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OK Then......................The World Cup


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I'll admit it, I just don't get soccer. I'm 53, so soccer was non-existent when I was a kid. I live north of Seattle, which I'm told is the most soccer crazy city in the States. I tried in good faith to watch a few games when we got our pro team here, but games last like 7 or 12 hours and end up in a 0-0 tie!. The defining moment for me was when the league champion of MLS here had a losing record! How can you be a champion when you have lost more games than you have won?!!! We are desperate for good sports here after losing the Sonics, and everybody else sucks except the girl's softball and pro basketball (luckily I have a thing for 6'5" Aussie girls), but I just don't get soccer. Good for the rest of the world, but I just can't do it.

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I'll admit it' date=' I just don't get soccer. I'm 53, so soccer was non-existent when I was a kid. I live north of Seattle, which I'm told is the most soccer crazy city in the States. I tried in good faith to watch a few games when we got our pro team here, but games last like 7 or 12 hours and end up in a 0-0 tie!. The defining moment for me was when the league champion of MLS here had a losing record! How can you be a champion when you have lost more games than you have won?!!! We are desperate for good sports here after losing the Sonics, and everybody else sucks except the girl's softball and pro basketball (luckily I have a thing for 6'5" Aussie girls), but I just don't get soccer. Good for the rest of the world, but I just can't do it. [/quote']


mikelc. I'd like to introduce you to Test Match Cricket. It's a 5 day game with at least 6 hours play each day, rain and bad light permitting, and often end up in a draw. Play is stopped for lunch and tea each day.


It's the best game in the world! IMHO.


Not sure where you got 7 or 12 hours from. Although Sir Alex Ferguson will often tell referees that the game should continue long after 90 mins where Man United need a goal.

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Why don't they do seedings in the 2nd round? England has to play Germany but the US gets to play Ghana? I'll take it but it doesn't seem right. Also why are Brazil and Portugal playing so early? Brazil is ranked 1st in the world rankings while Portugal is 3rd. That seems unfair to both teams to make one of them have to go home so early.

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Why don't they do seedings in the 2nd round?


They do it so the winner of a certain group plays the runner up of another one (determined before the teams are picked). England "should" have been playing Ghana, so it is kind of seeded in that respect. Brazil v Portugal were unfortunate to be drawn together in the same group (the group of death!) - that was a group game so the losers didn't get knocked out.


England now just have to beat Germany, Argentina, Spain and Brazil.......

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I'll admit it' date=' I just don't get soccer. I'm 53, so soccer was non-existent when I was a kid. I live north of Seattle, which I'm told is the most soccer crazy city in the States. I tried in good faith to watch a few games when we got our pro team here, but games last like 7 or 12 hours and end up in a 0-0 tie!. The defining moment for me was when the league champion of MLS here had a losing record! How can you be a champion when you have lost more games than you have won?!!! We are desperate for good sports here after losing the Sonics, and everybody else sucks except the girl's softball and pro basketball (luckily I have a thing for 6'5" Aussie girls), but I just don't get soccer. Good for the rest of the world, but I just can't do it. [/quote']


I'm also an American and by no means a soccer expert. But you can't judge the sport by the MLS. The best players rarely play in the MLS, they play in European leagues. The MLS is to soccer what the European (American) football league is compared with the NFL.

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robbed of a goal by an out-of-position ref but still the english were no match for the fast-breaking germans. in hockey they call those odd-man rushes and they're fairly common but in football i don't think you often see that many in one game. arg-mex up next. all hail the messi-ah.

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Two terrible refereeing desicions in one day!


Don't think it would have made much difference in the England game - we were woeful and deserved to go out - but Mexico were looking good before the first goal went in.


Looking forward to Euro 2012!

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I don't even like instant replay in the NFL, but soccer needs instant replay. Evvery goal is so crucial and there are so many ways to get it wrong: off sides, the ball crossing and they miss it, the ball not crossing and they think it does, hand balls......

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The "goal" would not have made a difference. England were completely outclassed as Cunkhead states.


These guys are so overpaid, playing for their country apparently means little to them.


But England beat Australia in a "19 wicket thriller" at Old Trafford in the 3rd 1 dayer to clinch the best of 5 series. Now there's some good news for a change!

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