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Gulf Prayers Needed


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Indeed, I was there last week and just looking at what could be about to be destroyed and the entire economy that surrounds it is very concerning. My wife and I go down to Destin twice a year since it is a 7 hour drive for us.


Destin beach




and one of its habitants...



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I've been intentionally avoiding the news about it. Not because I don't care. I know it's probably wrong but I just get so pissed and depressed when I read/hear that this ecological disaster will continue indefinately.

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Please, please do not take this as a partisan political comment. First, from past experience, I'd say that this would be life-changing for the gulf states for at least one, possibly two generations for ecological-economic reasons.


It's also likely to play a huge role in regional and national politics in the Anglophone world, greater than may be attributed to natural disasters because of the combination of business and politics involved in a completely man-made disaster.


The Internet the past 10 years has been filled with "information" and "news" with apparently credible criticism of everybody. Watching what appears to be both corporate and governmental bumbling on the Web and TV from both "right" and "left" leaning "news" is what's bringing the change.


The same things are happening in other Anglophone countries with somewhat different specific issues and "in power" parties and personalities - which is why I see it more as a matter of zeitgeist affecting generalized Anglophone culture.


In this instance, what I'm seeing is an increasing cynicism on the part of a large spectrum of subcultures, especially the age group of around age 40 and under regardless what they think they believe in politically. Friends in Oz and the UK lead me to believe it's virtually the same there as well as in the U.S.


My bet is that we're in for another generation of general cynicism toward both business and "politics" to the point where it might almost be considered a "political revolution" that I think is incorrectly tied to political parties and personalities. I think it's more a matter of how parties and personalities are seen as a whole than specific "politics."


And the "spill" in the gulf in the U.S. by a multinational is a "straw that broke the camel's back" to speed the trend.



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There were some tragic decisions made by people who didn't know what the heck they were doing.


What's really surprising is the culture of dishonesty that surrounds all the upper management guys at BP. Real bunch of weasels. I know because I mediate construction disputes for a living and have learned that the way to solve problems is usually to remove the liars and weasels from the dispute.


Another thing I learned from 30 years in the construction business is how to tell when somebody's lying. And there's alot of BS coming from BP.



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Apparently the CEO of BP just announced that he feels they were not prepared to deal with this kind of disaster.






Ya......? Think....?




"The ejecta coming out of the pipe dulled the saw blade."




Yunh hunh?


Did they not think to keep several saw blades on hand?




I'm sorry... rhetorical question.

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There were some tragic decisions made by people who didn't know what the heck they were doing.


No' date=' there were some stupid decisions made by people who did know what they were doing but didn't believe anything bad would happen to them.


"The ejecta coming out of the pipe dulled the saw blade."




Yunh hunh?


Did they not think to keep several saw blades on hand?




They did have extra blades there, you just can't change them under 5000 feet of water. They pulled the ROV up, changed the blade, and sent it back down in case the shears didn't work. The whole thing took a little over 10 hours to change the blade.

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The whole thing is an absolute trajedy. Many have commented on the politics and corporate greed involved and I can only imagine the grief that those directly impacted are going through now. The economic and environmental devastation will last for a very long time. Events like this bring anger and sorrow to us all regardless if we live in the region or not. North of here we had the Exxon Valdez disaster some years ago and all you have to do is turn over a stone on the beach in that area affected and the oil is still there. Ultimately there will be some good that comes out of this which will be more checks and balances for preventing a recurrance of this disaster, I hope. There has been a moratorium on drilling for oil off the coast here which the government is revisiting now. Many are against it because of the risk of exactly this type of catastrophe. I don't think it will pass now and I'm glad. Until the technology improves and enforced regulation of safety is implemented it would be a huge mistake to allow it to go ahead. Prayers for all of you who's live there.

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Just suppose for a moment.



You are opening a BIG bag of M&Ms. When WHAM! the bag splits open and all the M&Ms hit the floor. Some here, some there, most in a pile at your feet. [cool]


Would the answer to the 'clean-up' be to kick them to the far corners of the room, i.e. disperse them? or would it be better to leave the pile, undispersed, then get a broom and sweep up the larger congregation of colorful candies, then go around the room and pick up the stragglers? (for those unsure, ask your mom, your wife, or your maid)



Something that has bothered me since day one is that spraying or injecting dispersants on the oil slick does not make the oil dis-appear, it just ... disperses it.. in smaller clumps over a larger area, making pick-up and REAL clean-up nigh on to impossible. If in fact.... :-k the ulitimate goal IS to pick it up. [biggrin]



Just a thought.



Say, how 'bout that Jindal feller? He's one hot little Cajun ain't he? He's got a right to be spitting nails.

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