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EMOism... What is an EMO?


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what is ****y metal core? why the blanks? :P

Metalcore is a ***** sub genre of heavy metal.

You got bad guitar solos, pointless fills in druming.

And so on.


Oh and the vocals all sound the same

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Thank you very much. Doesn't look like anything new really. I remember seeing stuff like that when my daughter was a teenager in the 80's. I'm guessing that calling someone EMO is a put-down especially from macho metal rockers. A marketing ploy and it looks like one of those with a rather short shelf life.

The video was good.

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Thank you very much. Doesn't look like anything new really. I remember seeing stuff like that when my daughter was a teenager in the 80's. I'm guessing that calling someone EMO is a put-down especially from macho metal rockers. A marketing ploy and it looks like one of those with a rather short shelf life.

The video was good.


I was a Teenager in the 80's, and you're absolutely Right! Metal need to ease off on the Sub Genres.

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I didn't watch the original video.


But you could say I've pretty much 'cut my teeth' on the current emo scene. I'll also be the first to admit that it's not my favorite genre by a LONG shot. But being a touring musician I kinda gravitate toward emo bands because they can never seem to get along with each other so they fire guitar players right before tour, which is where I come in.


But here are some more current emo bands.


When this video came this band called themselves emo.



I don't consider this bands newer work or anything after the first record to be emo. But thats what they called themselves.


Some other random emo bands that are on the bigger side.





For the record though, I think there are very few new emo bands. For some reason a lot of people are mixing emo with pop punk or hardcore.

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Couldn't watch the video for some reason, so I did my own research;


EMO Emotion(s)

EMO Emotional (music genre)

EMO Emergency Measures Organization (Canada)

EMO Emotional Rock (music, fashion)

EMO Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization

EMO Emergency Management Office

EMO Emergency Management Ontario (Ontario, Canada)

EMO Emotive Hardcore (music genre)

EMO Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (Portland, OR)

EMO Environmental Management Office

EMO Emergency Management Organization (Canada)

EMO Emergency Off (definition used by SEMI)

EMO Exercise for Men Only (magazine)

EMO Exposition Mondiale de La Machine Outil

EMO Educational Management Organization

EMO Emergency Machine Off

EMO European Mortar Industry Organisation

EMO Emergency Measures Office

EMO Equipment Management Office

EMO Elektrik Mühendisleri Odasý (Turkey)

EMO Environmental Management Ordinance

EMO Effective Material Operator

EMO Experienced Musicians Only

EMO Electromagnetism and Optics

EMO Early Morning Originator (airline industry)

EMO Electronic Maintenance/Material Officer

EMO Engage Missile Order

EMO Extra Man Onboard (US Navy)

EMO Electronic Money Order Business » Accounting

EMO EMergency Off Academic & Science » Electronics

EMO Emergency Machine Off Governmental » Military

EMO Ex-Member Of .... Community » Non-Profit Organizations

EMO Emo, Papua New Guinea Regional » Airport Codes

EMO Epstein Macintosh Oxford Community » Famous

EMO Electronic Mail Order Internet

EMO Extension Management Object Computing » Software

EMO Educational Maintenance Organization Academic & Science » Universities

EMO Emotional Musical Outlet Community » Music

EMO Extended Merchandise Overrun Business » General

EMO Excess Manufacturing Overrun Business » Accounting

EMO EMOtional person Internet » Chat

EMO EMOtional Medical » Physiology

EMO Elektrik Mühendisleri Odasý (Turkey)

EMO Environmental Management Ordinance

EMO Effective Material Operator

EMO Electromagnetism and Optics

EMO Experienced Musicians Only

EMO Electronic Maintenance/Material Officer

EMO Early Morning Originator (airline industry)

EMO Engage Missile Order

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Holy mackerel, Batman...


I tried to listen to one vid and honestly, couldn't understand a word of the lyric. The band wasn't bad, just not... comprehensible in the lyric.


I dunno. Even in variations of rock, I figure if a lyric is worth writing, it should be worth understanding.


Then there are these variations that have their own "in" names denoting variations of style.


WADR, that seems a bit silly to me. I think we had as many variations of rock styles in the 60s, but nobody took seriously a solid definition and name of various subgenres. Hmmmm. I guess to me that's more an interesting cultural artifact than the music itself that doesn't seem that odd, in ways, even to an old guy. <grin>



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So EMO's are depressed little goth wannabe's that listen to ugly music and have strange self done girl hairdo's with ribbons and where skinny pants and are probably sexually confused? Got it - I'll pass




Although there is something disturbingly hot about little tatooed Goth chicks. [crying]

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