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Y'ever get too busy?!


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I know the answer is yes....but I feel like since I moved back home from Seattle, i've been "busy" nearly every evening and every weekend.....i feel pulled apart by family and friends...


Maybe I got used to doing nothing in Seattle and enjoyed it too much. Don't get me wrong...I enjoy hanging out with my family and my friends, but a guy needs his own time sometimes right? I don't even play guitar as much as I was before....though I still manage to squeeze some in. This weekend, the only playing I got in was at the guitar shop trying out Teles!


Anyway....rant over. I guess I need to learn how to say no more often.

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Between work, helping kids with homework, work around the house and the wife complaining that I love my guitar more than her, I'm lucky if I get 3-4 hours of playing my guitar in late Friday or Saturday night. During the week I'm lucky if I get 1-2 hours per week.


I feel your pain[crying]

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