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Muisic notation software


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I just did a piece on a piano player who uses Sibelius and loves it - and she's writing and playing some awfully complex stuff.


Luckily I never learned to read music well enough to hurt my playing.


That's a joke, guys. I'll admit that I'm a lousy sight reader, though.



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I'm fairly computer competent but I find all those buttons and lines and features kind of confusing/intimidating. I might be alone, but I've tried guitar pro, and Garage band and I only ever end up with the most basic of the functionality and get frustrated when I get edit/change or do any of the things I wanted to do.


I dunno, for the most part I just riff in my little green room at home while no one else is listening but the birds. Not to say that I wouldn't like to be good at recording.

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Yeah, it ain't. I got a pix of this lady piano player using the thing. She's a classical type and claims she's not a "pianist" but more of a "piano player." Her real thing is violin. I wish I could hear her on violin!


Instead of sheet music, she had her laptop on the piano. It was set to automatically "turn pages" for her during the concert!


http://ivoryfantasy.com/ has some info in German and English and some demos. The demo #3 starts out like classical... next thing you know there's other stuff all mixed in.



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i use and tested many software for music notation. It is my job as a professor in informatics with some courses in "music and computers". There few important leaders in music notation: Finale, Sibelius, Capella etc. There is a lot of other commercial producers and some developers makes open source software (free software). The main question is: What do you like make with the music notation software? It is a big difference to work for single voice leadsheet, for a small band, for a big band, for a choir etc.


I am a guitar player in a jazzband. I work with Finale, my band partners works with sibelius, Capella, Forte etc. My opinion is: There is no "best" software.


For me is the main question: How can I transport a leadsheet from one program to an other program? The solution is MusicXML (from www.recordare.com), not Midi or other features. With MusicXML it is possible to transport my jazz leadsheets (written with Finale) from one program to an other program. Sometimes i must make a manually postwork.



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Yeah it's too bad you can test software. I was given Finale through my church because I write the music. I love the program. It certainly has a lot of bells and whistles, but it's expensive. What exactly are you looking to do it terms printing, midi capabilities, adding drum parts, etc.?

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