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Weekend plans...?


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Well, we had a change of plans too. Went to drop the dog off at the place we've been boarding him for years (but which had changed ownership recently) before heading off to Iowa. When we got there we just picked up one bad vibe after another. First, no other dogs there on a holiday weekend. Very strange. Then the person on duty was an absolute space case, kept losing our info, etc. Then a few things about the facility that just didn't look or feel right. Got out to the car, talked about it and went back in and said our plans had changed and got the pooch back. Called my wife's folks and told them we'd visit in a couple of weeks and headed home. Took a nice long walk along the lake yesterday afternoon and we'll enjoy a pleasant long weekend together. I lost a dog many years ago who somehow got out of a place where I was boarding him and got hit by a car while I was on vacation, and I told myself I'd never leave another dog at a place I wasn't completely confident about. So, while the pup might have been fine this weekend, I think we all slept better last night. Iowa will still be there in a couple of weeks.

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