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Dangerous dogs


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Here's one. Should 'dangerous dogs' be banned or the owners? My asking is because I always disliked staffy's, pit bulls etc (believed the media). Until my girlfriend got a staffordshire bull terrier. I said I'd never take to him. But. I love him to bits now. She then found an American pit bull stray(banned breed here ). I took her in. We couldn't find the owners. She was chipped but it was out of date. I called the dog warden but was told that they'd put her to sleep if I sent her in. So I kept her. No one came forward and now. Two and a half years later she's the love of my life. Ban the owner not the dog! Yes? Who's taken a stray in? Let's have your story.

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I hate to be a dog racist and contend each dog should be judged on its own merits.


However, the talking heads would have us belive that Pit Bulls are the parriah of dogdom.


Question: By breed what dogs are most involved with vicious attacks on humans or other animals? I don't mean a nip from "Skipper the Yipper", 6lbs soaking wet lap dog, but really violent, unprovoked, near deadly or deadly attacks.


("Unprovoked" is subjective, but assuming someone attacked who has not trespaassed or otherwise threatened the household of said dogs)

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I've been around dogs all my life, Mastifs, Pits, Sheppards all these "scary" dogs cities are banning.

I have never seen a bad dog of those breeds unless it was owned by some pants flaggin' down by the knees "gangsta" wanna-be who keeps the dog on a heavy chain all day long in the yard. Training it to be mean because it's all "kool, yo!".


In those instances, the owner should be put down with the dog.

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Is every Muslim a terrorist? I ask? A dog doesn't know it's a pit bull when it's born. It's made into a dangerous dog. It's like I've found religion. These poor animals are made to fight to please US. They have so much love for humans. Stop indescriminate breeding and police the owners. I'm just sitting with a full English bulldog. He could bite my face off in the wrong hands. But he licks me because he's got loving owners. The more people I meet. The more I love my dog! Mans best friend.

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The only stray I have is my cat. She manifested herself in my crawlspace, and I heard her throught the AC vents one day. I lured her out with lunch meat, fed her a can of tuna and she's been Daddy's girl from then on.



We do have a kennel dam, though. I bought my wife a poodle after we lost both our dogs in a week. While we were there, the breeder brought out the dam and sire for the puppies we were looking at. The dam, Lexi, actually came up to me and put her paws on my leg so I'd pick her up. She layed down in my arms and watched the puppies play while we finished the paperwork on the new pupy and went home. A few months later we get an email from the breeder asking us to call her. She was retiring our puppy's dam, and wanted to know if we'd be interested in taking her.... for free!


It seems as if Lexi is not really a big "people" kinda dog, having been a kennel dam. The breeder was pretty shocked to see her come over to me like she did, let alone let me pick her up and hold her. She's been with us for over a year now... and is also Daddy's girl [biggrin]




Dogs are like people... some are good and some are bad. Just as there are no "bad" races of people, there are no "bad" breeds of dogs.


Fine bad owners, use the money to retrain bad dogs.

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Question: By breed what dogs are most involved with vicious attacks on humans or other animals? I don't mean a nip from "Skipper the Yipper"' date=' 6lbs soaking wet lap dog, but really violent, unprovoked, near deadly or deadly attacks.


("Unprovoked" is subjective, but assuming someone attacked who has not trespaassed or otherwise threatened the household of said dogs)[/quote']


The real question is, if a breed or group of breeds is over represented in these types attacks, is it because the breed is violent in itself, or is it because people who wants and will raise a violent dog often goes for these breeds?



Back in the 70s, German Shepherds were the "killer dog" around here (Sweden). Every wanna be tough guy, alcoholic no good for nothing social parasite and generelly messed up moron had one. Why? In this little peninsula, pretty far away from the rest of the world and, at that time, with few foreign breeds easily available, the German Shep was as rough as you could get. People everywhere called out for bans, kill them all, and so on. Today, it is the most common and loved breed in the country. Why? It got a lot of attention, regular people interested in dogs liked them, they became popular and then the "bad" dog owners got far less interested in them. You don't look so tough having the same looking dog in your leach as Ms Eriksson bought for her kids. I think they moved on to Rotweilers before they moved on to the Bulldog-Terrier group, and now everyone wants to ban those.


I usually defend the Bull Terrier breeds whenever the debate comes up. I'll defend any breed for that matter, but I have started to give up. But I really do belive it is a owner problem. And the owner problem isn't just the tough gangsta guys either. Too many people buy larger dogs that they don't have time or energy for. These breeds are with very few exceptions bred to work. They need to work, with both body and mind, or else they get bored and will put themselves to work to burn that energy, which you probably won't like. Too many owners also mean well, but have no idea how to control a dog and let it know its place. That's a problem regardles of size and breed, only with a small dog it's easier to handle, but when that large breed decides to act up the result is potentially far worse.

