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J-200 Koa

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i promise you i'm nit trying to be funny at all, it would be awful to buy a gibson and get a fake , but this is whats confusing me because the sticker to me just replicates the logo , there is a gap at the top of the 'o' and the 'b' isnt fully formed on any gibson.

am i mad ?

the sunburst doesnt look too spectacular but thats all that would make me not want it

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The label itself is printed incorrectly. sj200l95.jpg

This is how it should look.

The back of the guitar should be maple. This e-bay example is clearly not.

It looks like mystery wood. Then there is the old truss rod cover give away

A pointed triangular three screw job on a 2009 just dosent fit.

This pawn shop is having a laugh, and trying to scam you.

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To make the differences clearer, it would be good if someone could post similar pictures of the real thing, and give us a little lecture on how to spot what's wrong here. There are a lot of newcomers to this forum who would benefit from the lesson. One problem is that Gibson has made so many variations on virtually every gutiar design that you really have to know what you are looking at in separating fact from fiction.


The back on this one looks like one of the SE Asian hardwoods that go under the generic "mahogany" label (luaun, meranti, and any number of other tropical hardwoods of the genus Shorea), even though they bear no relationship to "real" mahoganies of the swietenia mahogani family.

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