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Epi Exit Poll

Ron G

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funny stuff strum.. easily reversed but wont bother since the joke is what counts.


to others:


W had no experience either by the way.

Lincoln had less than Obama!


For me, the truth is simple.. the powerful always talk about how they are the producers..

anyone who's read ayn rand knows what a crock it is to suggest that railroad barons were decent folk..

esp. anyone who's old man drover those trains all his life..


unions, that's right, unions, stopped the horrendously unfair practices in labor..

go listen to some woody guthrie. I suggest you start with the 1913 massacree *sic*

in which the company goons burned alive the men women and children at a workers union christmas party.


Brave doesn't cut it alone.. one can bravely stand for the wrong idea.

I find no wrong ideas in our constitution so I'm gonna stick with smart.


And in the end. I think those of you so polarised you can't bring yourself to even consider being in this thing together.. well, you're not going to be elephants or jack**ses.. but dinosaurs.

The world is sick, and america is sick of the hate filled closed minded of both partys.. and about time, too.


Hope aint bad. Try some!



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No one was burned alive in the Calumet, Michigan Italian Hall disaster of 1913 because there was no fire.


Someone indeed did yell fire which resulted in a panicked stampede down the flight of stairs from the second floor party to the street below. It had a double set of door of which one set opened inwards unlike the doors of today whcih must open outward. 80 people, mostly children where trampled to death trying to flee the building.


There was a union strike going on but there has never been any evidence that it was a mining company goon strikebreaker who yelled fire.

There has also never been any evidence that anyone held the doors shut from the outside to prevent people from escaping or any reason to believe that anyone in doing so could have accuarately predicted the stampede would happen as it did and people would be trampled to death.


It has been suggested that it was a couple of drunks coming out of tavern next door who yelled fire as a prank to disrupt the party not knowing that their action would cause a deadly catastrophe.

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completely different story than any I've heard.


doesn't change my attitude though. company goons existed, and killed people.


bush, maybe you could say he had more experience than obama..

but how do you like how it turned out?


worst president ever.




but enough of politics.. time to get back to guitar.

don't want to clutter the forum up forever with arguments most wont feel any effect from but anger.



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Even Woody's song says there was no fire but he got it wrong about thugs holding the doors shut and laughing as children died.


He took old hearsay that mixed fact with fiction and turned it into a song.


It was easy to blame an unseen outside force for the tragedy especially in an area that had experienced clashes with the union and non-union miners in order to expalin away the disaster.

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One year later,Colorado Militia and mining company mercenaries north of Trinidad Colorado,opened fire on a camp of striking miners,most of whom were Italian immigrants.Some thirteen were killed by gunfire,while additional women and children (the youngest child 4 years old) who had taken cover in storage pits dug under the tents were burned to death when the troops set fire to the encampment.This became known as the Ludlow Massacre.


sorry. said I'd shut up.

but you can check out a lot of storys of that kind.

our history is just as horrible toward workers as it has been toward blacks very often.



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I know a lot of the union strike violent clashes. I've kind of studied them for years. Not in a professional sense or for university classes. Just out of historical interest as I grew up in a mining town in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

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Personally, I voted for Obama because I thought he was the better man for the job.


He has enough experience (much more than Palin) but that isn't the point.


He has good judgment and Biden has enough experience for both.


Plus, the Republican NeoCons have had control of the US for 8 years now, and they (1) got us into an illegal war, financed on credit which hurts your income much more than higher taxes (2) nuked the anti-trust laws allowing Standard Oil to re-purchase Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, BP, Amoco, allowing $4 gas while the oil companies make record profits (3) for the second time (remember the S&L crisis) we taxpayers had to bail out the banks and pay off those bad loans with our taxes while the banks get off scot-free (4) managed to get us hated all over the world (5) we have had a deepening economic recession since Bush took office, and it has escalated to the worst recession since the Great Depression. I could go on.


The thing that always amuses me is how much Republican-Propaganda-Radio/TV (Limbaugh, Fox, etc.) trash the Democrats and Liberals. We had good economy and peace under Clinton, yet he still gets trashed. Bush starts a war under false pretenses, kills hundreds of thousands of people in the process, and Republican-Propaganda-Media calls him a hero. Go figure.


The anti-abortionist applaud Bush because he limited stem-cell research even though those 'extra' embryos would have been discarded at the fertility clinics anyway, but think its OK that his illegal invasion of a sovereign country under false pretenses resulted in +4K US servicemen and servicewomen dead, hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraq citizens dead, and many more life-ruining war injuries. I guess embryos slated for destruction at a fertility clinic are more important than the dead fathers, mothers, children, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles murdered by the Bush illegal war. Go figure.


I recently heard on NPR (National Public Radio for those living outside the US borders) that during the Bush administration, the super rich got much richer at the expense of everybody else. 90% of the US wealth is now in the hands of 1% of the population.


