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Gotta stop doing this...


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Man I got the same prob. I eat once or twice a day' date=' and it's usually at night. I'm 5'10" and weigh 160, but I don't think I'm very healthy inside. At 39 I'm feeling pretty sluggish and I need to cut back on my drinking.

You're not alone man,



Lessee... I'm @ 160, but no where close to 5'10". So, it isn't that I'm overweight, I'm underheight!


Also, I found that once I hit 40 the weight simply didn't come off like before, (I think it's just nature telling us we should quit trying to impress pretty ladies).

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I'm 6-1' date=' 208 lbs right now. [/quote']


Reminds me of the old Mae West story:


Mae West: How big are you Fella?

Cary Grant: six foot six inches.

Mae West: Well let's forget about the six feet and concentrate on the..........six inches.

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Reminds me of the old Mae West story:


Mae West: How big are you Fella?

Cary Grant: six foot six inches.

Mae West: Well let's forget about the six feet and concentrate on the..........six inches.



zomg, I LOVE me some Mae West!

this was from Myra Breckenridge?

wow, my inner queen just came out o.o


"its not the men in your life, its the life in your men." -Mae West



if your food issue is psychological you'll need more support. Consider it an addiction.


Eaters Anonymous. I went to PDAP (AA for kids under 18) and that helped SO much with bad habits. You can meet others with similar issues, talk to let it out and if you ever feel like you'll fall off the waggon and go nuts you will be assigned a buddy to call for support. Please join a group, it TOTALLY helps.

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Thundergod, this is a very serious issue. I started a website a couple months ago that I dreamed of starting for years. I battled addiction and depression for years. I listened to many and tried many avenues but in the end I had to work very hard to overcome issues. My website is www.automaticme.com and it's free, I will never try sell you anything and you join and be as anonymous as you want to be. People join and tell their story and read others and talk, support, just know you are never alone.


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TG maybe try eating 5 small meals and day. Lots of fruits and veggies. Water is a must.


I'd hate to see you get type 2 diabetes because eating all those carbs, may hurt your insulin making abilities. Makes the pancreas work over time.


I would also suggest a support group to help you. You may need to even talk to someone about personal problems. Don't be afraid of change.

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Lessee... I'm @ 160' date=' but no where close to 5'10". So, it isn't that I'm overweight, I'm underheight!


Also, I found that once I hit 40 the weight simply didn't come off like before, (I think it's just nature telling us we should quit trying to impress pretty ladies).[/quote']


My biggest problem is my line of work that I'm currently in. I'm in the wine industry which goes hand in hand with the food industry. So lots of power lunches and late night eating.

I was 145 when I started 5 years ago.

I'm sure you've been to Napa and Sonoma so you know what I'm talking about!

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^ one of my best friends is a sommelier at berns steak house in tampa. i was best man at his wedding when he got married in vegas. maybe you know him....


I'm from Florida originally, but I'm currently in the San Francisco Bay not Tampa Bay!

Say hello to Jannus Landing for me, did they re -open?

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TG, if you can do it by saying "starting today I'll stop it" then all the power to you. Unfortunately the reality is that very few people can do this. I was not one of them either so I can talk from a little from experience. A gradual change in your lifestyle is the best and most lasting according to the true experts. Most fad diets don't work in the end either. The Atkins diet DOES work, but nobody can stay on it for the rest of their life. If you veer off of an all protein diet then you'll gain even more back. I've seen it happen to more people than I can count.


Start by eating one less hamburger a day for a little while. Replace it with an apple. Get used to that and then replace that pizza with some other fruit. Tell us and all your friends about your successes and failures. Having the proper support is the key to being successful. Reward yourself by saying "ok today I've earned that piece of chocolate I've been craving." Just don't binge on your rewards. It'll take a while but one day you'll wake up and try to eat that burger, but your body will say "I can't take this crappy food." I take just one bite of fast food today and I almost puke.

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Best of luck to you TG.. I struggle with the same thing at times. It's hard to learn portion control when there's so much damn good food around. You just gotta find your own motivation, and remind yourself before you start in snacking on something.


I would question your doctor's opinion for sure. 190-200 pounds for a 6' 4" frame sounds pretty excessive to me... especially if you have a larger than average frame.

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My biggest problem is my line of work that I'm currently in. I'm in the wine industry which goes hand in hand with the food industry. So lots of power lunches and late night eating.

I was 145 when I started 5 years ago.

I'm sure you've been to Napa and Sonoma so you know what I'm talking about!


You know it's hard to live the SF Bay Area and NOT have some connection to the wine industry' date=' (some call it the "Whine Industry").

My good friend is the administrator of Cal Plans a large group of vineyard owners who sell mostly to White Oak, and of course this is my back yard:


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Bad habits die hard TG, but they do die.


It is easy to get use to eating to much and drinking too much but it is possible to cut back.


I had been drinking more diet coke than I sould have for 20 years, lately it was out of control so I cut back a lot and now I drink only 2 a day if that. I feel much better. Before I cut back I could have read into it a say that maybe there is a psycological connection but frankly there wasn't or at least it was not strong enough.


I am currently doing an Amish cleanse and I feel a hell of a lot better already in less than a week, the herbs taste foul but the restults are showing, I am sleeping better and I played guitar last night and this is the most inspired I have been in a year.


I know how it is to have temptation around food, when I got to Mexico it is impossible to not eat too much and too often.


Good luck, you are a smart guy, you know what to do.

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Thunder I feel for you my man.

There is sooo much good food out there. The temptation is all around us.

I really enjoy Indian food. We had it last night and I went way over board...I paid the price last night.

I didnt sleep well and felt ill this morning.


Take it slow and remember its for your own good. I need to take that advice too.

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