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AC/DC may cancel in Austria due to birds


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Yeah but Neo' date=' were you standing 12 inches away from the speakers? I was!

No one showed up and about a hundred of us had the whole band to ourselves![/quote']

Oh, well, that's different!!!


Damn, what a shame.

Great show though, eh?

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"two-tower concept would be too tall for the common tern to fly over."



Animal rights campaigners are threatening legal action

Hans Uhl of BirdLife

The second biggest colony of curlews in Upper Austria


Anybody here (besides me) ever have a dead bird in their yard?



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This is retarded! **** those birds!

I don't care if AC/DC could play anywhere they want. It's more about the fans who wont be able to see them if they can't play there. And my god! They're at an airport! Those jumbo jets are noisier then **** AND they blow huge gusts of wind out behind them when they take of AND birds fly into the engines and die. I don't think an AC/DC concert will bug them.

ALSO!!! I have had a few pet birds and they all love hard rock! They chirp along and dance and ****!!!! If anything an AC/DC concert will attract more of the little buggers! xD

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Anybody here (besides me) ever have a dead bird in their yard?


The point I'm trying to make is that these brain-dead, knee-jerk, do-gooder know-it-alls need to come up

with an explanation for the dead birds I find on my property.


They don't live here.

I never see them come and go.

There are no hazards, poisons, windmills, insecticides, predators (cats, anybody?) or anything else to kill 'em.


But somehow, I still manage to find dead birds on my property.


Go figure...


I'm not inviting them.

I'm not scaring them away.

I'm not feeding them.

I'm not killing them when they're here.


They can come and go as they please.



All the years I've worked in chemical plants, refineries and power plants, we've always had to report EVERY dead

bird we find onsite. Then I stop to eat at Taco Bell on the way home and find dead pigeons in the parking lot.

Nobody leads a Congressional Inquisition of fast food joints and their environmental hazards.


Ever see how much smoke belches from the roof of a Burger King from their "flame-broiled Whopper?"

I'm 100% serious.


When I got my Federal Firearms License to sell guns to the world, I had to complete EPA paperwork for

an "environmental impact" statement that is now a permanent public record forever linked to me.


I had to provide all sorts of info regarding lakes, rivers, streams and runoff from my property.

(I'm in the fxcking desert...)


They wanted to know my proximity to navigable waterways, and chemicals I would use in my business.

(I'm in the fxcking desert...)


The only paperwork any of these environmentalists ever filed was a lawsuit.

Most of the Green Crusaders would do good to get a high school diploma.



COC, have you ever filed a lawsuit?

Doubt it.


Bet you own a cat though.

How many birds die at the paws of 'curious' cats?



Think I'll file a lawsuit.

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I have no access to you-tube while at work. Otherwise, I would be posting a live version of ''Shot down in flames'' if I could find one. I think it suits the subject perfectly...[biggrin]


Perhaps Angus can find inspiration to write another classic song, referring to all this ''doesn't make any sense and only gets more absurb every time'' neo-eco-frenzy...


I have no objection protecting the planet that we ruin every day, but there must always be a distinct line between sanity and irrational thinking...

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Definition of irony;


As I type this at 2:25 AM (it's NIGHT TIME in the desert) I can hear an owl outside.

Thought it was Gambel Quail at first, no way could that be right....


It's an owl, alive and well - in the desert.

Even with all the guns I have stockpiled here - and a Marshall stack.


[biggrin] :-

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I know you want a fight. Relax. There's no need to get angry about a rock concert and some endangered birds.


I'm on your side about most of this. It's ******* hypocrisy that "Green Crusaders" ignore the pollution coming from fast food joints and other wasteful businesses in our everyday lives. We live in a disgusting world. We should be trying to save our planet from all forms of waste, those from chemical plants and those from fast food restaurants.


You did a good thing filling out the enviromental impact statement. Have no shame about it. You can sit back knowing you did the right thing. What the environmentalists do should not concern you. They're trying to make a difference, and they're doing their best in a way they think will be effective. Not everyone will agree with them. I myself don't agree with them most of the time. I know you're going to respond with some angry rant about how it does concern you and how they're all a$$holes who don't do a damn thing. Feel free. I get it. Or you can insult me.


Anyway, back on topic. I never meant to get into talking about environmentalists or pollution. I was talking about some endangered birds that were in potential danger from an AC/DC concert. If the birds are in danger, why not postpone the show? The fans can wait a few months to get everything cleared up, and the band can still play. You said it yourself how much damage we do to the Earth through pollution and greed. I think the least we can do is make sure that the nearly endangered birds are safe from harm. If we start only caring about ourselves on this planet, we'll destroy ourselves even faster.


