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Gotta stop doing this...


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I gotta stop eating as I've been eating for the last 5 years... and the 5 years before them, and the last 5 years before them...


There are days I feel really sick because of it (today is one of such days, it gets hard to breathe!), and it has started to interfere with rehearsals and gigs, evem my bandmates and the guys who call me almost every month to play with them told me so on new year's eve, they said I seem tired and about to explode [lol]


I'll have to go see a doctor about it, unless I want to stop playing.

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What's up?


What do you weigh? How tall are you?


We're here for ya man.


I've been getting into crunches, and cutting down on the beer.....




Love ya Thunder.....



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Thundergod, it takes a big man to admit he needs to stop something, but it takes an even bigger man to say he needs help. Please see your doctor ASAP!! We often like to kid around here, but this time I'm beyond serious. Don't make me come down there and drag your butt to a doctor because this 5'8" 165 pound person CAN and WILL do it!


I've had my share of ups and downs with weight. I did fine as long as I exercised. But I haven't been able to exercise lately due to my back issues, so this time I NEEDED to stay on a healthy diet. It is by far the hardest thing I've done. Getting a Ph.D. and working at NASA was a breeze compared to losing weight. But you can do this and we're here to help.


The first step is to get checked out. The next step is a gradual shift in your eating lifestyle. I've found out that changing "cold turkey" is impossible to do. But eating a little less at a time is pretty easy. Next thing you know you won't be craving those big meals. We'll work on that but first get checked out...

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I'm 46 now. About 5 years ago, I noticed the weight didn't come off as easily as it has in the past. I feel like sh!t coming out of the holidays. I'm moderately overweight, but I notice the bloated gassy feeling, the short breathness, the strain on my knees going up stairs, etc. I gotta do something. I was gonna start today, but some stressfull news led me to bad food and Jack Daniels.

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As we get older, diet becomes more of an issue. I've always had a high metabolism, so weight hasn't been my issue so far. But one thing I learned the hard way, was that I had some bad eating habbits and now suffer with diverticulosis. The doc says most people don't get it until their 60s, but I'm only 41 and have it.


In the big scheme of things, there are worse things to have. But my advice is to eat plenty of fiber [thumbup]

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It's not a quality issue' date=' it's a quantity thing [mad']

Man I got the same prob. I eat once or twice a day, and it's usually at night. I'm 5'10" and weigh 160, but I don't think I'm very healthy inside. At 39 I'm feeling pretty sluggish and I need to cut back on my drinking.

You're not alone man,

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T-God -


Take yourself a long walk, long enough to think things out and decide what you are going to do. Don't stop until you do. On your way back, start your new plan. When you deviate, start walking and do it all over again until you figure out what got you off your plan. When you figure it out, turn around and start walking back making your new plan. It's a 2fer - every time you walk.


It worked for me a long time ago, different problem. I took a bat with me, at the time for dogs or whatever. When I got mad enough at myself and the problem, I walked deep into some woods and I took that bat to a big tree. I used it until I couldn't hold it anymore and my hands were bleeding with blisters. I beat the problem into that tree. Then I broke the bat. I know that walk and tree saved my life. I never returned to the problem or the tree. It was the longest walk of my life. My life as I knew it then, depended on it. I have never told that story to anyone. There is no turning back when you walk until you are sure you know what you have to do.


You sound serious and worried. Nothing like a good walk to sort things out.


Best of luck friend.

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i have advice that is realistic and helpful and simple :


take about a quarter cup to half a cup of oatmeal and eat it RAW without water, just chew it. its not nasty its just dry and plain. do this 10 minutes before each meal and if you get the munchies. when you are done eating it drink a full glass of water.


the water makes the oats in the stomach expand and you'll be half full by the time you start your meal.


also, its good for your digestive system and healthier than some bs protien diet that will land you in the hospital with ketoacidosis


this is not to say don't do MORE or don't consult a doctor, but if you aren't about to go all out...this is a good first step.


-Izzy RN, BSN

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cut your food intake in half. especially carbs. i used to eat a whole bagel for breakfast. now i eat half. used to eat a couple of bread rolls with dinner. now i eat half of one. i haven't stopped eating the things i like, i just eat smaller portions. but, more importantly, ya gotta get up and exercise. 10,000 steps a day if you can manage it or every other day if you can't. i try to walk or jog, swim or bike and do some light weight lifting at least 4 times a week. you must develop a routine.


i'm at the four month mark of quitting a 35 year smoking habit and these methods have helped me be successful and prevented me from gaining more than a couple of pounds.


you can do it.

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You can do it TG your a big guy so your eating like you did as a twenty something guy where exercise and hormones burned it all off anyway you can caught you intake by 50% or more and still be fine and feeling much better. I know My wife is shocked now at how much less I eat I now have two slices of a large Pizza not two large Pizza's on my own. At 6'4" and 240 pounds (16.3% BFI) I'm feeling pretty good but at 300 pounds I felt tired and had no energy.

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Thanks foor the kind words and for your advice guys... yesterday I was feeling really bad after goig to one of those "all you can eat" places...


Last night I decided it's the last time I go to one of those.


When I was in the 20s I was 6'4" and 150 pounds! Really thin, I would eat a lot and wouldn't gain any weight. Now I'm at 235 pounds... the doctor says I hsould be 190-200.



The thing is, I have a real problem with food.


In here you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast is almost the same as in the states (I use the US as example as most members live there), now lunch and dinner, they include lots of carbs, rice is a must, so are potatos and stuff like that (people here in general eat a lot compared to other countries).


My problem is, I eat the 3 normal meals, and then eat a couple burguers between breakfast and lunch... pizza between lunch and dinner, and whatever I can get my hands on after dinner.



I eat a lot before gigs too... it's ridiculous. At times I have lunch and then I go out and eat 2 burgers right after lunch! I never worried about it because I didn't get fatter and didn't feel sick, but now I am (mainly feeling sick after eating as much). Last night I couldn't even breathe, my better (smaller) half was worried something would happen to me while asleep.



Starting today I'll stop it. Thanks for your support guys and gals.

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Thanks foor the kind words and for your advice guys... yesterday I was feeling really bad after goig to one of those "all you can eat" places...


Last night I decided it's the last time I go to one of those.


When I was in the 20s I was 6'4" and 150 pounds! Really thin' date=' I would eat a lot and wouldn't gain any weight. Now I'm at 235 pounds... the doctor says I hsould be 190-200.



The thing is, I have a real problem with food.


In here you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast is almost the same as in the states (I use the US as example as most members live there), now lunch and dinner, they include lots of carbs, rice is a must, so are potatos and stuff like that (people here in general eat a lot compared to other countries).


My problem is, I eat the 3 normal meals, and then eat a couple burguers between breakfast and lunch... pizza between lunch and dinner, and whatever I can get my hands on after dinner.



I eat a lot before gigs too... it's ridi****us. At times I have lunch and then I go out and eat 2 burgers right after lunch! I never worried about it because I didn't get fatter and didn't feel sick, but now I am (mainly feeling sick after eating as much). Last night I couldn't even breathe, my better (smaller) half was worried something would happen to me while asleep.



Starting today I'll stop it. Thanks for your support guys and gals.[/quote']


That's great TG. Do something before something happens to your health. It took type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol to make me see the light.

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