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And yet again Oasis playing epiphone


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Not telling you how to do your job Duane' date=' but the UK is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (and 8 hours ahead of Pacific.) Can you give him until the morning? [/quote']


He's got until tommorow....... Thanks for pointing that out to me=d>

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Dont look back in anger has an intro that smacks of Imagine ' date='and there are a lot more that has been stolen from the the only great band the Beatles, by the way i dont dislike Oasis,but there are bits of Beatle tunes in a lot of there songs,very best wishes scarrabri[/quote']



Those "stolen bits" are obvious and were put there purposely. Noel is blatant about it, and has publicly said it. It's not stealing, its more like a tribute to their fav band. BTW...what song does wonderwall sound like?

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Those "stolen bits" are obvious and were put there purposely. Noel is blatant about it' date=' and has publicly said it. It's not stealing, its more like a tribute to their fav band. BTW...what song does wonderwall sound like?[/quote']


Hi there ,surely music is about creating some thing new and having a style that is yours, Elo captured a very good sound,without having to use other bands music,and what a sucess they were,where as Oasis seem to pick up where the Beatles left off,which i must say hasnt done them much harm,but cant we have some thing new,very best wishes scarrabri

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i have experience from living i both eras as im only young myself and come from the so called 'skinny jeans and telecaster strumming era'

oasis are probably my favourite alongside the beatles and yes they swapped and changed things around and Noel openly admits that but he did it no one else did' date=' he actually went out and made something of it and made mountains of money from it.

there are a lot of decent bands around at the moment but none that will ever probably reach the standard and heights oasis have.

that is not to say that these bands are crap they play in a different style, periods of music change, simple[/quote']


Ehm, Oasis were lucky to be living in a world, where the internet wasn't as wide.spread and people STILL HAD TO BUY CDs AND RECORDS, so there we have it.


The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys and whatever their names are, will never reach that standard, cause kidz these days prefer to download their favorite Music than to actually go into a store and buy their CDs so I'd say the Gallaghers were probably the last band to make buckloads of money by SELLING RECORDS...


Your argumentation isn't that good, because the Internet changed alot of things....


They also filled the niche of Britpop/rock perfectly, cause there wasn't anything else back then except for Grunge and Techno (I know... there was more in the 90's, but that's how I recall it)



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Ehm' date=' Oasis were lucky to be living in a world, where the internet wasn't as wide.spread and people STILL HAD TO BUY CDs AND RECORDS, so there we have it.


The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys and whatever their names are, will never reach that standard, cause kidz these days prefer to download their favorite Music than to actually go into a store and buy their CDs [/quote']


Everything goes in cycles. My parents were in their teens and early 20s in the late '50s and early-mid '60s. In those days the 45rpm single was king. My Mom was Welsh and from her I inherited boxes of British pop singles from that era, everthing from She Loves You through to Tom Jones crooning out Delilah. Some of them still have the price tags on them - bought from Woolworths in places like Chester and Wrexham for a couple of shillings. Not that different from today's kids downloading a track from Amazon for $1, when you think about it.


My Dad, on the other hand, was a serious music fan (he still is, actually). He gave me his collection of vinyl some years ago. Again, from the same era, but there are some real treasures in there. The British version of the Please Please Me album bought in the U.S. as an import (one of the early mono pressings with the black and gold label and the composers listed as McCartney/Lennon rather than Lennon/McCartney), a copy of Pet Sounds bought on the day the album hit the stores, and so on...)


I guess my point is, don't be too pessimistic! All mp3s and ipods have really done is reinvigorate the singles market, to some extent. Great bands will always want to make great albums, and there will always be music fans keen to buy them, in whatever format...

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I guess my point is' date=' don't be too pessimistic! All mp3s and ipods have really done is reinvigorate the singles market, to some extent. Great bands will always want to make great albums, and there will always be music fans keen to buy them, in whatever format...[/quote']


I'm not being pessimistic. Bands like the Arctic Monkeys for example just got famous because of their MySpace site. I'm not saying that the internet is bad but we have complete concurence now. Everyone can produce a single nowadays (with Garageband and so on) and put it on the internet and hope to become successful... it's not like it used to be, having talent scouts at gigs telling his friend who knows someone from a reocordcompany and so on. Everything is sort of digitalised!

When I said downloading music I meant, downloading it illegally, or let's say... peer to peer. I'm not saying: "ohh poor music industry, they don't earn any money anymore", because they still do.


Anyway... Thanks Noel for bringing back the epi semi-acoustic. I just fear the day when these guitars become "uncool" again like in the mid-70's when everyone seemed to be playing Gibson LP Customs and Strats...

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Ehm' date=' Oasis were lucky to be living in a world, where the internet wasn't as wide.spread and people STILL HAD TO BUY CDs AND RECORDS, so there we have it.


The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys and whatever their names are, will never reach that standard, cause kidz these days prefer to download their favorite Music than to actually go into a store and buy their CDs so I'd say the Gallaghers were probably the last band to make buckloads of money by SELLING RECORDS...




think you're forgetting coldplay. although, i wish i could forget them.


and the arctics gave their songs away for free, but by the time they released their album, even though everyone already had their songs, it was the fastest selling debut album in UK history.


and good guitars will never go out of fashion.

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It's always amazed me now peoples opinions differ regarding Noel and Oasis. 8-[


I personally love Noel regardless of limited guitar abilities or the similarities to some classic Paul & John tracks...


BTW, Did you all catch the free Noel Teenage Cancer Trust gig mp3's on the Timesonline last week?

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Speaking of great Mancunian bands, it looks like John Squire has finally killed any hopes for a Stone Roses reunion.




It's a pity. With all respect to the man, I think he was a better guitarist than he is an artist (his album covers notwithstanding).

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Ehm' date=' Oasis were lucky to be living in a world, where the internet wasn't as wide.spread and people STILL HAD TO BUY CDs AND RECORDS, so there we have it.


The Kooks, Arctic Monkeys and whatever their names are, will never reach that standard, cause kidz these days prefer to download their favorite Music than to actually go into a store and buy their CDs so I'd say the Gallaghers were probably the last band to make buckloads of money by SELLING RECORDS...


Your argumentation isn't that good, because the Internet changed alot of things....


They also filled the niche of Britpop/rock perfectly, cause there wasn't anything else back then except for Grunge and Techno (I know... there was more in the 90's, but that's how I recall it)




all i was stating is that bands like oasis made it because they put the work in,

an yes the internet has changed things now we have lots of different bands playing the same styles of music, thats not to say its for the worse things would never have been able to stay the same change is a good thing

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