I'm just sharing my opinion on protecting some birds. You don't have to agree with me.


By the way, I don't have a cat.



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There's no need to get angry about a rock concert and some endangered birds.

I'm not angry.

That's the first mistake you made months ago' date=' and you just can't seem to separate yourself from it.

I state my position clearly and firmly.

No need for anybody to run and hide.




I'm on your side about most of this.

No, you're not.

And if you ever were, why the contrarian posts?

That's why I made the reference to your last ten posts in your profile.

Check it anytime, the content is always the same.

It's simply what you do.


The above post is the first articulate and lucid post I've seen from you in months.

Good job by the way, you really should do that more often.






We should be trying to save our planet

To paraphrase an old Lone Ranger joke' date=' what's this "we" stuff?

Who is "we" that you refer to?

How about YOU?

That's my point.


WE do all the heavy lifting, pay all the taxes, fees, fines, assessments and jump thru all the hoops.

The Enviroweenies simply create more for me to pay and accomplish d!ck in the process.

Lofty goals that you dreamily espouse, but the reality is quite different.

What do YOU do in this regard?


This is not an insult, not a trap, not an invitation to a fight.

I made my statement to ensure my position is clear.

Why am I usually the only one?

So, again, what do YOU do?

After 30 years in various industries, I finally got into nuclear power because I BELIEVE in it.




You did a good thing filling out the enviromental impact statement.

Have no shame about it. You can sit back knowing you did the right thing.

I had no choice - it's the law!




What the environmentalists do should not concern you.

They're trying to make a difference' date=' and they're doing their best in a way they think will be effective. [/quote']

It concerns me because I'm PAYING for it.

Every day.

If you make $100k a year, about half of that is lost immediately to taxation.

Think about that for a minute, let it soak in.


With what's left over, I have to navigate my way thru the 'differences' in what I drive, where I live, what I eat,

what my children are indoctrinated with in school, the condition of our roads, the price and quality of fuels.....


My toilets and showers are limited by law concerning how much water they use.

Of course, I can leave the shower running all day and flush the toilet 5 times to make it function.

What does that save?

If it simply worked correctly, I would use much less water to start with, thru fixtures made better at lower cost.




I know you're going to respond with some angry rant about how it does

concern you and how they're all a$$holes who don't do a damn thing. Feel free. I get it.

Another common mistake.

Truth does NOT = anger.

I'll say it again and again....

Disagree with me all you want.

That's fine' date=' dialogue is healthy, points of view need to be examined to validate or discount them.


Now tell me where I'm wrong.




Or you can insult me.

Not necessary here.

I appreciate your effort in dialogue.





If the birds are in danger' date=' why not postpone the show?

The fans can wait a few months to get everything cleared up, and the band can still play.[/quote']

Who has ANY proof that they're in danger?

The part you're missing is the theatrics involved here, and I'm not talking about Angus.

Some broke-d!ck, half-assed enviromental group needs to attract attention to attract money to their cause.

It's ALWAYS about the money, especially on the Enviroweenies' side because they have none of their own.

Cancel an AC/DC show and you're Green Superstars! People will donate money to your cause.....


You GOTTA see the big picture here.


Hans Uhl of BirdLife could pony up the big bucks and simply buy Wels airport in Austria.

They could run the damned thing however they see fit.

THAT would fix everything, would it not?


They put their own fxcking money where their mouth is, while we all watch and make sure they do it right.




[biggrin] :-


Then, here's the part I REALLY like;

I could choose whether or not I wanted to spend money at their airport.


If they wanted to host a huge AC/DC show, I might fly over to see it.

Spend a couple thousand dollars to fly in, pay for hotel rooms, transportation, food, souvenirs.


Or, I could decide ol' Hans is an idiot and keep my wallet closed.

Let the idiots who believe in him support him.

If he goes broke and loses the airport, then it really didn't mean much to very many people then, did it?


THAT is how you know what's real.




I think the least we can do is make sure that the nearly endangered birds are safe from harm. If we start only caring about ourselves on this planet' date=' we'll destroy ourselves even faster.

Here we go with that "we" thing again.

I can type pages and pages listing what I've done for the environment over the years - big stuff and little.

What I've taught my kids, what I pressure my friends and family into...

Let's talk about YOU.




By the way' date=' I don't have a cat. [/quote']

Thank God.

