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How often Do You Practice/Play

G McBride

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I am just curious how often everyone else plays a guitar and what kind of practice do you do.


I am taking lessons right now so I have specific things that I must learn and practice each week for the next weeks lesson. I practice at least an hour every day. What do the rest of you do?

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Solid practice is about 15 minutes a day. That's after 20 minutes of noodling around to warm up my fingers and all. Then after the 15 minutes of serious stuff, I screw around playing something old and fun. If I just concentrate on serious theory or a particular song, I tend to lose interest and skip a day or more. If life get overwhelming, I can still squeeze the 15 minutes of serious stuff in an then sleep!

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I think I agree with the taking longer to learn something now than it did when I was younger. Important thing is to keep learning something new.


I also spend time just playing so that it doesn't get stale. I play different guitars through different amps. I am always amazed at how the tone of the guitar or amp you are playing will lead you to play certain songs.

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I'm like eljay. 1-2 hours per day. Everyday.

A lot on my ES-335 unplugged on the sofa watching sports on TV. Pandora's Box with headphones, too.

GuitarPro , YouTube learning. I tend to learn things more quickly if I leave them & then come back days or weeks later.

One 3 hour jam session each week with a buddy.

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I play whenever I get a spare moment, very rarely get time to dedicate hours a day, although I really wish I could. 20 mins here and there, not ideal I know, work and family responsibilities take priority these days. 15 years ago it would have been 2-3 hours a day most days.

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I am sticking to turning off the TV and staying away from the computer for at least one hour every evening and practicing guitar. I play what ever I have been assigned that week for my lesson and then just play what ever comes to mind. I have been playing guitar since 1966 and decided this was the year that I would get some professional training.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a rhythm guitar guy most of my life, my instructor thinks that he needs to move me up into soloing. My goal when I started lessons in August were just to improve my playing and learning more from someone better than me.


I spent this weekend playing Diagonal Blues Scales. Last week it was Chords to Let It Ride by BTO, that moved me up and down the neck playing chords in different voices to make the guitar sound more unique. The purpose of the last two weeks practice were to "Get me out of the Box".


I have played at least an hour a day for the last year. I found myself playing familiar songs from my past and not really getting better at guitar. Now that I have an instructor and a lesson plan each week, I find myself improving and moving forward again. I just needed to be playing with someone with greater skills than I have so that they can teach me.


Keep practicing and playing. I am 57 and find that the more I play the more things come back to me that I played many years ago. My grandsons are now listening to the music that I grew up with. A couple of the boys are learning to play guitar and I love to be able to play along with them occasionally.


Practice with a goal in mind and not just play for an hour or so and you will start to see improvement in your techniques.

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