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Epiphone Explorer Finish Cracks


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I've seen that on brand new Gibson Explorers hanging on the rack at my local Gibson dealer. Not that that makes it ok mind you. I'd get it checked out if I were you.


Yeah, I'd get it checked out as well.....If it's within the return time, yes.......To me, it doesn't look like structual problem....but.....other opinions would be nice.....


If it were a nitro finish, that would be a different story.........

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It's pretty clear that a crack in the finish means severe flex or actual movement of the wood, if it's still under warranty I'd get it in for inspection and they should give you a new one, j.


It doesn't necessarily mean severe movement, just enough to split the finish. (Finish that is like a hard coat of inflexible plastic on Epiphones.) Set neck guitars will do that if you live in a place where there is a great degree of change in the weather between seasons. Unless you live somewhere where the weather doesn't change that much, I wouldn't worry about it.


All of my set-neck guitars are like that, because in Tennessee it's frikkin hot in the Summer, frikkin cold in the Winter, and just downright unpredictable in the Spring and Autumn.

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This looks like a finish crack only. If it were a structural issue you should notice your guitar is constantly out of tune, and nearly impossible to tune because the joint would be failing / moving under string tension. The poly finish is hard plastic, and the wood expands and shrinks with temperature and humidity fluctuations. It doesn't take a whole lot to make a crack in the finish. Anyone who has been around guitars for very long has probably owned a guitar or two that has this same issue. :) Fender's crack near their neck pockets, Gibson's crack along the wood / binding seams, Ovations crack their tops behind the bridges......and many Gibson's and Epiphone's form these cracks around the neck joint. Nature of the beast my friend!

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Well, after personally spraying 1000's of gallons of lacquer on 10's of thousands of board feet of lumber, I'd think if the finish is cracked - the wood moved.


It's pretty straightforward to me but perhaps the experience of others is different, that's what's great about forums - you get every opinion, not just one and you can make an informed decision.


I look forward to hearing how a finish cracks (at the joint) without movement of the substrate...

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.....because in Tennessee it's frikkin hot in the Summer, frikkin cold in the Winter, and just downright unpredictable in the Spring and Autumn.

Well, 3 outta 4 ain't bad ;) Having grown up in the Phila PA suburbs, having lived a good amount of time in suburban Detroit, now living in the Foothills o' the Smokies (yes, the hometown of the Foothills Fall Festival....) .... winter here in TN is a walk in the park (unless you actually live in the mtns, I guess) - due to a medical restriction that comes into play from time to time, I've had to ride my bicycle to work for 6 month stretches. Trust me, TN winter is easy-peasy....Out of the places I've lived, Detroit has the longest, sh!ttiest winters....and there are those places that are far worse. I'm tired of cutting 1 acre of grass for several months in sweltering heat/humidity, am glad fall is upon us and winter coming :)


But, yeah, normal seasonal cycles can wreak havoc with guits, for sure. Sorry, HC...just had to add a lil perspective....LOL Detroits summers are just as hot as down here, but it's short...winter is insufferable and gray... I NEED SUNSHINE!!! I love a lot about Maryville (not everything, but that's another story...) :)

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IMHO, all the responces are correct.......I have an old Hamer that went through a second story window...[crying] :unsure: [scared] ....


The poly cracked in several areas, including around the neck...So, yeah, the wood under the poly moved,


but the neck and guitar remained and remain STRUCTUALLY SOUND..........Just sayin'.................

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Trust me, TN winter is easy-peasy....Out of the places I've lived, Detroit has the longest, sh!ttiest winters....and there are those places that are far worse.


I was born here, so I think it's colder than sumb*tch down here. You couldn't pay me to go up north in the winter, it's cold enough here thank you.

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I was born here, so I think it's colder than sumb*tch down here. You couldn't pay me to go up north in the winter, it's cold enough here thank you.

I wouldn't live North of the Tropic of Cancer or South of the Tropic of Capricorn, I love the heat, it's troppo all the way for this little black duck.

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I wouldn't live North of the Tropic of Cancer or South of the Tropic of Capricorn, I love the heat, it's troppo all the way for this little black duck.


Lucky you. No sarcasm intended or implied... really, lucky you!


I was born in New Orleans, lived there until I was ten, then relocated with my family to Michigan. RSDx is right... winter up here is brutal, grey, depressing, and looooong. Except for the two years I lived in South Florida, I've been subjected to the Michigan "six months of winter" every year, and I'm STILL not used to it. Must be my southern blood...

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