brave. My dad was in the Canadian army for 30 years (served in WW11) and I grew up in army camps. I have a great appreciation for the ethics of young soldiers everywhere.


Sounds like you have a wonderful son. Glad you got to spend two weeks together and he got to have some time off and fun![/quote']


Thanks, Karen! Yea, he's a good son. And a very special salute to your Dad. All WWII vets were indeed a special group. They're the reason we all have the freedoms we enjoy today. My son still has another week and a half leave. We're heading for the Outer Banks (NC) Monday morning for a couple of days of Red Drum fishing. And yes, I'm taking a guitar with me!!!

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This is my first post on this forum, been reading it for a while. I hate to start off by being confrontational, but I feel I need to say something here. Not all of us support the war in Iraq - and I personally find some of this jingoistic backslapping offensive. This war is unjust and it has resulted in a huge humanitarian crisis - did you know that because of the war there are millions of orphans in Iraq? All this "because of the soldiers we have our freedom" stuff is disturbing because it doesn't take into account the terrible, brutal human rights abuses that allegedly guarantee this freedom. I know the kind of responses this post will get - "it's people like you who let the terrorists win", "brave men and women died for your freedom" etc. Please flame away. I'm not out to convince any of you, but I feel someone had to speak up, lest people reading this forum thought all of us feel the same way.

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This is my first post on this forum' date=' been reading it for a while. I hate to start off by being confrontational, [/quote']


I that case, Larry.... I PRAY your son and all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are successful in keeping the right for Randy to say stupid things.

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I that case' date=' Larry.... I PRAY your son and all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are successful in keeping the right for Randy to say stupid things. [/quote']


Maybe he should go and live in Iraq and help THEM if he loves them so much. I'm sure he'll enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities there that we enjoy here!

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I, too, have been away for quite a while, and was just catching up on a few threads. I wish your son a safe return. Not sure who Randy is, but this is not a place for politics, but a place to encourage each other musically and otherwise. Enjoy your next few days on the water with your son, Larry. Fishing, music, and a man with his son ... can't think of a better combination!

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Indeed, this is not the place for politics, but if one of us finds something offensive we should speak out. I know nobody will agree with me here, and I don't mean to insult anyone. I'm just presenting a conflicting opinion. This isn't a U.S.A. only forum, and maybe some of us find the remarks that have been made in support of the war insensitive. I guess anyone who offers that point of view is "stupid."

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This is my first post on this forum' date=' been reading it for a while. I hate to start off by being confrontational, but I feel I need to say something here. Not all of us support the war in Iraq - and I personally find some of this jingoistic backslapping offensive. This war is unjust and it has resulted in a huge humanitarian crisis - did you know that because of the war there are [u']millions[/u] of orphans in Iraq? All this "because of the soldiers we have our freedom" stuff is disturbing because it doesn't take into account the terrible, brutal human rights abuses that allegedly guarantee this freedom. I know the kind of responses this post will get - "it's people like you who let the terrorists win", "brave men and women died for your freedom" etc. Please flame away. I'm not out to convince any of you, but I feel someone had to speak up, lest people reading this forum thought all of us feel the same way.

Randy, welcome to the forum. I understand your point and you speak for many people I'm sure. Just to clarify, no one person on this forum would presume to speak for every one else; this is a guitar forum. We are responding to our friend Larry whose son IS a brave individual. I would think that even if you don't support the mission, you would still worry and care about the young soldiers who are doing dangerous work on the other side of the world right now. Regardless of your belief about the mission, they are brave and dedicated. That is admirable.


What kind of music do you play? Got any Gibsons? Care to post pictures? If you've been reading for awhile, you know we love pictures :D/

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Thanks for the kind and understanding response, Gilliangirl. I absolutely hope the soldiers return safely! I have no ill feelings towards them - it is the premise of the invasion that I disagree with. I hate war and violence and would criticize people who threatened terror against the U.S. or Canada as much as I criticize U.S. policy. I didn't mean to insult Larry or his son, not at all. I just wanted to raise a voice against this unquestioning support of war. I wish all the soldiers a safe return, and I hope the new U.S. government pulls them out of there soon. Like you say, I'm against the mission, not the men and women taking part in it. It is tragic when anyone must fight or be killed.

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Another welcome here Randy....


Hope your future posts are about your Gibsons or other acoustic guitars as we all love them here. Politics rarely get discussed in this part of the forum as we are kind of like a big family that is spread across several countries. Regardless of our politics, we tend to support each other here and we were all happy for Larry that he has a rare opportunity to spend time with his son who is still on active duty serving the United States in a difficult war. Regardless of your feelings about my countries government, you should understand our respect for Larrys son.


Now, tell us about your guitars, music styles and influences. As a new member, we would much prefer to hear your thoughts on that instead of politics. Unfortunatly your starting with a first post saying we have all unquestioning support of the war is a bit "trollish" and feels a bit like your trying to stir things up. Trust me, "the Lounge" is where you will have the most fun with that type of chat. Here, we are much more laid back and love talking acoustic guitars. Let's hear about yours.

