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Don't know what you got...til....

6 string mystix

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Hey fellow guitar players;


I guess I had to tell someone...


I suffered a work injury and my left pinky finger was pretty mangled and resulted in the last few weeks being a nightmare, especially when it comes to my guitar playing.


I am not a young guy anymore and I am about 7 years from retirement, so I had hoped that my job would not ruin me permanently in any way-only so I could enjoy my retirement years in peace and playing my beloved guitars.


Lately, ironically-when I think about it, I had been reaching some really magical moments in my guitar playing and I was constantly amazed at how IN LOVE -I had become with my instrument, the sounds,the smell, the tone, the mystical feelings I felt when something really beautiful would emanate from my hands,my heart, the guitar---everything.

I am sure most of you can relate.


Well, since my injury-the first thing that happened was that I was completely mis-diagnosed and hopefully I can still get back to where I was before the injury.

The first doctor I went to was my regular doctor, a general practitioner, who basically put a splint on my finger and said come back in two weeks--it should be alright.

Two-weeks later, it was worse. I was also taking the splint off for showering,for work, for sleep,etc.-and continued to work, because in my line of work---hey its just a pinky...just man up,already! (that was pretty much what I heard everyday)


When I returned to the doctor, she sent me to a specialist but that specialist did not do workmans comp cases so I had to find another doctor.


This doctor got me x-rayed, said I needed surgery and he would put a pin in my finger and basically scheduled me for surgery--but never advised me NOT to take the splint off--again--

and --again...I continued to work, because he said, ``you have already been going to work-so you might as well continue.''


On the day of surgery, I finally went with my gut feeling that something wasn't right and told him I needed a second opinion.


The next doctor appeared to care, and examined my finger and within 5 minutes , she diagnosed me as having a mallett finger or baseball injury--is what I believe it is called.

She said she would NOT recommend surgery and put me on very restricted light duty--NO USE of the left hand and immediately sent me to a physical therapist. She also explained that the MOST important thing-is that I CANNOT REMOVE THE SPLINT FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER FOR 8 WEEKS!


All this time I had been damaging it further by using my finger--I had actually tried to keep playing guitar because I thought that I had to fight through the pain and I figured (wrongly) that , since no doctors had advised against it-it was perfectly okay.


I also had been seriously having very depressing thoughts and feelings regarding my guitar playing-but no-one seemed to care---it is just a pinky,remember?


So, I am now on my 2nd week (only) of the 24/7 splint and it is driving me crazy not to be able to pick up my Gibson CJ-165 (as a matter of fact-I placed it for sale due to the torture of seeing it unplayed) and I realized that for a damn pinky-this has really been an ordeal.


Apologies for the very looong post but I guess what I really wanted to say -was please appreciate all your blessings and never take your talent or ability for granted.



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Sorry to hear of your injury and hope it's something you can recover well from. I too work in an environment that threatens my hands everyday, and have for over 30 years now. Banged them up badly more than once but never beyond healing with time and attention. You did well to get a second opinion.....I found this, and it recommends splinting for 6-8 weeks, without interruption. Hang in there, and don't sell that CJ! You'll wish you hadn't when you heal.

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Sorry to hear of your injury and hope it's something you can recover well from. I too work in an environment that threatens my hands everyday, and have for over 30 years now. Banged them up badly more than once but never beyond healing with time and attention. You did well to get a second opinion.....I found this, and it recommends splinting for 6-8 weeks, without interruption. Hang in there, and don't sell that CJ! You'll wish you hadn't when you heal.



Thanks for the kind words...


as far as selling, I also had some financial issues which kinda forced me to take action...and it is on ebay as we speak...I am kinda hoping that the reserve is not met...oh well...in a couple of months , maybe-if it sells I will be on the hunt for another CJ...


thanks again,


love the videos and the songs you have posted,



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Hang in there! About 8 years ago, I broke (smashed up, really) my left wrist--had surgery and an external fixator for 6 weeks, etc. I thought I would die from 1) not playing my guitar and 2) not knowing how or if I would recover enough to "feel" it again.


It turned out just fine. No lingering issues at all, but all credit goes to my rehab specialist. Find someone who specializes in hand rehab (mine, I learned, was sought after by people who played the violin for a living) and you will be surprised to find out how much she/he will work your guitar-playing into your rehab work when the time is right.


The body is amazing...watch it heal, and trust that you'll get back to where you want and need to be.


