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My Wife Is Now Successfully Brainwashed

Mr. Robot

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I was showing my wife a snippet from my new Joe Bonamassa DVD - Live at the Royal Albert Hall tonight, so she could see the great shots of London and also the magnificent theatre. (My wife is not a guitar player).


When Bonamassa came on, she said:


"Is that a GoldTop he's playing ?"


Bless her.


I was very proud![biggrin][cool]

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When Bonamassa came on' date=' she said:


"Is that a GoldTop he's playing ?"




Back in 1966 I was working in a music store. My boss took in a Gibson GoldTop in trade for another guitar. He gave the guy $12 for it. No case, he shoved it in the broom closet.


One of my jobs was to wax the floors, so when I went in the closet I saw it. I asked him about it, and he said I could have it for the $12 he paid. I said okay, and when I got my next check, I peeled of $12, handed it to him and he said, Sorry, I didn't think you really wanted it, so I sold it to Barry, (a guitar teacher). Barry told me recently he kept it for about 20 years, and eventually sold it for many thou$and$!!


I missed out because I didn't have $12!


I forget what year it was, I'll ask Barry next time I talk to him.

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When Bonamassa came on' date=' she said:


"Is that a GoldTop he's playing ?"


Bless her.


I was very proud! [/quote']


This is an omen of many good years of guitar ownership.


Mrs. Neo was enrolled in the same OJT program when we met.

Her son was already playing and had a LP Special.


When she met an adult (me, sorta) with the same keen interest in Gibson guitars,

she realized she had better get with the program.


In no time she was identifying guitar types and their associated sounds.

The slow Blues of SRV, Bonamassa, early Led Zep and the like, she knows is on a Strat or Tele.

She's a Fender gal through and through if pressed for her favorite tone.


She can recognize many makes and models in the traditional shapes, my main interest anyhow...

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The light saber/magic wand is but one facet of the training - there are many.




The most important part in my opinion is proper candidate selection.

Some will never be successful in this regard - they are simply not capable.



When dating, if there is ANY hint that she believes you are selfish and self-absorbed - dump her ***.

Once you are married, she will expect all that guitar lust and associated expenditures to be

re-allocated in her direction with no limits or hesitation.


Next stop - divorce court.

Unless you wanna live like that forever....

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I'm 100% serious here.


I fully believe - and will until the day I die - that the ONLY reason I got remarried is her.


I never completely ruled out getting remarried, I simply figured that it was not possible for me.

Two-year blowout divorce, several hundred thousand dollars down the sh!tter....


Dating wasn't much better.

I work shift work, rotating shifts, many weekends.

I have days off during the week.

I sleep all day because my clock is 12 hours different from everybody else's when I'm on nights.



Add to that the moral decay and decline that women seem to relish as "freedom" and I was done.

Too much neurosis and psychosis masked with "charm" for my tastes.


Until I met Mrs. Neo and we started talking.

Found out she was in the same boat with the same challenges, and gave up dating altogether.

We were both too busy.


We really had to work to get time together and it slowed things way down....



Perspective is everything, and we actually shared a common one.

What are the odds?


If I never met her, I'd be right there with ya Jocko....

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It takes them awhile but they come around - My wife is great wouldn't want to buy a guitar without her seeing it great ear for tone and she has eagle eye's for any flaws. I knew she was the perfect wife for me when last year she was on a business trip and she called me and said that she had walked by a small music store and they had a almost perfect 76 recording model and wanted to know if she should pick it up for me. She can also tune a guitar and replace strings if required. [love] [love] [biggrin]

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