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Veterans Day in the U.S.


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Guest farnsbarns

I really like how you Americans get behind your troops. We have our remembrance day but it's rather sombre and specifically about WWII, not a celebration of all our veterans at all. Good on you.


My good friend is going to his 3rd tour of duty in Afghanistan soon. It's really worrying. What's more, he's in the Royal Marines but he isn't even a British Citizen, He's from Zimbabwe but didn't want to join their armed forces for obvious reasons.


Fine people, who lay their lives on the line for their country. Truly fine people!

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My good friend is going to his 3rd tour of duty in Afghanistan soon. It's really worrying. What's more, he's in the Royal Marines but he isn't even a British Citizen, He's from Zimbabwe but didn't want to join their armed forces for obvious reasons.


Fine people, who lay their lives on the line for their country. Truly fine people!


Then we will remember him too.


My father served 20 years on the USAF. He volunteered to fight in the skys over Vietnam. Was shot down in Laos and survived, got a new plane and flew 3 more years over there. My brother was in the U.S. Army for 8 years and served on Desert Storm. My uncle did 35 years in the U.S. Navy. My Grandfather was in WW2. I don't follow orders well so I never served. Most who have served are too modest to brag on themselves so I try to do it for them when I can. Some folks laugh but Veterans day and Memorial day are big deals to me.


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Thanks to all the forumites who have served, and a probably unread message of gratitude to those who don't belong to the forums. The debt of gratitude we owe you is incredibly hard to put into words, you put your life on the line for your loved ones, and even those strangers like me. I'll forever be indebted to those who served, without whom I would not be living in the same (perhaps sane fits too) world.


Even a quarrelsome lad as I will never disguise the respect I hold for those who fought (and are fighting) for a just cause.

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thanks to all for remembering not only those who served, because today is not just for us.

It is more over, in my mind for those who have fallen defending not only their country but their brothers and sister in arms as well.

To all of us, a heart felt salute, and to those of you who are gone you shall NEVER be forgotten.

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I would say thank you, but I don't think it's my place to. When I served, I was just doing my job, and proudly. It's all about standing up for what you believe in, and remembering those who were so committed that they gave up their lives for what they believed. God bless our fallen sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers.


I miss you, Dad. Thank you and God bless you.

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