The music isn't going anywhere without you...




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First of all I would take the "For Sale" sign off all musical equipment. This WILL heal.


And above all, don't go back to work until your pinkie is good and ready. Be aware, the Workmen's Comp people are pressuring the doctor to get you off the 'dole'. Unless you can confidently replicate your work duties at home. Doctors can and do listen to their patients when it comes to signing the "Okay to return to normal duties" form.


Keep your mind and body otherwise occupied. Read, watch movies, but get out and move around too, go for walks, target shooting, whatever. It'll take your mind off your pinkie and guitars. Learn the lyrics to songs, get the singing down. Close the music room door if you have to. 8 weeks isn't such a long time.


If worse comes to worst, remember that Django Reinhardt only had two working fingers and a thumb on his fretting hand.

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I am really sorry to hear of this. And do take the time you need to heal.


But I agree - get that For Sale sign out of there. Then go listen to Bruce Langhorne's playing on Bob Dylan's Corrina, Corrina, Don't Think Twice Its Alright and the Bringing It All back Home LP. Amazing playing - especially since Langhorne had lost three of the five fingers on his hand at the age of 12.


We here are wshing you nothing but the best.

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Hey, how about learning all those slide licks and techniques you've always promised you will do and never have? (if you are like me.)


Get the action raised on another guitar, tune to open G or D or whatever and sing the blues.


Use the 3rd finger for the slide and not the pinky.........obviously!

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I definitely feel your pain! It is good that you listened to your gut....too many times stupid arrogant doctors don't care about patients ....only thier incomes....it is getting rare to find physicians who really listen and work together with the patient as a team and value what you say.


My issue started as mild pain in my ring finger. I had learned to fingerpick with three fingers and thumb.....so I relearned everything and changed to using just thumb - index and middle fingers. With in a month or two though the pain ended up effecting all my fingers and moved up my arm all the way into my shoulder.


I have been dealing with over a year now of throbbing pain in my right arm and shoulder. I have been to 2 G.P's - 1 Neurologist - 1 Kinesiologist - 1 Physical Therapist and 2 massage therapists. I have gotten diagnosis of Tenosynovitis - Tendinitis - Carpal Tunnel - Cubit Tunnel Entrapment - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. The two G.P's ....as soon as I said I do IT work and play guitar ...you could see their minds shut down and the words Carpel Tunnel automatically come out of their mouths and that was that! It is not Carpel Tunnel!


I finally found a Chiropractor who listened to what I had been saying and saying.... and took a simple X-ray of my shoulder to find the humorous bone jammed into the shoulder socket and grinding bone on bone. He is moving it out and I am finally getting some relief. I am sure if I had followed the suggestions of the traditional Doctors they would have tried surgery and I would be completely screwed.


Though all this I went from 2 or 3 hours a day of guitar playing to maybe 2 hours a week. BUT I never seriously thought about selling my guitars or that I wouldn't eventually get back.


Glad you did the smart thing and got a second or even third opinion and I am sure now that you have a Dr. that seems to know what to do you will be back at it in no time.


As others have suggested and I agree.... I have spent all this down time learning to sing....took some singing lessons and practice singing using Karaoke songs .....you can find them on YouTube for free or there are a couple websites where you can buy the video Karaoke tracks with scrolling words for a buck or two apiece. Singing has helped my ear and my musicality so while I have been away from guitar for a long time I have still been practicing and improving my music.


Good luck and don't sell any guitars ....especially the CJ-165.....you would end up regretting it!

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Thanks again fellow guitarists-ladies and genitals


I have a bunch of songs we did on garageband...right here actually;




and I recently got me an apogee duet and pro logic 9


and I figured at least -to use my time wisely- I would clean up all the tracks and enhance whatever I could while at the same time ---


learn HOW to use logic pro--AND hopefully learn how to transfer the garageband files into the logic pro to make it a complete album.


Hopefully in 2 to 3 months I can start playing again and maybe finish all the guitar parts at that time...


I have been placed on light duty at my job--with no use of the left hand.

It is uncomfortable but bearable.



The decision on the CJ was just based on a few other things and --it may not sell-as I see the reserve is still not met, but if it does I can use the cash now to get me through a rough patch and then hit some overtime when I am well and save up for another CJ or maybe even an SJ.


Again, much gratitude for all your kind thoughts and keep on picking,strumming,etc.

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