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There is no proof that everyone carrying a gun or no one carring a gun is any damn safer or not. Statistics lie because they don't account for variables.



This is totally wrong. The most regulated private citizens in the US are those with concealed weapons permits. Both before as well as after the permit issue. Everything we/they do that involves the legal system is scrutinized. If a legal permit holder is involved in a crime, with or without a weapon, it IS reported and recorded. Not so with your run-of-the-mill street punk who doesn't give a good goddamn about gun-control. Statistics regarding legal concealed-carry holders are issued by law-enforcement agencies, not the gun-rights groups. And those statistics prove, overwhelmingly, that this is a law-abiding, responsible group of citizens from every possible walk of life and educational level.

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No one is arguing education level of someone who possess a firearm. It usually turns into a bi-polar arguement between complete gun control lefties and complete gun nut righties, which in turn leaves out the other vast majority of gun owners who are responisble and understand the system in place.

The whole argument is far too complex for me to try and take in and break down (at least right now) so I'll stick to my original point. Handguns are only good for one thing, and it's not a good thing. You can't hunt with a handgun and the last thing I would ever want to happen is one of my loved ones hit and injured or killed from crossfire between two people who decided to speak in bullets instead of words. That **** doesn't fly with me. Canadian or American.

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I have a tale that happened to me 4 weeks ago in the local superstore

parking lot. I have a ccw and always have a gun with me. So there I was

unloading the shopping cart into my Jeep and guy pulls up and waits for

the spot, I had a lot to unload and the guy starts in on me cussing and telling

me to hurry up. In the nicest voice I could use I said I'll be out of here in a

sec. I get done unloading and start to push the cart to the cart correl and

he blows up again and again I say I'll be out of here in a sec. As I pass by

his car not more the 5' he jumps out and starts running at me to punch me.

I had very little time when he threw the punch I locked his arm under my

left arm and drilled him twice in the nose. Second punch out went the lights

and I felt him go limp. I carried him back to his car and threw him in and

left. The first thing I thought of as I was driving away was boy at least I

didn't have to use my gun. Well for the last 4 weeks the middle finger knuckle

on my right hand has looked like an egg and thobbed to beat hell. It was a

lose lose situation for me. You have be prepare anything to happen. You can

be as nice as you can and things still happen. The only good thing that happened

was I didn't have to use my gun. I would have if I would have needed. and it certainly

is nice to have that choice. Oh and my finger is still hurting to type this. Life isn't

as hunky doory as people would like to believe. Oh and Gramps maybe if he could

have seen the gun all this could have been prevented.



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No one is arguing education level of someone who possess a firearm. It usually turns into a bi-polar arguement between complete gun control lefties and complete gun nut righties' date=' which in turn leaves out the other vast majority of gun owners who are responisble and understand the system in place.

The whole argument is far too complex for me to try and take in and break down (at least right now) so I'll stick to my original point. [b']Handguns are only good for one thing, and it's not a good thing. You can't hunt with a handgun[/b] and the last thing I would ever want to happen is one of my loved ones hit and injured or killed from crossfire between two people who decided to speak in bullets instead of words. That **** doesn't fly with me. Canadian or American.



Once again the left makes statements that they can't back up. The time I held the guy at bay until LE could arrive my pistol was used for a good reason/purpose. They are used for hunting. When you make statements that are incorrect like that it blows the hell out of your argument, and anything beyond that point is suspect.



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People with the permits to carry concealed weapons ir hunters or those who just want a gun at hime are not a problem. They know about guns. But the fools who want to parade around with a gun strapped to their waist are just idiotic grandstanders.

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I have a tale that happened to me 4 weeks ago in the local superstore

parking lot. I have a ccw and always have a gun with me. So there I was

unloading the shopping cart into my Jeep and guy pulls up and waits for

the spot' date=' I had a lot to unload and the guy starts in on me cussing and telling

me to hurry up. In the nicest voice I could use I said I'll be out of here in a

sec. I get done unloading and start to push the cart to the cart correl and

he blows up again and again I say I'll be out of here in a sec. As I pass by

his car not more the 5' he jumps out and starts running at me to punch me.

I had very little time when he threw the punch I locked his arm under my

left arm and drilled him twice in the nose. Second punch out went the lights

and I felt him go limp. I carried him back to his car and threw him in and

left. The first thing I thought of as I was driving away was boy at least I

didn't have to use my gun. Well for the last 4 weeks the middle finger knuckle

on my right hand has looked like an egg and thobbed to beat hell. It was a

lose lose situation for me. You have be prepare anything to happen. You can

be as nice as you can and things still happen. The only good thing that happened

was I didn't have to use my gun. I would have if I would have needed. and it certainly

is nice to have that choice. Oh and my finger is still hurting to type this. Life isn't

as hunky doory as people would like to believe. Oh and Gramps maybe if he could

have seen the gun all this could have been prevented.





