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Carrie Prejean


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Oh, my mistake, it was only one video, it was reportedly quite graphic, she has admitted to it, and calls it 'a mistake'. She has had breast implants, and if you google Prejean nude photos, you will find them. I obviously cannot post them here. I think what rubs people the wrong way here (no pun intended [blink] ) is that she's got a holier-than-thou attitude, all the while using religion to sell herself. It doesn't jive.


Anyway, I honestly don't care; I just thought the Larry King Live video was hysterical!

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Larry King knew full well not to ask about the settlement. The wanker "Merideth" on the Today Show did the same thing and was told the same thing by Ms. Prejean. King knew if he asked her that question, Prejean would probably say the same thing. What is he stupid or just wanted a confrontation? He kept asking her. I'm glad she took off the microphone, but she could have also just walked off the set.[blink]


Notice the first caller Larry's producer had lined up for Ms. Pregean. A gay guy wanting to know her view on gay marriage. Hello people! Tell me it wasn't all contrived. That caller had been waiting for at least an hour to ask that question and was bumped to the head of the list because of the content of the question.


Furthermore, I'd be willing to bet that the producer probably even set it up with one of their own "gay" acquaintances. I know how it works and you do to.


She did the right thing by ending the interview. I just didn't like the way she ended it.

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Yeah, I ALMOST feel sorry for her. She's young, inexperienced in front of the camera <chortle, as milod would say> and really cannot defend herself against the Hollywood sharks and media conmen. She's in over her head and is going to learn a few hard lessons, unfortunately in full public view. We've all grown up but few of us have had to grow up in front of millions of people. She's got some learning to do, I think.

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BTW, on the subject of "porn" <true out-loud chortle>, karen, that avatar pix of yours is beautiful. Stedda the Carrie pix, I'd like to see that one full-size.


Or maybe I'm just getting too old to watch the vid. <grin>



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BTW' date=' on the subject of "porn" <true out-loud chortle>, karen, that avatar pix of yours is beautiful. Stedda the Carrie pix, I'd like to see that one full-size.


Or maybe I'm just getting too old to watch the vid. <grin>




That is real guitar porn, isn't it? I just tried to blow it up but it only distorted it. It was originally a small picture so that's probably why. That guitar is not mine. I swiped it from either the 2008 or 2009 NAMM pics online. We think it's an SJ-200 double vine. I absolutely love it [biggrin] <sigh>

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Karen... avatar...


Yeah, that guitar is gorgeous. There's something about even semi-hollows up through straight acoustics that have to me far more beauty than the most gussied-up solidbody. But then... I don't know if that's because I'm old fashioned or whether somehow they simply better fit my aesthetic sense...



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Hey, I ain't gonna knock it. I've had variations of storebought teeth since I was 20, so... <grin> I think I look a lot better than I would have with just a cupla stumps or something in the front of the mouth at 20 and a lot better with a full set of storeboughts than none at all. <chortle>



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Larry King is the worst interviewer on the planet and is often uninformed about the guest that show up on his show. One of his biggest gaffes was at the unvailing of a plaque for George Harrison and he called him George Hamilton.


I'm sure her people felt King was the perfect place to go because his show is fluff anyway.


My guess is they were feeding him questions through his earpiece.

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She is a Patriot.


I don't agree with on some issues but she has my support

A patriot?! Tell me you are joking. She (barely) gives a narrow minded opinion (that was full of waffling, incorrect "facts" and half truths) at a beauty pageant. Then gets snapped up by a bunch of right wing handlers who salivate about marketing her because she is hot. Then she cries to the press and in a book about how she got picked on for being in the spotlight and giving her personal opinion (gee that doesnt happen to all celebrities does it?). THEN she goes on a media frenzy claiming her free speech right is being violated (telling everyone this on multiple nationally televised TV networks, including one she said was censoring her just a few hours earlier). And now she is a patriot?


What she is is a whiny,snotty little priss. Who needs slapped

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Well whaddaya know!!! Look! Here it is right here.....


"And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…


ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'


TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'


THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'


FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'


FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'


SIX: 'You shall not murder.'


SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'


EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'


NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'


TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'


ELEVEN: 'You shall not get breast implants, unless you're running in a beauty pageant. That's different.'

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Matt et al...


The avatar right now - I'd just about planned to change it before a night work assignment <grin> is my old Guild S100C.


It's pretty much an SG copy from the early-mid 1970s. There weren't any Gibsons around, btw, so I got this one.


Humbuckers seem a bit warmer than the SG, but maybe that's me. I'm told it sounds nice as a finger-style jazz/blues guitar that cuts through even so better than a semi-hollow. <grin> I dunno, but that's what I have a tendency to play in fronta people nowadays. Still, it can get a little raunchy ifn't you want. It does feel a little odd sitting there doing jazz chords on it but... what the heck.


There's also a phase switch that seems pretty worthless to me. I used it to play flatpick rock and country on it in the mid-late 1970s. Very thin and yet relatively wide and flat neck. It seems kinda standard Gibson width at the nut.


The top is carved, btw, with acorns and oak leaves on this particular model, and had the clear pick guard.


Funny thing is it seems to be gaining value. It and the case aren't much worse off than if they'd been in a guitar store back room after being a floor model a while - except a little clinker from where I had a tendency to put a cigarette in the strings up by the nut. <grin> Still have that habit - both the smoking and the putting the little cigar up there.



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