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Homeowner Forecloses on Bank


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That's great - I love human interest stories [laugh]


The 4 major banks here have a pretty good stranglehold on the market. One of them recently started an

about how they're "breaking up" with the others. Nothing has actually changed though - surprise! They're the national Australia bank (nab) and I don't get why there aren't more nab jokes about them here... "nab, it's what we do to your money"... [rolleyes]
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I'm actually shocked anyone would bank with that institution [confused] ... I opened my first bank account at B of A when I was 10 years old, and I learned quickly of all the errors that were being made on my account... At the age of 12 I moved my money to the city credit union, and never again dealt with Big Banks directly.

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I think it's great what that guy did.........Smart, fun, and creative......I also hate BOA....My gal uses them still, really a useless bank.....


Interestingly, I'm finally at the settlement stage of a long battle with a company ( eight months long ), and I reached the


settlement stage by being persistant and creative like that guy......Moral rightiousness and Ethics seem to be lacking


in the business world these days..........

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Poetic Justice.


It's one thing when the home mortgage payer is behind in payments. But this is ridiculous. I'm glad the attorney had the stones go after the bank. BoA is bad news.


When we refinanced our home we found a local bank, locally owned that made the loan at a rate lower than the big banks. Get this: We send our mortgage to... then bank. They figure by servicing their own loans, they don't have to share the interest income with anyone. Being a locally owned bank, they know the market, they know the people. Big banks are bad news.


Actually one of the bigger banks didn't even want to refinance us, unless we took out a $100K loan. We only needed about $50K to finish out our mortgage. I thought about doing the 100K loan, then making the first months payment, with an additional $50K principle payment. But I figured the big bank would get the interest money out of me some how.


Luckily we found the local bank quite personable and the rate was less than the big bank's. As an added bonus, I didn't have to produce 3 years worth of income tax forms. We had a problem with one from two years ago. We got a H&R Block disk to do our Federal Income tax form at home. We printed the 1040, then sent it to the IRS. We forgot to print a copy for ourselves. The form is on my hard drive. No problem, right? WRONG! We either lost or tossed the disk. You MUST have the disk to open the file. H&R Block would cheerfully produce a new disk for us; $70!

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The company that originally serviced my credit card was bought by BofA, and the bank that I originally opened my checking/savings accounts with was bought by Wachovia/Wells Fargo.

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