Gee... I might have heard that story before!


In my neck of the woods....I'd MUCH rather be caught with a gun than caught without one!

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Are you saying you would shoot someone for punching you?


Not sure if you're talking to me.... but I wouldn't shoot someone for punching me.....but I might if they were punching my wife. I WOULD shoot someone for threatening me with a gun, (or a sword) if they didn't back off. After all, I've killed plenty of people in my life.

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Are you saying you would shoot someone for punching you?


I see your problem you can't read very well. I would have used it if I need too. I also said

the first thing I thought of in the truck leaving was at least I didn't have too. You don't think

very well and if proves you only see things the way you want to. Sad to think that if someone

is punching you and won't stop you wouldn't shoot him to get him to stop. At that point he deserves

to be shot he might kill you.



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You hunt with pistols? You must be good!


I wouldn't have got a deer last year if I didn't have the 1911 45 on me

on the way back to the house. Came around the corner there was a `12

point standing there. Bang dropped dead in his tracks. I use the pistol

because it was faster to get at the rifle was slung over my shoulder.

More misinformation. People hunt all the time with pistols. Like guitar

you have to practice to be good. That sounds like fun think I'll go shoot

for some practice.



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I wouldn't have got a deer last year if I didn't have the 1911 45 on me

on the way back to the house. Came around the corner there was a `12

point standing there. Bang dropped dead in his tracks. I use the pistol

because it was faster to get at the rifle was slung over my shoulder.

More misinformation. People hunt all the time with pistols. Like guitar

you have to practice to be good. That sounds like fun think I'll go shoot

for some practice.




HAHAHA...just don't practice in the "Big Box Store" parking lot!

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No one is arguing education level of someone who possess a firearm.


What is being done is to portray legal owners and ccw holders as a bunch of mouth-breathing lunatics who draw their weapons on any minor provocation and have a shootout rivaling the OK Corral. What is NOT being done is to accurately represent the pathetic results of the myriad gun-control laws we (and you) now have. when the BG holds up the convenience store with a gun, the system starts looking for excuses for his conduct. His mama's a crack-ho, his daddy's a pimp drug pusher, his brother's in prison for armed robbery and rape, blah blah blah. Give the poor wretch a break.


And pass more gun control laws that make it more difficult and expensive for LAW ABIDING GUN ENTHUSIASTS to pursue their legal interests.

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The .357 magnum round was designed for hunting, not per se self defense, although it was seen as having practical applications in terms of law enforcement.


Handgun hunting is no big deal. There are handguns ranging from .22 rimfires up to cartridges powerful enough for any big game in North America that regularly are used for hunting.


The important word here is "hunting." Those who hunt should know the limitations of their equipment regardless of the firearm or other equipment they may be using. That done, there's no big deal.


Honestly, to me the stranger and less logical arguments against firearms tend to come from those who know least about them and their use, and who then attack those who have an interest in arms of almost any sort as being mad dogs of different specifications.



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Honestly' date=' to me the stranger and less logical arguments against firearms tend to come from those who know least about them and their use, and who then attack those who have an interest in arms of almost any sort as being [b']mad dogs of different specifications[/b].



Hey! Maybe THAT'S why they call us "Sons of *****es"!!

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What is NOT being done is to accurately represent the pathetic results of the myriad gun-control laws we (and you) now have. And pass more gun control laws that make it more difficult and expensive for LAW ABIDING GUN ENTHUSIASTS to pursue their legal interests.


I own three shot guns and a couple of pistols, one of which is my dad's WWII 45. I acquired those firearms before gun registration laws were passed. I used to enjoy hunting with my dad and grandfather when I was a kid. Taught me a lot. I don't know the current gun laws, but like I said, I am for the right to bear arms. I have to believe that hand gun laws are enacted in good faith to protect innocent people. If current laws were enforced, there are several mass murders like the Va Tech shootings and the Ronald Reagan shooting that may have been prevented. I believe the Brady Bill was passed by a Republican congress.


The fact is that there are far too many people killed in this country by handguns. I don't think the solution is to arm every citizen or disarm every citizen. All I know is that it is a tragedy, and if something can be done to change it, that needs to happen.


