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Musiciansfriend Charges Sales Tax in CA Now


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It's called Reciprocal Tax Agreement or some such, and the states are free to negotiate them with each other. CA prolly made an agreement with Oregon or WA, whichever one MF is in and BAM! tax revenue.


Don't cry too hard, everyone will have them soon, and every netbuy for everyone will be taxed. You can't seriously think they'll sit around watching that money go by their faces without getting a piece of it.


I'm surprised its taken this long for some states, but NJ still doesn't have one, I expect it any day.



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It is legal. Musician's Friends is no longer here Oregon. Guitar Center which owns MF.com had the all the operation move down to there West Village Lake, CA HQ about couple months ago. At least that is what I have heard.

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It is legal. Musician's Friends is no longer here Oregon. Guitar Center which owns MF.com had the all the operation move down to there West Village Lake, CA HQ about couple months ago. At least that is what I have heard.

So now I see from the MF website Oregon is not listed to pay Sales Tax.

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You can make a case that the deciding factor is "nexus" - that is, where is the company.


That's why at this point it appears only Californians would pay that sales tax. The next question is whether Guitar Centers owned by the same firm as MF would be considered "nexus" for other states to collect the sales tax.


Yes, states and the feds are working toward a uniform sales tax structure, not very well publicized for obvious reasons, that then would have sales taxes collected regardless where you live if you're purchasing from a U.S. firm in the U.S.


Many states in theory already charge sales taxes via what's called a "use tax," that is a sales tax on the person or company buying anything from out of their own state. In practice that's usually only a matter of zapping companies for larger purchases. Technically, however, many states currently could come in and claim about anything if one has a record of having purchased something from out of that state via "mail order." Then it's good luck to prove you didn't or how much you didn't.



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It is legal. Musician's Friends is no longer here Oregon. Guitar Center which owns MF.com had the all the operation move down to there West Village Lake, CA HQ about couple months ago. At least that is what I have heard.

You maybe on to something as I spoke to an MF agent a couple hours ago about the status of my Blues Jr order I placed on July 4th (no sales tax charged....thank god) and she did mention that an MF office did open in CA.

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Many of the States especially places like California and Arizona that depended on homes and development have redone tax codes now to get what they feel is there share of the huge ( 35+ billion in 2009) annual internet sales in Arizona as a use tax is in place now and anything you buy on he internet you are now required to pay taxes on it if is purchased from or "used" in Arizona. The laws are all in place but now they have to figure out how to collect it since it's mostly ignored by non commercial tax payers so far. In Arizona though it's on the form this year before you sign but they don't know if it will be a table or you'll need to figure everything yet since no tax rules are in place.



Oh and it's not just Arizona so far at least 22 states have passed the same law since 2007.

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New York lead the way with Amazon. Now everyone is following their lead.


Not SC, we just got Amazon because of that also. They had refused to come into SC unless legislators agreed to not charging SC residents a sales tax on purchases.

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Because not paying a tax you are supposed to pay is tax evasion. If you evade your required taxes they can prosecute YOU and probably confiscate your assets to pay them.


Don't like Sales Tax? Lobby your legislators to do away with it. Be prepared, though, for some other tax to replace it. We like nice roads, our children educated and our borders protected. You're an adult now. It is YOUR responsibility to pay YOUR share.

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Don't like Sales Tax? Lobby your legislators to do away with it. Be prepared, though, for some other tax to replace it. We like nice roads, our children educated and our borders protected. You're an adult now. It is YOUR responsibility to pay YOUR share.





Not sure when the disconnect happened in the States, but if you want government, civilized society, and niceties like bridges that don't fall down, roads that don't look like a cribbage board, clean drinking water, your trash picked up, and good public education, YOU HAVE TO PAY TAXES. No one likes paying taxes; it is just a reality of life.


Don't like any of this? I hear Somalia is a tax and government free utopia.

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Not sure when the disconnect happened in the States, but if you want government, civilized society, and niceties like bridges that don't fall down, roads that don't look like a cribbage board, clean drinking water, your trash picked up, and good public education, YOU HAVE TO PAY TAXES...


The disconnect happened after a long time of paying taxes and not having any of those things you listed. Civilized society? Really? Does anyone have a manner left? I dont' experience it, perhaps you do. The bridges to Philly are up to 5 bux apiece and STILL look like they are falling down, AND we pay taxes on top of the crossing fee. Our roads DO look like cribbage boards, and they are getting no better, because we don't have any money. Our water is run by a company that is paid well to do it, AND I pay the taxes you say I pay to have clean drinking water. I pay municipal, county, state taxes, AND I pay a trash collection company 120, 130 dollars a quarter to pick up my trash. Public education? I'm pretty sure you can debate the relative merits of that all day. I'll just say that more than 70% of my property tax bill is for public schools that are, in my opinion, turning out morons that can barely qualify to be a barista and can't make change for a dollar on a 90 cent purchase. All for which they hold my home as ransom, because I can't elect not to pay school taxes. AND I have no kids in the system, and never have.


So maybe there actually IS a disconnect, and there could actually be real reasons for it?

Or not, suit yourself.



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I'd agree that there's a disconnect.


It's not everyone, but a large percentage of the population feels they're supporting political system that spends on the basis of various interest groups rather than the general good of a given population, local, state or federal.


