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My First Amp


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The first amp that may be my first amp sold as a hobby that is. [laugh]


The proto-type amp I would like to eventually sell is out on the road touring... being used by a Christian band. The guitarest is going to try running stereo with his Vox AC30 and my combo - I call it, the "Apostle Paul."


They are on the road for the next 5 or so weeks and then go into the studio back in Nashville to work on a new album.


On the other hand, he may not like it as much as when he played it before their show. Then again, he is a producer in Nashville so I may just give it to him in exchange for some exposure? I don't know we'll see how things play out.... errr no pun intended.


Now I have to build another one to replace that one so I have one to use.


I also have finished a basic web site - it's the first site I've ever built. I need to change some things on the web site but it's a learning process. Basically, I had to build a web site for the class I just finished taking and this was it minus some simple java validation script.


Apostle Tone Amps

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Very nice!


BTW in the About Us section, you put Christian artisits? Is it supposed to be artists or am I mistaken?


the line:


The answer is that it is my desire to first offer these amps to Christian artisits


and one other suggestion, IMHO instead of Apostle Tone Amplifiers builds your amp one at a time, you could try Apostle Tone Amplification, it sounds cooler to me.


Up to you obviously.

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Good luck on your endeavor!


Maybe you'll want to hire Dem00n to help with that "attention to detail" bit.


Just kidding - except to say that that kind of stuff apparently does matter, as indicated in the above responses.


I sincerely hope that you kick open a great huge door, and become the next Dumble.

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Thanks for the feed back, and critiques. I fixed all the typo's. Lesson to be learned is to type in a word processor that has spell check. I typed all of this up in Note Pad which doesn't have spell check. I'll have to try Note Pad ++ and see if that has spell check?


It could use more changes actually. This is the first web site I've ever built (it shows I know). It was for a class on basic web design and I had to build it entirely by hand - no code generators like Dream Weaver could be used.

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