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NGP: Gibson LP Classic 60 Gold Top


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Just picked up a LP Classic 60 Gold Top last night for $1,500 in excellent condition. Being shipped today and should get it this weekend. This is a 2004. I believe it is non-chambered.


I understand the ceramic pups in these are really hot - hotter than burstbuckers. Comments?



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I have an 00 LPClassic Premium Plus Plus Plus Uber Schweetly Super Dee Dooper Royale Grande Freshisimo. Or something like that. Stoled it from Mars Music as they gurgled their way into bankruptcy. Why did they do that, you ask? That's for some other thread I guess.


Not a big fan ever of the stocker ceramics, as lot of guitar players not. In the old days we used something we called DimarZeros because, well, there wasn't a Seymour store on every corner yet, and he was from around here!


So when I bought that LP, 57 Classics were pretty new yet, and priced almost close to a Lindy, more than an average Seymour. So I put a pair of them in my current Les Paul and haven't wanted anything since. Plain old This Is Rock And Roll sound, to me, if you can't get RHAWK outta them pickups you should take up golf.


Yes, you may find them stockers to be a tad "hot" is the word most use. I say "hissy", "spitty", just not right for really great overdriven sounds. If you like "distorted" sounds they are just fine.


I need a pair of something for my Splorer which is still five years later sportin the stocker ceramics. Maybe burstbukkahs.



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Nice find. I love 1960 Classics.


I have some ceramics in one Classic and found that, with a bit of knob-tweaking- both amp and guitar, they can go from smooth jazz to all-out thrash-metal without the need for pedals of any description. I know a lot of folk don't like them , though. (my amp is very versatile...)


Here's a chart with relative output bars;


The ceramics (500T & 496R) are just about the hottest there...first and third, to be precise.






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Nice find. I love 1960 Classics.


I have some ceramics in one Classic and found that, with a bit of knob-tweaking- both amp and guitar, they can go from smooth jazz to all-out thrash-metal without the need for pedals of any description. I know a lot of folk don't like them , though. (my amp is very versatile...)


Here's a chart with relative output bars;


The ceramics (500T & 496R) are just about the hottest there...first and third, to be precise.







Thanks, great reply. That just confirms my own expectations. I don't use pedals of any kind so amp and pup choice are important for me. I'm more of a hard rock/metal player so this sounds like a perfect fit for me. I could have gotten a Standard Traditional with Classic 57s for less but I decided against the lower output pups.

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Here's a chart with relative output bars;


The ceramics (500T & 496R) are just about the hottest there...first and third, to be precise.








Cool graph, Pippy (now also to be known as pup-py). I might even use it to teach English for Engineers this week...

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I love me them ceramic pups...in fact probably my favorite tied with classics..but there both different..There absolutely noiseless for one...and have yet to find a pickup that works better with gain..just awesome pickups that get a bad rep sometimes...i have no idea why? [confused]

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