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Great to see you back Larry! It's unfortunate that sometimes topics such as these stray off to anti-war comments. The underlying subject here is that your son stands up for what we believe in and is fighting where some of us care not to tread. He didn't start the war nor does he work to continue it. He is merely doing what needs to be done.. Play a sweet tune on that Gibson for us!

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Thanks for the kind and understanding response' date=' Gilliangirl. I absolutely hope the soldiers return safely! I have no ill feelings towards them - it is the premise of the invasion that I disagree with. I hate war and violence and would criticize people who threatened terror against the U.S. or Canada as much as I criticize U.S. policy. I didn't mean to insult Larry or his son, not at all. I just wanted to raise a voice against this unquestioning support of war. I wish all the soldiers a safe return, and I hope the new U.S. government pulls them out of there soon. Like you say, I'm against the mission, not the men and women taking part in it. It is tragic when [u']anyone[/u] must fight or be killed.




I don't think anyone here likes, or supports war!!

We do support our soldiers!!

My son has just finished his 1st year there too. Your right this is not a political forum, so give it a rest!!

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I that case' date=' Larry.... I PRAY your son and all the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are successful in keeping the right for Randy to say stupid things. [/quote']

Wow, People never cease to amaze me. I dont want to turn this into a long winded thread about the Iraq Occupation, but explain to me what is so "stupid" about what he said. I dont see anything "stupid" or inaccurate. It is always alarming when a country in general just blindly supports any war.


As for the back slapping comment, he is dead-on. Patting soldiers on the back, clapping, shooting off fireworks etc. do NOT a patriot make. A patriot calls his congressman and tells them not to DARE send soldiers off to die for nothing (which is obviously his concern). A patriot also says "Raise my taxes during wartime to PAY for this war and to make sure soldiers are WELL treated and supported". A faux patriot thinks sticking a flag magnet on their car or wearing a "USA all the way!" shirt makes someone a patriot.


When I hear about/see a soldier coming home its a 2-way sort of feeling I have. I am glad there are people willing to sacrifice their lives for their country and for the people they care about most. Then I just feel bad as i wish that soldier could just be at home so that they can enjoy their life and the people that care about them don't have to worry anymore. These parents, wives, children etc. losing people to this occupation is just as troubling as it gets.


Also, it is beyond insensitive to NOT feel terrible for all the lost innocent lives over in the Middle East. I can't believe people either refuse to or are to ignorant to understand that most citizens of countries have no interest in terrorism and extremeism. They are held captive by the same psychotic few that terrorrized us. Yet we take the actions of this proportionately small amount of people as the definition of an entire society. How can we profess to know and understand a society as deeply different as theirs is? Lighten up on the anti-war people. They are anti-war because they care about people

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When I hear about/see a soldier coming home its a 2-way sort of feeling I have. I am glad there are people willing to sacrifice their lives for their country and for the people they care about most. Then I just feel bad as i wish that soldier could just be at home so that they can enjoy their life and the people that care about them don't have to worry anymore. These parents, wives, children etc. losing people to this occupation is just as troubling as it gets."


They could be home if that's what they choose to do!! They're doing what they believe in!!

Same as you!! What ever happened to that famous hippie quote. (You do your thing & I'll do mine")

Does that only apply to people who do what you approve of??

You don't need to "get the word out". It's out!! Some just don't agree with "the word".

Stop pushing your beliefs, on everyone else. Just because some don't see things as you do doesn't mean they're wrong!!

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I have a beat up adj J-50 by the way, guys!


To put this to rest from my side, the reason I've read this forum for a while is because most of you guys seem like really nice people, and really knowledgeable about guitars. The way you guys sought out a forum member (Terry) who you thought might be in trouble was a pretty cool demonstration of kindness. I spoke up about my feelings on the war to counter what I felt were some facile comments about a serious thing. I really don't want to be the guy who pees on everyone's campfire, but I stand by what I said.


To demonstrate I'm not trolling I did post what I hope was a constructive guitar-oriented post about ceramic saddles.

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Randy, welcome to the forum.


Are you the guy asking about a J-160e?


My BIL plays one, and it's a fantastic guitar. He's a Beatles fan, I'm SURE that's why he sought it out.


Here's a pic of us playing at my son's wedding, you can see him playing his J-160e behind me.


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By the way' date=' I'd be happy to take that sunburst Dove off your hands. It's a beaut. You thought of selling?[/quote']


Thanks... she's my baby...not for sale... wife bought her for me back in 1980 as a birthday present. I am working on adding a Doves In Flight to my herd, but I'll never get rid of the Dove. My favorite player is a 1969 Jubilee, (Gibson only made it 2 years... for their "Diamond Jubilee"), it's beat-up pretty bad, but plays and sounds like a dream.



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