Murderous, ravenous little bastards...



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Scheduled to play at an "Airport?!" Aren't there (noisy) planes' date=' jets and stuff...at Airports?!!

What do the birds do, THEN? LOL! Much adoo doo, about nothing...IMHO.[/quote']




Even the mighty AC/DC is no match for jet engines. Apparently, these birds can't be all that picky about where they live if the noise and pollution from jets taking off all day and night doesn't bother them so I don't see why a night of AC/DC would be a problem.

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The only reason I could see that might have some merit to change the venue or postpone the concert is if those birds nest on the ground. 80,000 people are going to go tromping through there and destroy the nests and eggs it that's the case. If the birds are endangered I wouldn't want that to happen. I don't know if that is the case though because I have no idea where these birds build their nests.

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Oh, I agree with you 100% in that regard Dave - COC too.


That's why I say that Hans Uhl of BirdLife could buy the whole damned place and invite AC/DC to play a

date that better fits with the nesting schedule of the birds. But let's make the bird-brains bear the cost, eh?

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I'm not angry.

That's the first mistake you made months ago' date=' and you just can't seem to separate yourself from it.

I state my position clearly and firmly.

No need for anybody to run and hide.



Good. Sorry for the misunderstanding.



No' date=' you're not.

And if you ever were, why the contrarian posts?

That's why I made the reference to your last ten posts in your profile.

Check it anytime, the content is always the same.

It's simply what you do.



I made a mistake months ago about you being angry. You made a mistake too. No matter how much you want me to be one, I'm not a troll. I don't say things to get people angry. The things I say are my honest opinion, and I think you know that. You're always looking for a fight, and I'm usually ready to defend myself. The reason my last 10 posts are BUMPs and other short posts are simply because I haven't found a thread worth typing a paragraph about for a while. I don't feel the need to type long arguments on a daily basis. There's usually nothing to argue about.


The above post is the first articulate and lucid post I've seen from you in months.

Good job by the way' date=' you really should do that more often.





I know you'll jump at the chance, so here's an open invitation. Call me out more often. Challenge me. In a forum filled with threads about catfights and goodbyes, it'd be nice to see some more argument. Like I said already, I'm not a troll. If there's something I feel strongly about, I'll share my opinion.


To paraphrase an old Lone Ranger joke' date=' what's this "we" stuff?

Who is "we" that you refer to?

How about YOU?

That's my point.


WE do all the heavy lifting, pay all the taxes, fees, fines, assessments and jump thru all the hoops.

The Enviroweenies simply create more for me to pay and accomplish d!ck in the process.

Lofty goals that you dreamily espouse, but the reality is quite different.

What do YOU do in this regard?


This is not an insult, not a trap, not an invitation to a fight.

I made my statement to ensure my position is clear.

Why am I usually the only one?

So, again, what do YOU do?

After 30 years in various industries, I finally got into nuclear power because I BELIEVE in it.



I'm a 15 year old. I do the best I can to help the world. It's not much, because the world is filled with people like you. Like your post, that isn't an insult. The world is filled with people who don't value the opinions of teenagers. I promise you by the time I'm your age I will have made a difference. I like to think that I make a difference now.


I had no choice - it's the law!


Are you saying it wasn't a good thing? In filling out the form you helped the environment. Like I already said' date=' you should feel no shame or regret about that.



It concerns me because I'm PAYING for it.

Every day.

If you make $100k a year, about half of that is lost immediately to taxation.

Think about that for a minute, let it soak in.


With what's left over, I have to navigate my way thru the 'differences' in what I drive, where I live, what I eat,

what my children are indoctrinated with in school, the condition of our roads, the price and quality of fuels.....


My toilets and showers are limited by law concerning how much water they use.

Of course, I can leave the shower running all day and flush the toilet 5 times to make it function.

What does that save?

If it simply worked correctly, I would use much less water to start with, thru fixtures made better at lower cost.


I agree with you. You shouldn't be paying half of your salary to something you don't believe in. I think half is extreme even if you do believe in it. Helping the environment should be voluntary, but it's something I think we all know has to be done.



Another common mistake.

Truth does NOT = anger.

I'll say it again and again....

Disagree with me all you want.

That's fine' date=' dialogue is healthy, points of view need to be examined to validate or discount them.


Now tell me where I'm wrong.



You misunderstood me. I was just expecting you to disagree with me. Which you did. I should have made it more clear.


Not necessary here.

I appreciate your effort in dialogue.



