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Lake Placid Blue Part II


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I went back to GC for that Lake Placid Blue Fender Tele and I was going to drop the cash and buy it. But as it turns out It cannot be bought until after Feb 4th? [crying]


It seems that in this state or town or something they have a law that used equipment has to go thru a waiting period before it can be sold. I guess pawn shops do the same... I didn't know this [biggrin] My thought process is that it shouldn't have even been on the floor until it could be sold. [scared]


It is a standard and that means it is one made in mexico. Still I've been wanting a tele for a while and at $299 I thought it was a decent price.




original post - Lake Placid Blue

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It seems that in this state or town or something they have a law that used equipment has to go thru a waiting period before it can be sold. I guess pawn shops do the same... I didn't know this [biggrin] My thought process is that it shouldn't have even been on the floor until it could be sold. [crying]



That is the most backwards-*** stupid thing I have ever heard. Can you at least reserve it and have them put it in the back so no one else and play it and possibly cause any damage to it?

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That is the most backwards-*** stupid thing I have ever heard. Can you at least reserve it and have them put it in the back so no one else and play it and possibly cause any damage to it?




Get that thing reserved and put away if you're going to buy it.


Trust me. You don't want your guitar getting beaten on for a month on the floor of GC.


When I bought my SG new at GC, it had some pretty sweet dings in it. I hate having dings on my guitar that I didn't put there.


I really love my SG though so I really don't care about dings.

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It is a standard and that means it is one made in mexico.

at $299 I thought it was a decent price.

Must..... resist........ Guitar..... Center........ rant.......






You sure it's Mexican?

What year is it?

$300 is half what it cost new if I recall.

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Must..... resist........ Guitar..... Center........ rant.......






You sure it's Mexican?

What year is it?

$300 is half what it cost new if I recall.


If the serial number starts with M than probably is.


For a standard mim without any upgrades its a good price but they're out there.

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It is a mim tele and the serial begins with MZ.


I put $50 down on it to reserve it. Now I just have to wait and make sure it wasn't stolen. The guy actually working there told me that he's had dad's come in looking for their guitars because their kid stole it to sell it in order to buy a bag of dope.


I normally don't buy from GC but I really needed an amp stand by this week and I was pretty sure they had them. So while in there to buy that I saw this used tele and I've been hankering for a tele.


Who here said that the tele and LP combo is a great pair in a band? I'll find out in a few weeks at band practice.

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I put $50 down on it to reserve it. Now I just have to wait and make sure it wasn't stolen. The guy actually working there told me that he's had dad's come in looking for their guitars because their kid stole it to sell it in order to buy a bag of dope.


Now that's just messed up.


Good luck on the LPB Tele, man. It sounds awesome!

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Now that's just messed up.

Tell me about it....


Our 20 year old "traded" his Les Paul' date=' new Deluxe Strat and nice Alvarez acoustic for dope.

Now his interests have turned more toward rap.


I'm guessing because rap doesn't require the use of a guitar, eh?



And the LP/Tele blend is cool as hell, especially with some work on who plays what.

The dynamics and variety are endless.



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If I actually get this tele I'll really start having GAS for a Trainwreck style of amp ~ I love the sound Brad Paisley gets with a tele and TW... and tele and Z, but mostly the TW sound.


Funny thing is that those TW's don't look all that difficult to build, but I've been told that they are THE most picky amps for having all of the components in their proper place and running the wires a certain way.


That BTO clip says that it's been disabled...

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The Tele/ LP combo is great. Like Neo said, good dynamics.


We've got kindof a cool thing going on in my band right now. My SG going into my super British sounding Vox (most of the time I set it to a really British sound) and my friend playing his MIM Strat into his really American sounding Carvin.


It's really cool when he plays slide. Not like ZZ Top slide.. Think more Pink Floyd lap steel ish.


It's a really cool combo of sounds though.

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