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Freedom of Speech


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Hello all you Epi heads.

I've been spending a little time over at the Fender (gasp) forum.

They still have moderators over there and they are kind of tyrranical.

I wanted to start a thread of gear pics like we have here, and they won't post it for me.

Boo Hiss

Thank you Epiphone for protecting free speech.

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yeah epiphone rules hip hip horay!


i might post my guitars, but i doubt it would really compel you all. all ive got is a parker hornet which is somewhat rare, an ibanez SZR with a custom "flatline" pearl inlay that nobody knows how it got there, an silvertone apocalypse with a "Cracked mirror" finish which essentially makes the guitar out of glass, a fender that was gotten so long ago it doesent even say fender on it that i got for free a few years ago of a really old guy, a les paul silverburst (Epiphone ofc) and my favorite of all my 1997 Riviera. i even have a 6 string banjo knocking about and some german guitar with a mother of pearl dragon going down the fret board.


so yeah, a pretty "Boaring" collection

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Hello all you Epi heads.

I've been spending a little time over at the Fender (gasp) forum.

They still have moderators over there and they are kind of tyrranical.

I wanted to start a thread of gear pics like we have here' date=' and they won't post it for me.

Boo Hiss

Thank you Epiphone for protecting free speech.


Well, only 3-4 months ago, they were doing just the opposite. People were being banned left and right for merely mentioning another brand other than epiphone. I was banned for 2 months because I simply gave a link to another website. Dozens of very experienced and knowledgable members were banned (some for several years) and many just simply left because of all the censorship and inconsistancy in applyling their rules. Now, because they realize they screwed up, they have turned their behavior around 180 degrees. But for how long?

Obviously your new, and don't know the history around here.

To commend Epiphone for allowing free speech is innacurate, misguided, and just plain ignorant.

If they are still doing it this time next year, than I will agree with you. Until then, your living in a dream world.

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I just don't understand this "freedom of speech" campaign in regards to message boards:-s ....


First, we are all guests in somebody else's house, and you don't call the owner of the house guests names such as: ("idiot" "sucker" "stupid" "ignorant.")..ect..ect... in a insulting manner. Or use racial comments to try and get a point across.


I can assure everyone there is no such thing as "freedom of speech" in my house when I have people over for a get together. Someone starts using a rash of foul language, or starts insulting guests, they get pointed to the door.


Basically if you want or have a deep need for something that will resemble unconditional "freedom of speech" without retribution. Make sure you are the undisputed shot caller of your domain.




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I just don't understand this "freedom of speech" campaign in regards to message boards:-s ....


First' date=' we are all guests in somebody else's house, and you don't call the owner of the house guest names such as: ("idiot" "sucker" "stupid" "ignorant.")..ect..ect... in a insulting manner. Or use racial comments to try and get a point across.


I can assure everyone there is no such thing as "freedom of speech" in my house when I have people over for a get together. Someone starts using a rash of foul language, or starts insulting guest, they get pointed to the door.


Basically if you want or have a deep need for something that will resemble unconditional "freedom of speech" without retribution. Make sure you are the undisputed shot caller of your domain.








Just lifted this off the web:


"The legal and governmental concept of freedom of speech does not necessarily apply between private citizens and publishers. The Constitution only restricts governmental interference with private expressions of free speech. A private publisher can still refuse to publish a controversial or hate-filled article, and a private owner of a web-based discussion can still remove objectionable posts unilaterally. While citizens may enjoy the benefits of freedom of speech, there is also the concept of "freedom from speech" which protects the general public from immoral or inflammatory forms of expression.


Freedom of speech is an important human right, and one worth defending against threats of arbitrary governmental censorship or repression. With such freedom, however, does come great responsibility. Freedom of speech does allow controversial artists, radio shock jocks and others to push the envelope of acceptable speech and artistic expression, but there should still be some safeguards in place to protect the general population from extreme forms of speech which violate community standards of decency."


Ref: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-freedom-of-speech.htm


We are all guests as you rightly say Duane.


What I've seen in my short time here is that the rights of the majority of guests are being violated because, while there may be freedom of speech, there is no freedom from speech.

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All in bold are misspelled:






Change to past tense for grammatical pertinence



I just figured I would correct the teacher' date=' since we all make mistakes:-$



your/you're doesn't drive me nearly as crazy as its/it's or compliment/complement.

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I've never figured out whether motherf__ker is one word' date=' two words or hyphenated.:-k [/quote']


Depends on usage right? -- for example:

--- mother-f__ker, as in WOW MAN! (thing Jack Black in The Jackal saying, "that m-f__er is state of the art!"

--- or moth-er-f__k-er, when expressing an element of surprise (again Jack Black upon 1st seeing the gatling gun)

--- motherf__ker, when assigning the name to someone like your boss or "this is EPI cursing 101, mf__er."


Hit every BLUE NOTE baaaby..., I'm going to play on:-"

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There's an on going debate amongst scholars if "irregardless" is actually a word.:-k

It seems to be gaining approval.


I like it. It rolls off the tongue soooo smooth. That's important.


Irregardless of the approval level from the grammar police, I will continue to use it just to irk those fools that are hung up on grammar.


FWIW... Microsoft Word did not flag it.

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It seems to be gaining approval.


I like it. It rolls off the tongue soooo smooth. That's important.


Irregardless of the approval level from the grammar police' date=' I will continue to use it just to irk those fools that are hung up on grammar.


FWIW... Microsoft Word did not flag it.[/quote']


Back when I was attending college, (when the moon was much closer to the earth), it was very much frowned upon to reference the word "irregardless" on our papers, because it was considered a "double negative." :-k


IMO, it will be one of those useless never ending debates.

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Don't get me started on "irregardless"... :-k


As posted in the "mahogany" thread:


Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so.

source: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/irregardless



It's at the top of my "list", for reasons stated in above-mentioned mahogany thread.

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Freedom of speech is fine and good, as long as people don't abuse it.


I for my part would be happy to see a bit of "censorship" here on the forum with regard to people selling their stuff. I have also seen a few insults, which don't really deserve to be defended with the Constitution...

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