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Do we want to people to spoil this Epiphone guitar board?

Secret Squirrel

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Just wondering if secret squirrely is a mod. Wasn't his partner a "mole".


Personally' date=' if some of the guys want to argue....let them. I have often learned from others arguments. Some of them are even entertaining. Not too crazy about some of the name calling (not a good example for some of the younger readers)....but....[b']Oh Well?! I"ve heard worse from my wife and I have to live with her.[/b]Anyway. no skin off my nose.



LOL LOL!!! too funny!!!!


But I agree, I can do without the name calling.

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Sounds like some of the newpaper accounts of two neighbors who knew each other having a gun fight in the front yard. Bystanders were quoted as saying, "Both of these guys were nice people. They were drinking and got into an argument and the next thing you know there was gunfire. It's sad that they couldn't live together in peace."


Seriously, guys, it's a discussion forum about guitars. What's there to lose your cool over? My Ford's better than your Toyota? Chill...

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I got sick yesterday. and I'm not going to spend anytime sitting here reading posts until I get better.

Rather be in bed.


You have to wonder what sort of person would come into a forum and blather negativity.

Well, I don't have to wonder, literally, I already know.


the delusion is on the part of the gibby owners who claim superiority.

You can't win if things aren't equal.

In short,

beat this:

five epis, one gibby.. cash spent being equal, gibby can't cut the mustard.

investment wise, two criteria, playing them and selling them.

gibby wins if you sell it, in which case what's so important about it in the first place except cash.

Go to wall street.. they need guys like you.

playing the, we're back to five versus one.

I win. You lose.

shut up.

or not!

I don't mind.



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I have been a forum member for about 3 years or so now and have saw many guys come and go. The trouble makers don't last long but other guys are just hard to understand or sometimes their posts can be taken out of context. I spend most of my time on another popular forum where the crowd is a bit more mature but still check in here often. The forum has always had its share of trouble and little spats but lets remember what we're all here for; to talk about something we all love, and that is playing guitar.

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What it all comes down on this Epi vs Gibson piss contest is how deep your pockets are. I have seen Gibsons over $2000 that had flaws in them, so paying more does not necessarily get you a good guitar. I guess the Epi are a gret brand for those on a budget, that with a few simple mods, can make thir guitar sound and look as close as possible to those expensive Gibson monsters. I grew up idolizing Gibsons as a kid, but after having seen a few Gibsons at the store lately, they don't appeal to me as a great guitar brand anymore, so I decided to tinker with a Strat guitar (to consider Fender models, this would have been called heresy in my old days).


1. If Gibsons are so great , why do they still keep putting them puke-green tuners that look like crap and fall apart on you? People change them for Grovers or something decent. I don't understand how an expensive guitar come with 5-cent tuners, I don't get it.


2. People piss themselves over pickups, my opinion is that it costs the same money to make a crappy pickup as it takes to make a great pickup (it's just a magnet for goddness sakes), OK, maybe a great pickup costs 5-cents more to make, especially when they buy them in huge volumes. So if companies choose to put crappy pickups on their guitars, then shame on them! For this, I am upset at Epis and the Gibson low-end guitars, you could have done much better on pickups!.


3. Nelson says the wood on Gibsons is a lot better. Ok, but the wood on an Epi is not that bad either. My guess is that if you spend another 5-cents more, Epi could have used the same wood as Gibson, so shame on you Epi!


4. Gibson brags about their skilled workforce. Then how come they can release a guitar to the public that looks like it has been made by a unionized low-wage hack with no skills? I think that Epi can naturally get better quality in the workmanship of their guitars, just for the reason that in China, you can probably put a gun to the head of the faltering employee and magically, quality does improve.


My point is that the spread in price that exists on an Epi vs a Gibson is totally ridiculous. It cannot be justified. If I had serious cash to spend, I would go to a guitar-maker and let them build a custom guitar for me and load this guitar with the best of the best and it would all cost less. Still, I think that upgrading an Epi can bring you very close to a good Gibson, so I think that it is a challenge to make your dollars go farther and if you get close, you feel like a financial genious. What really bugs me is that people are blindly paying 3x or 4x for even 10X for that stupid "Gibson" logo on the headstock and they still can get garbage, and in recent years, it seems that many of them are.

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