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Dealership Woes


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Many of you might remember from a earlier post that my wife's new Mercedes Sports Utility was in the shop again with an electrical sensor problem and that it had been there over three weeks because the part was not available in America! Well today was the worst case scenario date according to the dealership it's now been five weeks that the car has been in the shop and of course nothing. We called them and they said well yeah we were gonna call you but still no part, they say it will be any day now but we don't know for sure. The shop manager then had the gall to say but you still have the loaner right so go ahead and keep it until yours is ready.


Go ahead and keep it? there lucky I'm not selling the freaking luxury car to a limo service in Mexico. amazing how bad service can be in today's world a 65k car that been in the shop for seven weeks out of it's first year and they say well yeah that's not really good is it.


I have a meeting with the dealership owner and Service Manager on Monday (they say they want to make it right) but 'm sure they'll just wring there hands and say how sorry they are. If this was not a business lease I'd be in court with them over the Lemon laws in Arizona but lease's have no coverage under the law, and Mercedes is not a participating dealership so you have to sue them even if it was a purchase.


Still I now understand the old adage now that if you treat a customer right and they'll tell five of their friends about you, treat them wrong and they'll tell everybody they know, never been a truer statement


Lucky for me the loaner they gave us is a really sharp looking sports sedan so everywhere we go people ask me what I think of the car, and you can bet I'm happy to tell them exactly what I think. I've already talked two people out of buying Mercedes cars, one even cancelled a car on order and bought a Lexus the other bought a Charger and you can bet that I'll keep telling everyone I meet. [cursing]

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My brother bought a MB about a couple years ago, his first one after years of owning Hondas and an Acura. It was beautiful, comfortable, and performed well, but had so many problems in the first year that he took a huge hit and traded it in on a new Acura TSX, which he's had absolutely no problems with. I hope your problems get solved.

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You could always deal with a BMW stealership. My 3 series went in for a small issue, and BMW came back with a list of $3,000 worth of maintenance they wanted to perform - marked as "failed" on the inspection sheet. Took it over to an indy shop an guess what? Only a small portion needed to be completed. The best part was BMW wanted $500 in parts / labor to fix a known electrical issue. I purchased the parts from the BMW parts counter for $10, found BMW's technical service bulletin and repair guide for the problem online, and fixed it myself in 20 minutes.

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You could always deal with a BMW stealership...


Oh trust me we know all about high priced parts with both BMW and even worse Range Rover, I had to pay $840.00 dollars for a windshield on a M3 in 2001. Even worse with a Range Rover my wife was driving right before the MB I had to pay $140.00 for windshield wipers at the parts counter, they just handed them to me for that price. I replaced the windshield wipers on my Thunderbird on the same day and the wipers for the T-Bird were 18 dollars and that was for the higher quality ones that don't breakdown in the sun.


I would guess the high end sports cars are all like that I was really worried when I picked up a Porsche but at least with the Boxster I've never had a issue at least not yet, in the three years I've had it now it's never been in the shop for anything other than scheduled maintenance and a car battery the sun cooked last year. Now with the Range Rover we should of had our name painted on a parking space in their lot it spent a lot of time at the dealership, almost always for the anti-lock brake sensors on the all wheel drive - they wold replace them and we would be lucky to get home without the light going on again.


But all those horror stories pale to the truly horrendous Chrysler Lebaron convertible my wife had the first year they were released. That car was so badly made that we actually kept a cardboard box in the trunk for spare parts that would just fall off the car it was actually pretty funny if you weren't paying for it. In the year and a half we drove it before they bought it back from us (for full price )it had constant issues and not small just small stuff either the windows would just fall into the doors when you tried to close a door, if you adjusted the seat you'd here strange pings and pops and there would be as many as a dozen small springs and hooks lying on the floor mat. We had two small electrical fires under the hood and we had two replace the McPherson struts on the car twice in 18 months. Cosmetic stuff we just gave up on door handle's and logos would just fall off and be lying on the ground when you walked up to open a door and the final straw my wife was backing up out of her parking space at work and the whole front bumper and air damn unit fell out from under the car they said she had hit something until they had Chryslers own investigation team showed it had like 1/4 of the connectors it should have had. At that time I contacted a lawyer but they didn't even fight it they told us to bring it to the dealership and they handed us a cashiers check and a release to sign.

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perhaps, by making it right they will terminate the lease? or perhaps, reimberse for the time it was in the shop? (but, you do have a loaner, not sure if it suits you though). of, look at it this way:


i couldn't even afford to rent that car for a week. just sayin, you a pretty lucky guy.