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I totally agree. I see loads of young kids (8-14) walking these large breeds. They couldn't handle them if things went wrong. I walk mine twice a day. My girlfriend's staffy DEMANDS his walk every day. He has so much pent up energy. But he's a loving dog because he's been given love.

Anyhow. I'm home now and the time dictates walikies time. So I'm off to the park.

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I have never met a bad pit bull. Pet owners are the ones who should punished but I'm talking more than just a lame a$$ monetary fine. I'm talking brutal punishments. I've said it before and I'll say it again, public stoning needs to be brought back. I don't believe dogs are bred or born to be vicious. They are abused form the start so it "fight or flight" mentality. I had a chow (which tend to be agressive especial as they get older). She was an angel from the time I brought her home to the day she died in my arms (1/30/10). And she had small kids and smaller dogs pester her but she didn't mind.


If I was part of animal police, I would use my billy club and taser on ever person (male or female) I cought that was abusing their animals. If they were guilty of neglect, I'd just lock 'em up in the same condition as the animal was in. I have ZERO patience or tolerance for that crap.

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There are times I'd love to ban certian animals, but I too realize that it's typically the owner, not the dog,



Recently in Quebec there was a tragic story of a husky killing a newborn that the mother left alone indoors while she smoked outside. The dog obviously wasn't defending itself and was more than likely a beloved family pet for years. They're still dogs, regardless of what we feel when we look at them. This could have been prevented with some decent parenting instead of animal control too, though.


I think people should have to be licensed to have animals period. Same with parenting, people should have to take courses and learn where to go for help when they can't deal with something. BUT Brandon, you will say, how can you enforce that / you can't take away people's inaliable rights blah blah blah.



I know we could never enforce these kinds of policies, but you could reinforce them with inscentives and rewards. Take a parenting course? Tax breaks and starter kits for parenthood. Take a dog owners course? Possible way to weed out people who shouldn't own dogs, and if they DON'T take the course, and say one of their animals harms another, well the police wouldn't need due process to confiscate the animal.


I'm just trying to protect those who are unable to protect themselves, these are maybe starting points or suggestions to reward those who truly love animals and care for them vs those that don't. Same for families, but that's a different thread.

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People should have to pass a test to get any dog. Not just one of the scary breeds. Dogs are a lot of work, and there are a ton of people that really have absolutely no idea what they are doing. I volunteer at a local shelter, and while it's true that most of the dogs that come in are those breeds (pit bulls or rots), there are a ton of other dogs that get dropped off because the owners can't handle the responsibility. Then they do what they do with everything else; Throw it away. It really irritates me. Most of the time people buy pit bulls or rots because they are adorable puppies, and people also like the fact that owning one makes you look like an instant badass. What those people don't take into consideration is the puppy grows up into a big animal that needs a lot of attention and exercise. It becomes a chore, an inconvenience, a pain in the ***. It's pretty sad actually. The dogs can't pick their owners, and most owners are idiots.


Some people should just get fish or plants.


As for the problem breeds, or any dog for that matter, it's mostly from the owner. If you put negativity in, you're going to get negativity out. If you put love in, you get love out. The cool thing about dogs is a lot of them can change. A good friend of mine found his pit bull tied to a street sign in Philly. -He passed the dog for 3 days on the way to work, and finally figured that some jerk left it there to die/get picked up. The dog had scars all over, and his ears were chewed to nubs. -A few months later, that dog was one of the most chill, awesome dogs I've ever met. He was ugly from fighting, but had a big heart and loving soul.


Seriously, the meanest dog's I've met have always been the little yapper type dogs. I dont' know why, they're always a-holes.

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Seriously' date=' the meanest dog's I've met have always been the little yapper type dogs. I dont' know why, they're always a-holes. [/quote']



I know why - because the owners think its cute or not "bad" enough to bother correcting. It's really effing annoying when my dog gives one big bark and everyone loses their mind....yet there's a tiny dog in the corner yapping his head off and thats ok!!!!

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I know why - because the owners think its cute or not "bad" enough to bother correcting. It's really effing annoying when my dog gives one big bark and everyone loses their mind....yet there's a tiny dog in the corner yapping his head off and thats ok!!!!


I agree with the idea of correction - but I detest the concept of "de-barking"


We have a few of the little ones - and after long experience - if they've never had anything bad happen to them, they're very mellow.


The yappers usually have reason to yap.

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De-barking as in what? a Surgery to make them stop? I don't believe in that either...they actually end up making a weirder and more annoying sound than barking!


But I think when there is no reason for a dog to bark, it should be corrected....especially if it is barking incessantly.

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De-barking as in what? a Surgery to make them stop? I don't believe in that either...they actually end up making a weirder and more annoying sound than barking!


But I think when there is no reason for a dog to bark' date=' it should be corrected....especially if it is barking incessantly. [/quote']


I'm with you on the need to correct incessant barking.


I just don't think that clipping the vocal cords is the answer (even though you didn't bring it up).


I hate that - One often ends up with a crazy dog for having it "de-barked".

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