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The aging process


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I was reading Sinner 13's thread on elbow issues and got me to thinking... So as not to hijack Sinner's thread here is my related thread...


I'm a biker, I ride a Harley. In 2004 I bought a Harley Road King and before I took delivery I had them put some extra wide handle bars on the bike. Looked really cool and with such an out-stretched position while riding it made you feel and look like you owned the road. After a few months I developed tennis elbow... [confused] Turns out the unnatural position of the custom handle bars sent all the vibrations to my elbows. I was in real pain after every ride... [confused] So when I figured it out I lost the cool handle bars and replaced them with a set of handle bars that let me ride in a much more natural position. Problem solved! ( Relating to sinner's thread, try adjusting the position of the way you hold your guitar )



This makes me think of all those gymnasiums across the world full of people doing extensive workouts trying to keep fit. They are putting unnecessary strain and stress and wearing out their body parts prematurely. Marathon runners, body builders, treadmill addicts may regret this constant assault on their bodies later on in life. I think staying active by playing sports or just being busy in your work everyday is enough exercise to stay fit.


I have been watching the aging process up close with my 85, soon to be 86, year old mother. She was always very active, was out dancing with friends 3 or 4 times a week up until the age of 80. Now she is basically house bound. All the bone cartilage in her body has been worn out or deteriorated to the point where she suffers terrible pain all the time from bone on bone friction... She should of had some joint replacements years ago but never did and now she says it's too late so she suffers...


Repetitive constant motion over the years will wear out anything... If you suffer from sore elbow, wrist or anything else try adjusting the position you are used to using while playing... Sorry for the ramble...

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It's a balance between cardio to keep your heart fit and wearing out the rest of you.


Do what you enjoy, that way when you look back you'll have great memories.


Fighting can be hard on your shoulders and elbows. Lots of knee injuries from twisting and maneuvering on uneven ground, too. But at least, as we sit by the fire with a tankard of ale or mead, we can tell tales of great battles won or lost and exploits brave and mighty....



... in between mouhtfuls of Advil or Tylenol!



Better living through chemistry!

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Your diet added to movement has a lot to do with it also. My grand mother was chopping firewood at age 85, and I mean swinging an ax. (no not a guitar) I ride an old 82 shovel head but I have swept back type of handle bars which makes for more comfortable riding to me and I have no problems. At age 50 I rode my Harley from Denver to Sturgis and back while most everybody else took their bikes on trailers . I have two disks out in my neck, crashed my Harley a couple years ago at age 52 and trashed my right leg pretty bad and over came that quickly by keeping active and always watching what I eat. One thing I have learned over the years is to observe and listen to people older than me especially the ones who are older and the oldest. I don't eat meat or drink cows milk, I eat fish once in while but mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, make my own European wines, smoke a little pot and I try not to wear out my body parts to the point of not being able to replenish and repair itself. I learned muscle control years ago taking Ti Kwan do and it does work. I have chased the devil, romanced the stone, beat the odds, and still made it home!


Your body is like your guitar,


just listen to it,


and you will be making beautiful music for a long time!

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Relating to sinner's thread, try adjusting the position of the way you hold your guitar

yeah I have been really working on my technique a lot of late now that I am the only guitarist in my band.

so I can play with more clarity instead of just beating the chords out.msp_lol.gif




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It is funny why some people can seem to go on forever and others seem to fall apart! My MIL is 86 and can run circles around anyone I know who is half her age. On our last visit when me and my wife arrived she was on her roof sweeping off the pine needles. We ask her to come down and let us do it for her and she laughed and said we would kill ourselves!

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Your diet added to movement has a lot to do with it also. My grand mother was chopping firewood at age 85, and I mean swinging an ax. (no not a guitar) I ride an old 82 shovel head but I have swept back type of handle bars which makes for more comfortable riding to me and I have no problems. At age 50 I rode my Harley from Denver to Sturgis and back while most everybody else took their bikes on trailers . I have two disks out in my neck, crashed my Harley a couple years ago at age 52 and trashed my right leg pretty bad and over came that quickly by keeping active and always watching what I eat. One thing I have learned over the years is to observe and listen to people older than me especially the ones who are older and the oldest. I don't eat meat or drink cows milk, I eat fish once in while but mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, make my own European wines, smoke a little pot and I try not to wear out my body parts to the point of not being able to replenish and repair itself. I learned muscle control years ago taking Ti Kwan do and it does work.

I have chased the devil, romanced the stone, beat the odds, and still made it home!

Your body is like your guitar,


just listen to it,


and you will be making beautiful music for a long time!


Plus 1 sir

I am trying to have a similar outlook.

I am lucky to work at one of the nations largest Natural food grocery markets.

so nutritional education and availability at a reasonable price (as an employee)is a plus.

I have noticed huge strides in my health getting better.

I don't consume alcohol(any more, been almost 6 years)

I am down to like one or two cigarettes a day.

smoke a little green, for stress.

probably the worst thing is my coffee habit.

I too have had many grand adventure over the years, and hope there are more out there, Ol' Scratch ain't got me yet, and I'm not going down without a fight.

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