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Weird string/tuning problem

charlie brown

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OK...I have a LP that I've owned for 32 years, and I've

never experienced this, before. So, I'm thinking it must

be a bad set of strings? Intonation is fine, and when

using a tuner, it says it's in tune. However, when playing

open or barre chords, NOTHING seems in-tune. Make adjust

ments, by ear, and it seems OK in open chords (for awhile)

but not in barre chords. Plus, it seems to go in and out

of tune while you listen to it. The nut is fine...there's never

been any problem, until now...same guage (10's) and even brand

stings, that I've always used, but man...I'm stumped! Anyone

had any similar experiences, and/or what did you determine

to be the culprit.





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Oh ya' date=' i think you should send it to me for a closer look. But i would try restringing it first. Never had that happen to me. Have you played it lately, before the change? Stan.[/quote']


Well, one thing I'm wondering is...since it was "inactive" for a while, that maybe the strings went bad...

stretched as far as they will, and not cannot be tuned properly? It is acting, as though the strings are

at that "dead" point, BUT...they sound almost "new" in tone...just won't stay tuned. I noticed, again,

just now...that when tuning with the electronic tuner (fresh battery), that when proper pitch is indicated,

it will then go 'sharp,' a bit...so, they may be stretched beyond any reall accurate tuning possibilities,

now? I have NO idea...as this is a new one, on me. The weather has cooled off (and dried up) a lot, too..

so maybe that's another factor. Problem is, it's not a factor, with any of my other guitars...even the Ricky

12 string is staying in tune, weather change and all...and that almost never happens! LOL! So..???



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Charlie, it's the LP's way of giving you the finger because you've spent so much time with the new SG and P93.


Seriously, I think you should try a fresh (not past the "good til" date) set of strings before exploring other possibilities.

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Extreme fret-wear?


No, I don't think so...Richochet...the frets look good, still. It's probably like

Ron said...bad strings/cranky guitar. LOL! It's just so Weird!! Usually, when

something like this happens, the strings are obviously bad...no tone, dead,

etc. But, in this case, they still sound "new" like (tone wise)...just won't hold

tune...especially the G, B, and high E. But, even the lower strings don't seem

all that accurate, either. Guess I'll change them out, and see if that helps...?


Thanks, guys...



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If you do the old-school tuning routine of starting at the low string and working your way across the guitar, 5th fret to open, etc. does THAT work? I find that my Casino tunes better that way. And like Dennis G mentioned, the G string is a real problem on this guitar. I need to try some new strings. I just recently got the guitar, and it's still got whatever they put on them at the factory. (Anyone know what that is?)

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No' date=' I don't think so...Richochet...the frets look good, still. It's probably like

Ron said...bad strings/cranky guitar. LOL! It's just so Weird!! Usually, when

something like this happens, the strings are obviously bad...no tone, dead,

etc. But, in this case, they still sound "new" like (tone wise)...just won't hold

tune...especially the G, B, and high E. But, even the lower strings don't seem

all that accurate, either. Guess I'll change them out, and see if that helps...?


Thanks, guys...




Bad strings..sometimes you get a set that won't stay in tune. Toss them and

get another different set is all I can suggest.

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Yup .....a bum set of strings is my call too. A guitar that's been stable all these years shouldn't just go nutty without something extreme happening and you would know it if that were the case. I've had it happen more with acoustics I don't play often....one day you just take them out of the case and the strings are dead! Oh well that's life...which reminds me....time to put a fresh set on my martin d-35!

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Thanks guys! I think you're right, about needing different strings, at this point. I've tried everything from "old

school," to high tech (electronic tuners) tuning...and the result is the same...plus, even minute changes in the

tuning keys, produces pitch changes that are beyond what would be expected (proportionally) to the key turns.

So...that says to me, too...that the strings are either bad to begin with, or have gone bad, stretched beyond hope,

so that they won't go to correct pitch and stay there. Quite often, even one strum...and several are out, already.

Very frustrating! Another strange thing, is they seem to have some weird harmonic, almost metallic sounds, especially in the upper 3 strings, that drive me, and the electronic tuner crazy!


So, I'll try a fresh set, and see what happens.


Thanks, for the help/responses!



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So' date=' What happened? Stan.[/quote']


Well, interesting you should ask, Stan...

I waited a day...picked the guitar up, and it was in tune,

and stayed there...without changing strings...

(just hadn't done it, yet). I was actually getting ready

to do just that, when I plugged it in...to check one more time,

and it was fine. NOTHING like the day before, when I posted

this original querry. That's even stranger...but, I'm wondering

if it's prior inactivity, then being tuned up and active again...

it needed a bit of "settling down" time. I've noticed that very

thing, on my Fender guitars, when they've not been played

in awhile. It's an interesting phenomena, for sure! Maybe the

more "tech" people here, can enlighten me/us? Neck tension,

Truss Rod settling down, etc??



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Good news' date=' either you or it were probably a bad day!!Stan.[/quote']


LOL! Yeah, possibly...but, it's happened before, as mentioned. I have a feeling

it's being played, after a longer period of inactivity, that's responsible. But, who knows?

I guess what I'm curious about, is if any other's here, have experienced the same

thing, beyond the normal "the damn "G" string won't stay in tune," sort of thing. LOL



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Hey CB I've had the same problem with my natural casino. Pick it up and no matter what I do its out of tune. If its in tune in the F position Its out playing a bar C. Adjust the strings so the C chord is perfect and go down to the F position and thats off. So frustrating that I put the guitar down and walk away. Two days later play it again and everything is perfectly in tune up and down the fret board. Pretty weird.

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Hey CB I've had the same problem with my natural casino. Pick it up and no matter what I do its out of tune. If its in tune in the F position Its out playing a bar C. Adjust the strings so the C chord is perfect and go down to the F position and thats off. So frustrating that I put the guitar down and walk away. Two days later play it again and everything is perfectly in tune up and down the fret board. Pretty weird.


Well Cookieman, I'm sorry you have the same experiences, but glad to know I'm "not alone!" ;>p


When I initially posted, I had never experienced this, on a "Gibson," or "set neck" guitar. I have, with bolt on (Fender)

guitars, to a certain degree...but, it seems like it corrected itself, a bit sooner. So, whatever that correction

IS, I guess it takes a bit longer, with a set-neck guitar? Who knows?? LOL! It could be (and probably IS)

directly effected by humidity changes. Temps, too...but I keep my guitars in temps that I'm comfortable

in, so...in this case, I think it may be more due to humidity...which here in the mid-west, can fluctuate

pretty drastically, at times. Especially in the Winter months.




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