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Yesterday I reached 25 Posts and became the top poster. Today, it still showed me as the top poster with 25, but every time I post today, the number goes down. Before I posted this new thread it was at 24. :blink:


Just checked again, and now I'm at 23 :-k

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Beats me... better stop posting dude, you might end up with 0 postcount and you know everything in the world is about post count on the gibson forum. I know this guy, went lookin' for a job, did bad in the interview, but then thay saw he had like 5000 posts in the gibson forum, offered him a better job that the one he was aplyin' for. [thumbup][flapper]

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Beats me... better stop posting dude, you might end up with 0 postcount and you know everything in the world is about post count on the gibson forum. I know this guy, went lookin' for a job, did bad in the interview, but then thay saw he had like 5000 posts in the gibson forum, offered him a better job that the one he was aplyin' for. [thumbup][flapper]

Wow, with 11,601 posts, you could probably get any job you want. \:D/

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I think it's based on the last 24 hours, so if you made 10 posts between 3pm and 4 pm they go away from the calculation after 4 pm. I think.


Artillery Owl is right.


Your posts only stay in the count for 24 hours from the time they were posted, after 24 hours they are removed from your count.




[confused] Why does it go backwards? [confused]


Apparently you missed those pesky math classes in elementary school that taught subtraction.

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Because any posts you made greater than 24 hours ago go away, but the posts you made in that 24 hour time frame remain.


So; (I think anyway)


If I made ten posts and 25 hours later I've made no posts it returns to zero. If I made 50 posts at 3 pm yesterday, and 20 more at 5 pm, I would have a total of 70 posts for the day until 3pm the next day where it would reduce to the 20 posts that I made at 5pm. That's why it fluxuates.

That make any sense?

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Where is rocketman when you need are there any other Astro Physicists or a good plumber here that could look into the space time flux on the forum?

I didn't think post counts were important anymore now it's all about the little reputation points.


Ha !


I just gave you a + B)

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Ok, I get it now... [thumbup]


I love the Space, Time Continuem(sp) thing though. If you go back in time and do something to change the future, and then go back earlier in time and change something so that the previous visit never needed to happen, what happens then??? [confused]

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Better watch out, all this being proud with all the posts can be easily wiped out like what happened a few months ago when they moved the forum to a outside hosting service vs Gibson hosting the site. We all lost loads of posts, and sadly many of those posts were really valuable and filled with loads of cool info.


So that's what happened with the forum crash. Server's, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em... [biggrin]

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