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One Less Lonely Girl - Holiday idea


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Does he have an endorsement deal with any guitar makers?

Seriously, he's a high-profile act and you know NOTHING will be photographed with him that doesn't pay...


I don't have the er... time to investigate it myself - ya know what I mean? [biggrin]

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It's a DOLL for chrissakes Neo!!




Notice there is no brand name on the guitar


or the hoodie

or the shirt

or the jeans

or the tennis shoes



It's just an accesory so they can play make believe. Dude... you HAVE a daughter... surely you haven't forgotten what a doll accessory is :D

How many Chrstmases did you spend building Barbie stuff???





(Oh... insert obligatory statement about me laughing my butt off while I write this... I remember all too well spending hours building 3 story tall town houses and working swimming pools and such..)

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Dude... you HAVE a daughter...



Yeah, I was just wondering if he's really playing or if it's an Elvis-style prop onstage.

(I know, Elvis could actually play but he was rarely ever turned up in the mix onstage.)


I just don't think I can watch enough video footage to see for myself.

The only curiosity I really have is what brands he's associating himself with.


Funny connections are made sometimes...

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No sir... the word is intentionally.


For the aforementioned reasons. Free milk and the cow... that sort of thing. It could be he is fishing for an endorsement, but I'm still going with "doll accessory"...



If Gibson or PRS want to have him start being seen with their products, I'm sure they'll contact him.... when they're sure he's not a flash in the pan.[thumbup]

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Mrs. Neo tells me she has a couple 1st grade students who are a little too preoccupied with him.

Lunchboxes, backpacks, etc.


Writing stories turns into Bieber fan mail workshops.


And they're only 6!





Oh, and they're trying to make their hair look like his - against their mother's wishes.

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He plays drums too apparently.

The scary thing is, the Jonass Bros. have a sig guitar already.... if Beaver gets one, I just might sell my Les Paul.


Advice. Be very careful on what you say about the Jonas Brothers, it tends to upset one of our mods.

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Advice. Be very careful on what you say about the Jonas Brothers, it tends to upset one of our mods.

C'mon Bill...

You KNOW that's not an inappropriate fetish or anything like that.




He's simply defending the artistic merit of anybody who's out there doing it.


Like it or not, those kids are playing gigs to audiences none of us will ever likely see.


(Cuz every tiny little gig I've ever played, everybody in the audience was old enough to drive themselves there....)





Seriously, nobody has seen what brand of guitar he plays? [blink]

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