Thank you.


Who has ANY proof that they're in danger?

The part you're missing is the theatrics involved here' date=' and I'm not talking about Angus.

Some broke-d!ck, half-assed enviromental group needs to attract attention to attract money to their cause.

It's ALWAYS about the money, especially on the Enviroweenies' side because they have none of their own.

Cancel an AC/DC show and you're Green Superstars! People will donate money to your cause.....


You GOTTA see the big picture here.


[b']Hans Uhl[/b] of BirdLife could pony up the big bucks and simply buy Wels airport in Austria.

They could run the damned thing however they see fit.

THAT would fix everything, would it not?


They put their own fxcking money where their mouth is, while we all watch and make sure they do it right.




[flapper] [flapper]


Then, here's the part I REALLY like;

I could choose whether or not I wanted to spend money at their airport.


If they wanted to host a huge AC/DC show, I might fly over to see it.

Spend a couple thousand dollars to fly in, pay for hotel rooms, transportation, food, souvenirs.


Or, I could decide ol' Hans is an idiot and keep my wallet closed.

Let the idiots who believe in him support him.

If he goes broke and loses the airport, then it really didn't mean much to very many people then, did it?


THAT is how you know what's real.



I wouldn't expect them to cancel the show without any proof. As far as I know, they haven't cancelled the show. I don't think I need to write a long response to this, because it's simple. Have Hans come up with some proof, or the show goes on. You'd be a fool to just listen to the guy without getting any proof.


Well there you have it. I know it's late, but I felt bad not responding to something that took so long for you to write.

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Just incredible to me how people differ. I'm 15 and I think much more efficiently than you do. Who gives a sh!t about those stupid birds. They're already endangered and it isn't making a difference to the ecosystems yet. And because they're near the airport, AC/DC isn't going to hurt them with some good rock n roll. There are two rabbits and a hamster in the room next to mine and all the loud music from my room hasn't phased them one bit.


And I agree with NeoConMan about the whole money thing. I don't have to pay for anything yet, but I'm gonna be pissed when I do. I don't believe in it. Let the earth heat up, it's a natural cycle.


I recycle and don't deliberately waste water and stuff, but I'm not going out of my way to conserve because I don't give two sh!ts about it.


You need to quit supporting those people; all they are going to do is take all of your money and waste it on stupid stuff because they have no limits and they don't know how to manage money at all.

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Just incredible to me how people differ. I'm 15 and I think much more efficiently than you do. Who gives a sh!t about those stupid birds. They're already endangered and it isn't making a difference to the ecosystems yet. And because they're near the airport' date=' AC/DC isn't going to hurt them with some good rock n roll. There are two rabbits and a hamster in the room next to mine and all the loud music from my room hasn't phased them one bit.



Much more efficiently? If you really meant to use that word, that's pretty funny. I think this paragraph sums up pretty well how you think. You're a damn fool. First of all, the birds aren't endangered yet. We have no idea how it'll hurt (or help) the ecosystem. Next, obviously the airport isn't harming them, but the concert might. Like I said already, if there's proof that the concert will cause harm to the nearly endangered birds, then the concert should be postponed. The birds can't be replaced. If there is no evidence that the birds will be harmed, then the show should go on. I never said we should immediatley cancel the show. I want proof just like everyone else.


I actually laughed out loud at your comparison to the rabbits and a hamster. You're just as you say. You're a typical 15 year old.



And I agree with NeoConMan about the whole money thing. I don't have to pay for anything yet' date=' but I'm gonna be pissed when I do. I don't believe in it. Let the earth heat up, it's a natural cycle.


I recycle and don't deliberately waste water and stuff, but I'm not going out of my way to conserve because I don't give two sh!ts about it. [/quote']


Listen kid, don't talk about things you don't understand. We weren't talking about global warming. Think a little bit before you go jumping into an argument.


And if you want to talk about global warming, you openly admit that you don't give two sh!ts about conservation. It's lazy kids like you that destroy our planet. You don't believe in it because it's easier that way. I understand.


You need to quit supporting those people; all they are going to do is take all of your money and waste it on stupid stuff because they have no limits and they don't know how to manage money at all.


Ok. Go back and read every word I've written in this thread. Once you've done that, come back and tell me where I said I support the environmentalist groups. I think a lot of what they do is just a waste of time. I support their message and their dedication, but not neccesarily what they're doing.


I know it's fun to jump in and side with Neo, but you should establish your own opinions before you start attacking others.


Thanks for the laughs.

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