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RUSH R30 Overture


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Hey guys and gals, my twin sons and their drummer are doing an abbreviated RUSH R30 Overture instrumental at their High School Talent Show next month. Auditions start today. It was fun working with them over the weekend to get the structure and timing down. Has to be 4 minutes or less for the show.


Their abbreviated version is Finding My Way, Anthem, Bastille Day and Passage to Bangkok.


Hopefully they'll get 1st place this year. Sometimes I think it's a popularity contest. Maybe since they're seniors, that will give them the edge.

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VERY nice news man! I bet you're terribly proud of them! All the luck to your boys!


Yep, Love the fact that I've got 18 year old boys that love my style of music. And jamming with them is awesome, when I can keep their volume under control. I like it loud, but not ear bleeding loud.


Anyway, thanks for the comments...

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My kid is 8 years old and I hope that Rush will still be touring when he's old enough to take him to a concert. We played a lot of Rush in high school but we knew our audience too. For example, they had a band audition for the homecoming dance. We were gigging a lot back then and getting money, but we decided to go for it anyways (mainly to pi$$ off the other band). We heard that the other band was going to do an all Hendrix audition and they thought we were going to do an all Rush audition. Well we did songs by The Police, Bruce Springsteen, i.e. the popular ones of the day, instead. Of course we got selected over them, which got them steamed. The best part was at the dance we played a lot of Rush, much to the dismay of the teachers who picked us!


For a talent show this hopefully shouldn't be a big deal. Hope they do well...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the results are in and I'm not surprised, but frustrated. It was basically a "Popularity Contest" not a talent show. My kids aren't exactly the most popular kids in school because they don't like "Rap" or "Hip-Hop". They like good old 70's Classic Rock like me. Needless to say, they performed great and sounded pretty good for their limited equipment but came away with nothing because the audience screamed for their "Popular" friends and the judges probably took that more into account than the actual "Talent".


I'm glad they are Seniors and will not go through this humiliation and frustration ever again. They worked very hard getting everything right for #!%@.


The girl that won second place had to pause in the middle of her singing and look at her hand for lyrics written there. Apparently the judges overlooked it, or the screaming girlfriends in the crowd outweighed that faupaux.


The band that won third place; the drummer's parents were running the show. Maybe I should have volunteered to help out a little more to help sway the judges toward my kids. LOL.


The girls that won first place deserved to place somewhere, but not first. They were pretty good, but also had a lot of screaming girls in the crowd.


I had a feeling it would not be any different than the previous three years, but I thought since my kids are Seniors this year, they might have a little more of a chance since they have "paid their dues" for 4-years now.


At least they got to perform in front of a crowd and did receive some appreciation. A really "funny" part was when one of the Junior High band acts (not even competing against my kids' band) offered their prize to them because they knew they should have won. Of course we didn't accept, but it's nice to know that there was some appreciation of their talent. Several other non-winning acts also said they should have won. It's been like that the past three years also. Other acts recognize and appreciate talent too, but the whole thing is too political.


I'm done ranting now. Sorry I dragged it out so long.

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Thanks bunk man! I'm sorry to hear it went that way....


But dang, thats good experience for the kids....thats the problem with music "contests"....i'm of the mind that it shouldn't be a contest, but if thats the only way to get in front of people to do your thing, then you gotta do it.


Many people never get to play live so that must have been cool for your son and friends....


Good on them!!

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Thanks bunk man! I'm sorry to hear it went that way....


But dang' date=' thats good experience for the kids....thats the problem with music "contests"....i'm of the mind that it shouldn't be a contest, but if thats the only way to get in front of people to do your thing, then you gotta do it.


Many people never get to play live so that must have been cool for your son and friends....


Good on them!![/quote']


Yeah, I wish I could have been up there with them. But didn't want to steal their thunder. They made me proud anyway...

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