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perhaps, by making it right they will terminate the lease? or perhaps, reimberse for the time it was in the shop? (but, you do have a loaner, not sure if it suits you though). of, look at it this way:


i couldn't even afford to rent that car for a week. just sayin, you a pretty lucky guy.



LOL I guess that is one way of looking at it and your right I am a Pretty lucky guy to be in a good place financially that allows me to be able to simply write checks for things like luxury cars and houses and to buy any and all big boy toys like guitars and amplifiers that I think I might want.


although I like to think that almost 9 years I spent in college earning a BS degree in mathematics and then 2 MBA's including 1@ Harvard, Followed with almost 20 years of working 14+ hours a day in Technology and working my way up to the top CIO/CEO role probably influenced the luck just a little bit.


Sorry everyone if it sounds like I was whining and your right, no real harm done by the car being in the shop. I was really more surprised than anything else that a high end brand with that quality reputation would let this occour. In todays world poor customer service is a nightmare, I have already talked two friends out of purchasing MB cars I figure this action has already cost thedealership and company close to 220k and I will have two full years left to tell people about the quality vehicles and service here at MB I would be shocked if i cant easily take a half million dollors a year out of the sales.



So again I apologize for whining about a minor personal issue that I thought many interest some readers. We can go back to discussing why Gibson has runs in the paint or the other major issues new guitars suffer from. or maybe we can have a rousing conversation on pickguards on or off again [thumbup]

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You're not whining. Over here in the UK we have it inbred to accept things. It doesn't matter how much you earn. Youve worked for your podition Whatever you buy should be of merchantable quality. Whether it be a car or guitar. I don't stand for shoddy workmanship. I'd tell MB to shove it and cancel the lease.

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LOL I guess that is one way of looking at it and your right I am a Pretty lucky guy to be in a good place financially that allows me to be able to simply write checks for things like luxury cars and houses and to buy any and all big boy toys like guitars and amplifiers that I think I might want.


although I like to think that almost 9 years I spent in college earning a BS degree in mathematics and then 2 MBA's including 1@ Harvard, Followed with almost 20 years of working 14+ hours a day in Technology and working my way up to the top CIO/CEO role probably influenced the luck just a little bit.


Sorry everyone if it sounds like I was whining and your right, no real harm done by the car being in the shop. I was really more surprised than anything else that a high end brand with that quality reputation would let this occour. In todays world poor customer service is a nightmare, I have already talked two friends out of purchasing MB cars I figure this action has already cost thedealership and company close to 220k and I will have two full years left to tell people about the quality vehicles and service here at MB I would be shocked if i cant easily take a half million dollors a year out of the sales.



So again I apologize for whining about a minor personal issue that I thought many interest some readers. We can go back to discussing why Gibson has runs in the paint or the other major issues new guitars suffer from. or maybe we can have a rousing conversation on pickguards on or off again [thumbup]

oh, man, did that come off wrong.


for one, i absolutely agree with you, thus the suggestions and question of the loaner being suitable. i thought such suggestions, would suggest being made whole, and was also looking to the possibilty that was what they might intend to do. you know, the bright side.


the comment about you being lucky, fortunate, that was meant to make you feel better about your situation, not worse. we all are going to get treated unfairly all the time, regardless of where we are financially. whether or not it gets to you will not change that, it is possible to not feel bad in the least while being wronged. i thought pointing out that it might be a fortunate problem might take the sting off. hell, why not have a little fun with the guys, make them squirm a little, you know, see if they are up to the task of doing the right thing.


i see where it looks like i am putting you down by pointing out that you have and i don't, and i'm sorry for that. my foolishness. most would assume that by pointing out having more money than another is being derogatory, and i should have been more clear. i do know better. i take my -1 like a man. please accept my apology.


i don't care if you rant, the world needs more customer service.


so..yea, i added a pickgaurd to my lp limited edition, i put to holes in it.

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Stein - That's cool no problem I figured that's probably what you meant pretty much anyway.


I should apologize though I do get a little thin skinned about the luck statement issue right now after retiring at 50 this last year. Thats the first thing most people always say wow you got so lucky to able to retire so young. So I usually make some quip that I didn't hit the lottery I earned a retirement the old way way with hard work and good financial planning.


You didn't deserve a minus one so maybe whomever gave it to you will remove it, if not I'll plus 1 you tomorrow to negate it but it will need to be tomorrow since I used all my allowed +1's today.

