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Suffice it to say the thread about "Magic's" Surgery should not be viewed any more by Karen.




If you want to hold Karen's hand and talk about things OTHER THAN THE ACTUAL SURGERY, do it here.


No pics allowed, except of Magic all sewed up and back in recovery.

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Suffice it to say the thread about "Magic's" Surgery should not be viewed any more by Karen.




If you want to hold Karen's hand and talk about things OTHER THAN THE ACTUAL SURGERY' date=' do it here.


No pics allowed, except of Magic all sewed up and back in recovery.



You know, I have worked in hospitals for 30 years and I have seen it all! I have an iron-clad stomach. I used to watch TLC's Operating Room show and it didn't bother me a bit. I was present when one of our clients (years ago) ran through a plate-glass window and cut his arm down to the bone. I didn't even flinch. I've rescued all sorts of animals and spent way too much time cleaning up poop and nursing wounds! I've administered enemas to patients, cleaned diapers, stomach contents, you name it.


But I can't handle watching my guitar get drilled! LOL


Thank you for the warm thoughts, Tommy

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Once upon a time there was a far away land called Tridland. It was a lush and wonderfull land. All of the people who lived in Tridland were called Trids. Every day the Trids would rise at daybreak to go to work. As they crossed the bridge a mean old Troll would jump out and kick them. He would actually kick them into the river.


This went on for years. Decades.


Finally, the Trids could take it no more. The head Trid went to the Rabbi and said "You've got to help us, this Troll is cutting into our G.D.P. and ruining moral. Something must be done."


The next morning the Rabbi woke early and went with the men to work. As they neared the bridge the mean old nasty Troll jumped out and the Rabbi went to the front of the men. "Look Troll, this has to stop. If you're going to kick the Trids off the bridge today, you're going to have to start with me."


The Troll, looking puzzled said......


"Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Trids."

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Murph, where do you find this stuff?! ROFL!!


Paddy whack!


KL, that bird on my head is Trevor, an orphaned pigeon. Long story, but he came to live with me while he grew up. He was very tame after staying with me for 6 weeks ( rescued him at 10 days of age), and he loved music (seriously). Every time I'd play the guitar, Trevor would sit on my head. If I stopped playing, he'd peck gently at me LOL Trevor has now moved out and found himself a cute little girl pidgie. I have empty nest syndrome now. [crying]


Here's Trevor in his 'flight suit' (don't call it a bird diaper 'cause that's politically incorrect)



And here he is *helping* me put the groceries away #-o



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I have had similarly 'colorful' life experiences. I grew up on a livestock farm and if they ate it or it came out of them I had it near me, under me, over me and on me. I've also had my arm in places which is not polite to discuss in polite company.


My wife had a belly opening surgery and needed a twice daily dressing change of the sutured up area. We live a fair piece from the 'big city' and a twice daily commute to the clinic wasn't happening, let alone paying someone to drive out twice a day. So, I said to the doctor, "I grew up on a livestock farm and if they ate it or it came out of them I had it near me, under me, over me and on me. I've also had my arm in places which is not polite to discuss in polite company. I'll take care of it." So he commenced to show me what needed to be done.


As soon as he started pulling the gauze out of the sutured area, I got all woozy. [blink] I mean there wasn't much blood, but it seemed the thought of it... [bored] . I had to sit down to regain my composure and to keep the nurse from having to get the smelling salts.


I've never had that happen before.


Since he'd done the morning change of dressings, I was certain I could still do the deed at home. So, for the next 12 hours I steeled myself for the event, then at the prescribed hour, I changed my wife's dressings without incident.


Bottom line, it's one thing if it's other people. It's a whole 'nother thing entire, when it's family. [blink]

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Bottom line' date=' it's one thing if it's other people. It's a whole 'nother thing entire, when it's family. [cool

Truer words have never been spoken! Glad your wife is okay, Tommy. If I ever get married I hope I find a husband as caring as you.

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Magic in the recovery room:


RH 48% Temp 72F





Oh, isn't she beautiful? So proud that she's mine. Is that weird? Does anyone else ever stare at their guitar and get all excited that they own such a magnificent thing?

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ha! pigeons eat raspberries?


I know here in the city they eat ANYTHING, but that's pretty much gourmet dining right there!


tommy k - man, a real trooper. wow.


edit: GG, that is a fantastic looking guitar! hope the pickup sounds good!

and yes, it's perfectly normal to stare in wonder at a fine instrument. [cool]

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Well he didn't exactly eat them, GJ. I was putting groceries away, left the room to put paper towels in the utility closet, I came back and found this sight. He got the container open, then proceeded to *sample* eat raspberry.

"Hmmm, I wonder if this one tastes good? Nope. Maybe this one? Nope. This one might. Nope. Surely this one will. Nope. I'll try this one. Nope." And so on. [cool]

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KL' date=' that bird on my head is Trevor, an orphaned pigeon. Long story, but he came to live with me while he grew up. He was very tame after staying with me for 6 weeks ( rescued him at 10 days of age), and he loved music (seriously). Every time I'd play the guitar, Trevor would sit on my head. If I stopped playing, he'd peck gently at me LOL Trevor has now moved out and found himself a cute little girl pidgie. I have empty nest syndrome now. [biggrin



Brilliant. I love it when people are kind to animals.

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Oh' date=' isn't she beautiful? So proud that she's mine. Is that weird? Does anyone else ever stare at their guitar and get all excited that they own such a magnificent thing?


I do. [crying] They bring a smile to my face all the time. I'm sure Magic is a thing of beauty.

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Well I've received the saddles and pins from Collosi and Magic has her new bone saddle. The surgery is complete and she goes home to "Mom" tomorrow.


Although, she does look kinda nice in my collection don't you think? [blush]



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Sooooooo excited!!!!! Do I get to keep that strap?? (j/k)

I agree, that sunburst in the middle really adds something. Doug, I think you need to buy yourself another guitar, a 'burst for the collection! [blush] Tell Mrs. Drathbun we all agree!

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