That's true whether one talks of the left or the right.


I do think that a problem is largely the result of large voter blocs of those who benefit from various government spending and perks, such as government employees. In my region about the only "middle class" left is made up of government employees.


How to correct that is up to debate, but the stats basically hold up.



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The disconnect happened after a long time of paying taxes and not having any of those things you listed. Civilized society? Really? Does anyone have a manner left? I dont' experience it, perhaps you do. The bridges to Philly are up to 5 bux apiece and STILL look like they are falling down, AND we pay taxes on top of the crossing fee. Our roads DO look like cribbage boards, and they are getting no better, because we don't have any money. Our water is run by a company that is paid well to do it, AND I pay the taxes you say I pay to have clean drinking water. I pay municipal, county, state taxes, AND I pay a trash collection company 120, 130 dollars a quarter to pick up my trash. Public education? I'm pretty sure you can debate the relative merits of that all day. I'll just say that more than 70% of my property tax bill is for public schools that are, in my opinion, turning out morons that can barely qualify to be a barista and can't make change for a dollar on a 90 cent purchase. All for which they hold my home as ransom, because I can't elect not to pay school taxes. AND I have no kids in the system, and never have.



I can't argue against these points and I didn't get into any of this in my post, which is the other side of this debate: OK, you pay taxes, but what are you getting in return? I think we can all agree that taxes have to be paid *and* that revenue has to be spent wisely. Right now I think we don't have either. People like us without an arsenal of tax attorneys pay taxes and fees (toll roads, anyone?), but get little in return. Others pay hardly anything and get a lot in return. Something has to change and I fear the will of the people that can make those changes is weak.



So maybe there actually IS a disconnect, and there could actually be real reasons for it?

Or not, suit yourself.



I think it started with an all taxes and government are bad blanket statement and has decayed from there. Sort of like a self fulfilling prophesy or telling your kid he's going to be an F-up and then being PO'd when he turns out to be an F-up. And now we have a disconnect.

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It happens with internet purchases as long as the store is within your state, I have to pay sales tax on items from Amazon.



Yup, the way I understand it is that if there is a physical location of the company in your state, you must pay the tax...

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I guess I should have been a bit less fancy with my terminology.


"Nexus" is exactly what you said: a means of connection; tie; link.


So... in theory I could buy a Guitar Center guitar from their store in New Jersey and not have to pay sales tax on it delivered to me here. OTOH, If I went only 400 miles away to the only GC in my state (800 miles round trip? Ain't likely), I'd have to pay sales tax.


States don't like that.


In fact, if there were a way to police it, since GC has a store in my state, they'd suggest GC should charge me my state and local sales tax. The problem is... what state and local sales tax? In theory, since I have a guitar I bought "mail order" from New Jersey and didn't pay sales tax, theirs? Ours? Or my state's "use tax" that functionally nobody expects a non-business purchaser to do?


So the states are going together to try to figure a standard sales tax on such stuff. My state changed a lot of sales tax law a cupla years ago to meet a proposed national standard that doesn't have all the state signed onto yet.


I've a hunch it'll take that national standard before we all are paying our state and local sales taxes on a "mail order" purchase.


But watch the hollering when it comes up. And it will.



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The disconnect happened after a long time of paying taxes and not having any of those things you listed. Civilized society? Really? Does anyone have a manner left? I dont' experience it, perhaps you do. The bridges to Philly are up to 5 bux apiece and STILL look like they are falling down, AND we pay taxes on top of the crossing fee. Our roads DO look like cribbage boards, and they are getting no better, because we don't have any money. Our water is run by a company that is paid well to do it, AND I pay the taxes you say I pay to have clean drinking water. I pay municipal, county, state taxes, AND I pay a trash collection company 120, 130 dollars a quarter to pick up my trash. Public education? I'm pretty sure you can debate the relative merits of that all day. I'll just say that more than 70% of my property tax bill is for public schools that are, in my opinion, turning out morons that can barely qualify to be a barista and can't make change for a dollar on a 90 cent purchase. All for which they hold my home as ransom, because I can't elect not to pay school taxes. AND I have no kids in the system, and never have.


So maybe there actually IS a disconnect, and there could actually be real reasons for it?

Or not, suit yourself.





That's because you don't pay ENOUGH taxes or, those you put in office spent it on things it wasn't supposed to be spent on.


To paraphrase and plagiarize Walt Kelly's Pogo, who paraphrased and plagiarized Oliver Hazard Perry: "We have met the government, and they is us!" [blush]

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I can't argue against these points and I didn't get into any of this in my post, which is the other side of this debate: OK, you pay taxes, but what are you getting in return? I think we can all agree that taxes have to be paid *and* that revenue has to be spent wisely.

Therein lies the problem



Right now I think we don't have either. People like us without an arsenal of tax attorneys pay taxes and fees (toll roads, anyone?), but get little in return. Others pay hardly anything and get a lot in return.

That there is the head of the snake.



Something has to change and I fear the will of the people that can make those changes is weak.

True that.



I think it started with an all taxes and government are bad blanket statement and has decayed from there. Sort of like a self fulfilling prophesy or telling your kid he's going to be an F-up and then being PO'd when he turns out to be an F-up. And now we have a disconnect.

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