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I'm a Vietnam vet. I didnt support the war. I didnt want to go. I got drafted. I didnt have any say in whether I went or not. But I went and took orders and was one of the many who returned ... not the same man as when I left, but I returned.


War is too complicated an issue to be dealt with in a few words, a few paragraphs, a few pages. So I dont even try.


All I know is that it's as scary for a soldier coming home as it is for a soldier going over, and when a brother comes home I am happy for him and his family. I have several friends who never made it back.

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I'm a Vietnam vet. I didnt support the war. I didnt want to go. I got drafted. I didnt have any say in whether I went or not.



Welcome back and thanks for serving.


I too was drafted back in 1969, (August 13...so I Woodstock happened almost immediately after I went in).


I also had no say in where I had to go. I was trained in Field Artillery, and immediately sent to 'Nam. Did my thing for a year, and came home.


When I was drafted, I was newly married to a groupie.... when I was gone she continued to be a groupie.... however, it wasn't MY group!! HAHAHAHAHA......



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I'm a Vietnam vet. I didnt support the war. I didnt want to go. I got drafted. I didnt have any say in whether I went or not. But I went and took orders and was one of the many who returned ... not the same man as when I left' date=' but I returned.



I never understood people who protested against the Vietnam War soldiers. You know, "baby killers" and all that. It was the bloody mission that was terrible, not the guys who got drafted. You guys deserve compassion and respect.


Anyroads, to bring this back to guitars. Joni Mitchell had a Martin D-28 that she got from a guy who was in 'Nam. It's kind of poetic that she used an instrument that had been in a warzone to make sweet music.


Here's a quote from an article:


""The guitar had accompanied him to Vietnam and was in his tent when it was hit with shrapnel. "There were two instruments and all this captain's stuff in there," Mitchell says. "When they cleared the wreckage, all that survived was this guitar. I don't know whether the explosion did something to the modules in the wood, but that guitar was a trooper, man." Mitchell played that D-28 on all her early albums. Before she recorded Court and Spark, it was damaged on an airline, and soon after it was stolen off a luggage carousel in Maui. Wistfully, she adds, "I've never found an acoustic that could compare with it."""

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When I was drafted' date=' I was newly married to a groupie.... when I was gone she continued to be a groupie.... however, it wasn't MY group!! HAHAHAHAHA......



I left a guitar with my girlfriend when I left ... a cheapie classical guitar, but it really sounded nice.


Her "new boyfriend" got hold of it and smashed it for some reason .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Joke was on them ... I left my Gibson with my folks and it was there when I got back.

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I left a guitar with my girlfriend when I left ... a cheapie classical guitar' date=' but it really sounded nice.


Her "new boyfriend" got hold of it and smashed it for some reason .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Joke was on them ... I left my Gibson with my folks and it was there when I got back. [/quote']


The joke is on the Groupie's husband too..... he ended up with HER... and I got a wife that can't be



This is her


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When I hear about/see a soldier coming home its a 2-way sort of feeling I have. I am glad there are people willing to sacrifice their lives for their country and for the people they care about most. Then I just feel bad as i wish that soldier could just be at home so that they can enjoy their life and the people that care about them don't have to worry anymore. These parents' date=' wives, children etc. losing people to this occupation is just as troubling as it gets."


They could be home if that's what they choose to do!! They're doing what they believe in!!

Same as you!! What ever happened to that famous hippie quote. (You do your thing & I'll do mine")

Does that only apply to people who do what you approve of??

You don't need to "get the word out". It's out!! Some just don't agree with "the word".

Stop pushing your beliefs, on everyone else. Just because some don't see things as you do doesn't mean they're wrong!! [/quote']

Listen to be learned here: If you disagree with someones views, and vocalize it, you are "pushing your beliefs on them". Wow, this country has seriously gotten to be so hypersensitive. I dont know where the hell I am living anymore

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... not the same man as when I left' date=' but I returned.



All I know is that [b']it's as scary for a soldier coming home as it is for a soldier going over[/b], and when a brother comes home I am happy for him and his family. I have several friends who never made it back.

I am 51 years old but I still love learning new things. I try to learn something new every day. Sometimes I have to seek it out, and sometimes it comes to me. Reading this statement was profound. It never occurred to me that it would be scary coming home but I guess if you've had a life-changing experience, it would be scary coming home. Thank you for the lesson I learned today. Really.

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I don't think any of this belongs on the Gibson Acoustic forum' date=' and I wish a Moderator would move it to the Lounge.


Even more, I wish members would exercise some judgment is where they initiate threads like this.[/quote']



Maybe. On the other hand if the original post had been put in the Lounge, few of us would have shared larryp58's joy.

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Maybe. On the other hand if the original post had been put in the Lounge' date=' few of us would have shared larryp58's joy.[/quote']


Totally agree. Some threads get eaten in no time over there.


The return of a member's son from danger is a cause for celebration thanks and sharing. No one has to read or post on a thread if they don't want to.


Despite the efforts of some, this thread has remained apolitical, despite the varying views on the war. I'm sure we all have strong views but we have all recognised this is not the place to debate them.


That's why this Forum is so great.


Enjoy the remainder of your son's leave Larry and please say "thanks" from me.

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