I also find it humorous that all the gun toting right wingers who thought that Obama was going to take away their guns are finding that just the opposite is happening under his administration.


"Happiness is a warm gun."

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I own three shot guns and a couple of pistols' date=' one of which is my dad's WWII 45. I acquired those firearms before gun registration laws were passed. I used to enjoy hunting with my dad and grandfather when I was a kid. Taught me a lot. I don't know the current gun laws, but like I said, I am for the right to bear arms. I have to believe that hand gun laws are enacted in good faith to protect innocent people. [b']If current laws were enforced, there are several mass murders like the Va Tech shootings and the Ronald Reagan shooting that may have been prevented.[/b] I believe the Brady Bill was passed by a Republican congress.


The fact is that there are far too many people killed in this country by handguns. I don't think the solution is to arm every citizen or disarm every citizen. All I know is that it is a tragedy, and if something can be done to change it, that needs to happen.


I also find it humorous that all the gun toting right wingers who thought that Obama was going to take away their guns are finding that just the opposite is happening under his administration.


"Happiness is a warm gun."



VA Tech could have been stopped is a single student or teacher was armed.


Don't kid yourself into believing that Obama has done anything to advance gun rights.


If "left wingers" would put the same effort into taking the guns out of the hands of criminals we would be much better off. IMHO


As far as the punching question, I absolutely would. I stopped fist fighting when I stopped playing with toys, if you come at me in an aggressive manner I will gladly show you the business end of my gun. I'm not looking for any trouble, ever, but I can and I will protect myself, my family and anyone else that is to scared to defend themselves. So just be quite and get behind me.

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Once again the left makes statements that they can't back up.


Way to generalize, Sean Hannity. What else you got? President Obama coming to your house personally to take your firearms?

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VA Tech could have been stopped if a single student or teacher was armed.



The entire secret service couldn't prevent Reagan from getting shot. The point is, you can inact all the gun laws you want, but if someone wants a gun, they can get it and use it. The only thing you can do is try to trip up the crazies along the way. Sorry Bow, but if you think Obama has made it harder to get a gun, you're mistaken. If anything he's made it easier... a lot easier.


I'm also curious to know how you would prevent firearms from getting into the wrong hands that hasn't been tried already? As it is, the responsible gun owners are paying the price of legislation. One big problem is gun sellers who don't adhere to the current laws. There are likely very few criminals who have acquired firearms legally.

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Can't really get into this without getting Really Political, but let me try this anyway.


First, the Left needs to stop blaming Guns and focus on Criminal Legislature for Violent Crimes. That's from a long time Left of Center Democrat that's been working on busting the Gun Control nuts hold on the party, in fact it's hard to find a large group of us willing to support that line of talk. There will always be the lunatic Fringe, no matter what extreme you're looking at.


Now, what really got me into this thread was this little bit here, "In California, where it's legal to carry a gun openly without a license in most places as long as it's unloaded"


I may be wrong, lord knows I try to educate myself on my own states gun laws, but I've grown up under the impression that if you have a firearm, It Must Be Licensed. You can carry it unloaded, you can have the ammo in the Glove and the gun in the Trunk BS and all that, but there is no circumstance I'm aware of that lets you carry an Unlicensed firearm in California. There would be more Texans here if that was the case.

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On a lighter note.


Me and around 15 other hunters were gathering to go Quail hunting one day and some guy drove up real fast

in a suburban pulling a big fancy boat. He got right up to us, jumped out of his truck looked around and said,

Whatta all huntin? and my friend looked him dead in the eyes and said.. BOATERS!!!


I nearly pissed myself.

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Wanna close a Gun Show loop hole? Stop harassing the Sellers, stop making the Sellers harass the customers, and get more cops there, walking around, running license plate Numbers, checking mug shots, making their presence known and making it generally uncomfortable for criminals to Shop.

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First' date=' the Left needs to stop blaming Guns and focus on Criminal Legislature for Violent Crimes. That's from a long time Left of Center Democrat that's been working on busting the Gun Control nuts hold on the party, in fact it's hard to find a large group of us willing to support that line of talk. There will always be the lunatic Fringe, no matter what extreme you're looking at.[/quote']


I found your post interesting. I am a far left progressive; the kind that Glen Beck writes on his chalk board about; and I feel the same way. There needs to be a huge push for responsible firearm ownership and on the flip side prosecute violent crime, especially when a firearm is involved, heavily, but do not ban guns. Guns are part of America's culture & history. It's like trying to ban marijuana. See how well that has gone?

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