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It's becoming more difficult to own luxury cars. I never really was the luxury car type, so I don't feel your pain so much. Its actually a little funny to have a successful CEO type guy whine about his Mercedes in one post and then brag about all his success in the next when somebody mentions "lucky".


My mom graduated Summa *** Laude from Harvard and I never heard her ever say that to anybody. Never. But she ain't the bragging type.


On the humorous side, how could you go to Harvard and then buy a Range Rover? [biggrin]

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It's becoming more difficult to own luxury cars. I never really was the luxury car type, so I don't feel your pain so much. Its actually a little funny to have a successful CEO type guy whine about his Mercedes in one post and then brag about all his success in the next when somebody mentions "lucky".


My mom graduated Summa *** Laude from Harvard and I never heard her ever say that to anybody. Never. But she ain't the bragging type.


On the humorous side, how could you go to Harvard and then buy a Range Rover? [biggrin]



Thanks for posting that valuable addition to a post even though you weren't even part of, always interesting how somebody considers a simple statement to be bragging when a simple statement is made in answer to somebody else statement . But thats fine I understand what bitterness and jealousy does to a guy.


I'm really sorry you weren't a CEO and that you didn't go to Harvard so you could brag about it. And Im even sorrier that you can't relate to owning a luxury car or having problems with.


I won't apologize for having worked my way up from a 16 year old street kid alone on the streets deciding I wanted more so I put myself through college over and over and then working my way up into a high paying job. and early retirement. Why don't you brag a bit and tell us all what you did with your life. after all your mom gradated Summa *** Laude from Harvard which is very hard work) what did you do with that.

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Thanks for replying so I could bust on you some more.


I'm happy for you. I'm sorry for your troubles.


I've been a CEO for twenty five years and every one of my clients is a CEO. And I did go to Harvard - for a football game. Plus, engineers don't go to Harvard.


Who cares?


When you put a "Kick Me" sign on your back, I'll be the first to oblige. You're welcome. [flapper][biggrin]


I'm surely not jealous of people like you. Just sick of them.

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Thanks for replying so I could bust on you some more.


I'm happy for you. I'm sorry for your troubles.


I've been a CEO for twenty five years and every one of my clients is a CEO. And I did go to Harvard - for a football game. Plus, engineers don't go to Harvard.


Who cares?


When you put a "Kick Me" sign on your back, I'll be the first to oblige. You're welcome. [flapper][biggrin]


I'm surely not jealous of people like you. Just sick of them.



Your a funny guy - angry but funny I'm gonna clear up a few of your many misconceptions than I'm gonna ignore you because this is getting predictable and slightly boring.


1. You can't really bust on somebody (whatever that means) on the internet and it's even harder when they don't care what you think.


2. As for you being a CEO for 25 years - congrats your parents and family must be very proud.


3. As for all your customers all being CEO's well sorry but I know a massage therapist that can say the same exact thing, hell in some parts of the country the kids at McDonalds can probably say that.


4. And as for Engineers not going to Harvard how do you figure, there was at least three Engineers in the MBA program I attended? Maybe your right though perhaps they don't go to football games.


5. Who cares? - You do it seems.


Ok that's more than enough, so thanks for playing and if your really sick of people like me you can put me on ignore and I won't offend your delicate sensibilities anymore.

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You're a fighter, dude. From the streets. Keep on punching. Somebody's bound to notice.


You can take the kid out of the streets but you can't take the "streets" out of the kid.


You need to learn how to wear your money, Chief. Don't take yourself so seriously and work on making your sense of duty measure up to your sense of entitlement.


Now go tell those Mercedes people to get on the ball.


Need a tissue, sweetheart? [flapper]

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Never understood why people get so tore up when they think or perceive somebody is bragging,


The term "Bragging Rights" is part of our culture,


Sometimes is like you have to hide success from these people so their feelings don't get hurt.


I like this place because precisely we have people from all walks of life, including CEOs.

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Most of the really really successful folks I know would bite off their tongue (fingers?) before they'd throw the "I'm a CEO" card.


I enjoy those guys on "Pawn Stars" who indentify themselves as the President of some company that you know only has two employees - including their wife.


Great thread.




You don't need to know.

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I see a lot of people that demand a certain level of humbleness as if it is a necessary virtue, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements in life.

Looks like you have to figure out the level of humbleness that works out for everybody....to find it doesn't actually.


A lot of the arguments in here sound like cliches to me.

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