IMO electing McCain, (who has rubber-stamped virtually everything Bush proposed) would have continued the downward spiral started and maintained for 8 years by Mr Bush.


I guess the majority of US citizens agreed with me.


Time will tell if we made the right decision or not.


Personally, I hope the Democrat/Obama reign will bring back the good economy we had under Clinton. I've got my eye on a nice faded SG and if the private party business would pick up again, I could easily afford one.


But then, it's going to take a while to fix all that Bush and the NeoCons broke.



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I'm very glad Obama won for a lot of reasons:


1. The Republicans had 8 years to 'do their thing' and screwed it up totally. Compare how things were in 2000 to where they are today.


2. I watched a lot of CNN over the last couple of months & listened to a lot of McCain speeches and for the life of me I cannot recall him telling us of ONE SINGLE THING he would've done differently than Bush.


3. I won't have to go to sleep at night scared to death that McCain would die & we'd end up with Palin in charge. God help the world if that would've happened.


4. Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton are now irrelevant. Good riddance to both!


5. We will have a president with an I.Q. higher than that of my dog. (Mark my words, G.W. Bush will go down in history as the 'worst president we ever had').


As much as I hope Obama is successful I really have my doubts. As good as his intentions may be he still needs to run everything through the Gang of Thieves (a.k.a. the US Congress). Jesus Christ himself couldn't accomplish anything with that cross to bear.


If I live to be 150 years old I will never understand why so many working-class and middle-class Americans will doggedly defend the rights & privleges of the rich even at their own expense anymore than I will understand why English commoners will staunchly support the system that keeps Lords 'lording over them' by right of birth.

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I didn't vote for Obama, but I have to agree, about "Congress!" Amazing!! But, it never seems to

get any better, no matter who's in the "White House!" And, since Congress people are "elected" too...

what does that say about US?! ;>b Unfortunately, human's have a resistance to "change," even when

NO change is killing them. I've never quite understood that, either! Now, with all the "brainwashing"

that's going on, 24/7 by the media (and those in control of such), special interest groups, etc....it's hard

to get anything "objective," to make a decent decision, one way or the other. "News" needs to go back

to BEING "News," and NOT "Entertainment" that's dependent on Ratings=Money. But, I don't know if

that's even possible, anymore? Sure makes me miss Walter Kronkite, though.



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I usually try to stay away from political or religious discussions on the forums,but this election was a no brainer as far as I'm concerned. Even hard core republicans were jumping ship at the thought that "Caribou Barbie" was just a heart attack or a stroke away from the presidency. That's a truly scary thought no matter what your party stance might be.:)

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4. Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton are now irrelevant. Good riddance to both!



I agree' date=' they held their race back as far as I'm concerned.


If I live to be 150 years old I will never understand why so many working-class and middle-class Americans will doggedly defend the rights & privleges of the rich even at their own expense anymore than I will understand why English commoners will staunchly support the system that keeps Lords 'lording over them' by right of birth.


The only thing that I can determine, is if the rich get richer, they will be able to expand their business and therefore supply jobs. A good Republican theory, but one that didn't get played out that way. People started losing their jobs and therefore didn't buy product. If they don't sell product, they have no need for employees.


One of the many things I would like to see, is for Obama and the rest of Washington stop the bleeding of jobs to overseas slave labor and bring some of that work back here. Obama commented no tax breaks for a company that ships jobs overseas and he needs to follow through.

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Very good thoughts by all!! Now could we PLEASE move on? This shits given me a headache. Stan.


Hey Greenman kinda like porn......if you don't wanna watch it change the channel.......LOL...yeah this topic seems to be injected into a lot of threads lately.

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Especially since he hasn't even taken office.


Ya'll are arguing about "might be's" -- and I don't know any of you with an accurate crystal ball, on either side of the issue. Let's talk about guitars. Anybody notice that the old "R" manufacturer of Korean Epiphones now has a ebay rep for a bunch of good looking guitars with very familiar lines?

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I think one thing that angers me is how all the conservatives at my school are taking this election; When bush was elected for a second term, I said nothing. The day after Obama was elected, I had all my conservative friends cutting me down as harshly as Obama.

Neither can I understand why these college students so dogmatically support the rich, although I suspect it comes down to their voting on values rather than issues. Don't get me started on the ignorance most of my friends displayed in this election (voting with their parents was a major theme).

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I think one thing that angers me is how all the conservatives at my school are taking this election; When bush was elected for a second term' date=' I said nothing. The day after Obama was elected, I had all my conservative friends cutting me down as harshly as Obama.

Neither can I understand why these college students so dogmatically support the rich, although I suspect it comes down to their voting on values rather than issues. Don't get me started on the ignorance most of my friends displayed in this election (voting with their parents was a major theme).[/quote']

Maybe it's time to make some new friends:-k

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