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There is hope


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So last night I judged a local battle of the bands contest - all high school kids and younger.

It was pretty cool The winning band played "Red House" and "Dazed and Confused". Three piece

band. The guitar player was also the vocalist. They killed! Tight, tasty, talented and

well-rehearsed. The second place band did a great job on some Weezer and an original tune.

The kids were all very positive and very interested to hear how the judges thought they did

and what they could improve on. I left feeling pretty positive about the future of rock and


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I'd agree...


There are some talented "kids" out there. A few may end up pros, more may end up as weekend warriors, most will remember the days and perhaps will keep pickin' through the years to have their lives enriched by makin' a bit of music.


It's pretty much the same here with general talent, although almost certainly on a smaller numeric scale, but it's encouraging.


I dislike saying too many bad things about the younger generations - a bad habit older folks have had for some thousands of years - because with a bit of opportunity for feedback, I think there are just as good people and musicians there than in my generation.


The challenges of youth are always the same, just placed by time into a different context in which they have to find their own personal solutions.


But music... it's always good to play and perform.


EDIT: After I posted I remembered this addition. I have some friends who took far different pathways than I did. They went left and I went ... Hmmmm, libertarian? Although politically still "left," they're awfully conservative in life and I guess one might say I'm ... <chortle> still kinda libertarian.



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Way cool, Surf! [thumbup]


Even on youtube I'm seeing more and more comments from

younger kids praising the classic rock bands. It's cool to see.

Many are fed up with the mainstream and their own generation.

The world is way overdue for a new rock and roll rebellion.

The 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's had it. I'll leave it at that. lol

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