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Smooth but powerful 490R pickup in the neck with a punchy 498T pickup in the bridge


Blech! Am I the only one that does not like the 490 series pickups? If you want the cleans on this beauty to sing go with 57s. Agree?

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Smooth but powerful 490R pickup in the neck with a punchy 498T pickup in the bridge


Blech! Am I the only one that does not like the 490 series pickups? If you want the cleans on this beauty to sing go with 57s. Agree?


I hate em. 57 Classics or P90s are the way to go


BTW, Neo is gonna be pissed... but its still a different body style

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Which config? Sorry, I'm not following your post.


Who might want (or need) a 12-string SG?


Just sayin'...



I suppose there might be some bragging rights in saying you own a rare one, but I've never heard anyone say just exactly why... other than maybe Ed Roman didn't make a lot of them.


Trying for Slasht00ne, or what?

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The only thing I can think of that would make it better looking might be the iconic Epi-headstock.


Oh, wait...



Never mind.


(But where could you find a vintage case?)


(Dang - if I used those gawdawful smilies, I might put one here.)

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Riverside - obviously you're not a fan of 12 strings. That's cool. I happen to love them. And if you want that sound, you need a twelve string. I've had a few over the years -


72 Epi FT-165 (sold) ................................................................ 79 Takamine F385 (sold)

1972 Epiphone FT165.jpg....1982 Takamine EF-385.jpg


07 Guild F412



10 Ric 360/12


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It's all good.


In fact, I have a big fat 12-string acoustic that's really really great for playing things like "Kumbaya" and "Take It To The Limit".


I'm just stuck on trying to figure out why I might want a 12-string SG with 490 series pickups.


Nothing comes to mind.


It's my failure, not yours.

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It's all good.


In fact, I have a big fat 12-string acoustic that's really really great for playing things like "Kumbaya" and "Take It To The Limit".


I'm just stuck on trying to figure out why I might want a 12-string SG with 490 series pickups.


Nothing comes to mind.


It's my failure, not yours.


Put some EMGs in it and you got yourself a winner


Oooo... or the Tony Iommi pickups

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I had several acoustic 12s.... dumped most everything I had to get a reeeeally nice classical guitar and then... voila... I got into a series of rock and country/rock bands.


In the boonies in those days it was mostly get-what-you-can, but the Hagstrom solidbody 12 was super. Next to my orange Gretsch, I most regret dumping it when I needed a solidbody 6-string. I should have taped up the extra pegs so they didn't rattle and just kept with the 12 'cuz I was even more into wide, flat necks back then.


A solidbody 12 tends to hold tune very well and is pretty light in comparison to the Rick. The Rick has a bit sexier sound, but I don't know if it's because it's carved out or because of the pups. In ways I think it's mostly the pups. Bottom line is that I'd be happy to accept either as a gift, but the solidbody actually may be a little easier to stand and jump up and down with in a four-hour gig.



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If I was going to go for this, I'd make it the double neck EDS-1275. More versatality with two necks. I know it costs more, but I couldn't see spending $1,800 on a guitar I would only use for a few songs. Switching between 6 & 12 strings is the way to go.

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I see they wisely made the neck from maple, because that headstock has got to have lots of gravitational pull.


But, I gotta say in my mind looking at it I imagine it sounding great.


Hmmmm........... they've been selling them for decades in the double - - - - how's that happening?



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All kidding aside, I think the SG is in ways the ideal electric 12.


I have played a Rick and once, a million years ago or so, had my hands on a semi 12 of Gibson pattern. I've had a solidbody 12 and it makes great sense to me.


I'll add that I tend to like the shorter headstock of the Rick with the "doubled" way of handling the strings, but mostly because it makes a shorter headstock.


But the general weight and shape of an SG seems almost ideal. If there's a bit of headstock dive, the advantage is that the body itself is relatively light. Unless one might use one's left hand "upside down," or insist on playing with the thing at knee level, even a neck-heavy SG is pretty comfy.


So yeah, offer me the guitar; it'd get played quite a bit.


Also I'd personally be very happy with a double neck, and once considered buying one, but nowadays I think they're too heavy unless you're sitting for studio type work and need a rapid change. In a studio situation it's still going to be handier most of the time adding a 12 or 6 with another track rather than a double-neck.



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