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CONGRATULATIONS on your new President!


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You make it sound like I'm a die-hard Republican or something and while understandably so, I'm not. I'm an independant, and will vote for who I personally think is the right person for the job. Bush was and is a moron, and McCain had his own policies that for the most part (beside buying out bad mortgages) most are realistic. Notice how McCain wanted to focus on reform and instating accountability with anything and everything! This is so important to me. I've got a 3 year old daughter and I CRINGE at the thought of college when shes 18. I'm sorry, but college DOES NOT cost $50,000 yr. It just shouldn't. Yet theres such a premium put on it, and these institutions get paid the money. Teachers in my town complaining about their $40k starting to $75k a year for experienced salaries. F THEM!!!!!!! F THEM!!!!!!!! Some of these teachers have wives and or husbands that are also teachers in town and they are RAKING IN in some cases over $150k???????? Something SMELLS to me about that.

It doesn't matter who the incumbent party is. It's reckless to just vote for the other party, just because.

And dude, I can totally understand if you don't want to hear so called "propaganda" from any die-hard right-winger on radio and or TV, but do your self a favor and fact check things for yourself. I did, and its all out there.

Is Obama an aethiest (who cares about that anyway?), terrorist, marxist, socialist, muslim? In vertually all cases, no. That is over-exaggerating.


FACTS ARE: He worked alongside Bill Ayers in the Woods Fund, his political career was launched in a meet in greet in Ayers' house. Ayers is an un-repented domestic terrorist. Is Ayers still bombing buildings and organizing assasinations on police officers? No. Does that make him an awesome person though now, especially since he hasn't apologized once for what he did, and has said on record that he wishs he did more???? F no!!!!!

Does this make Obama an un-repented terrorist???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Does it mean that he has had a terribly bad judge of character? YES!! Did the two of them meet and work together because they share many of the same views?? Obviously!! What did Ayers see in Obama?

Rezko, Acorn, etc. What can I say, I'm big on character.


And did I make a lot more under Bill Clinton?? HELL YEAH I DID!!!! Double what I do now! And once that mighty purty and fake "pyramid-scheme" Dot-Com industry bubble BROKE in 2000, my income got cut in half, just like the bullshit housing market did this year. Do I blame that on Clinton? hard to say, why didn't anyone talk about any regulation in that industry at the time???



Obama racist? hard to say. But I'm just a "typical white person". 20 years in Reverend Wrighs church and not hearing anything suggestive in that whole time? Doubtfull, doesn't add up.

I've read quite a bit of his book "Dreams from my Father" and there where more than a few intstances that were very "racial" in content, and I just couldn't find it in me to finish the book. And also quite personally, I'm from the Suburbs, and where I know inner-city "programs" and what not are important, I didn't like to hear from Obama that the suburbs "bore him", as he snidely and quickly retorted in an interview.

You like his record?? What record??


Richest people in America got tax cuts?? Oh well, they pay an astronomical amount in taxes, why not?? America has the 2nd highest tax rates on business in the world!!!!! Obama wants to raise those????

I have two close friends of mine that both work in family business that both produce over $2 million a year. There Fathers are allready working with their advisors to plan ahead if Obamas tax plans go in force. They will not only not be able to expand like they were hoping, but they will have to take trucks off the road, and most likely have to lay-off 2-3 employees from their small business all the while carrying the same work load as before, if business even permits.

I could go on and on.

This was such a dangerous pick, I pray for all of us, I pray that Obama truly is a successful president. The only success so far that hes had in his lifetime is all personal. I'll stand by for him and be accepting of what he tries to do for our country, and if he does a good job then, awesome! If not and he goes forward with most of the policies that he proposed (that 52% of Americans actually voted for!!!!!!!!), then we get what we deserve!

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i just dont see that much changing to be honest.



and just out of curiosity (not trying to pick a fight)- bill ayers is a major rub for you (and lots of americans). how do you feel about george bush and his association with 1) the bin Ladens 2) the taliban-

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i just dont see that much changing to be honest.



and just out of curiosity (not trying to pick a fight)- bill ayers is a major rub for you (and lots of americans). how do you feel about george bush and his association with 1) the bin Ladens 2) the taliban-


I don't care about Bush, bro! This was only about McCain vs. Obama to me, first and foremost. Bill Ayers is only a small bit of it!

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Lets face it 600 million buys you a huge political advantage. That and the fact that people are tired of this war I think are the main reasons for Obama winning. As far as him being moderate as Notes has noted he actually is the most Liberal Prez ever. Unless his past statements and voting history don't count. As a registered Dem the most disturbing thing about this election for me was that this is the 2 best candidates we can come up with! When I asked people, who were blindly backing Obama without reading up on what he stands for, why? The answer i got most was "Well he's a good speaker". Funny if it wasn't so sad.

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A lot of Americans vote their fears others their hopes, I am glad hope won.


I have lost about $35,000 in the last 3 months and all I saw in the Republican party campaign message was fear. Asking me to be affraid? be affraid of this, be affraid of that. I don't like the message.


If we stop pissing other countries off they would like us better.


McCain tried to be positive there at the end but too little too late. I am a swing voter now.


I feel pride in our new president, the dude commands respect and as long as he surrounds himslef with good advisors we'll be alright.


Heck if he runs the country with the discipline his campaign was run we'll be alright.

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People who say this must have slept through history class. It can be much worse.



sure it can. but i doubt it. the world could end tomorrow too...


record defecit spending- thanks for whoring us out to china. a two front war where 1 front had NOTHING to do with 9/11. destruction of american esteem and power via some of the worst foreign policy in american history. the largest economic crisis since the 20s. domestic blunders, ie katrina, no child left behind, ,medicare part d....he is the ultimate lame duck. and dont forget the rampant cronyism and his presiding over how GOP scandals? george w bush has earned his place among the his peers- Hayes, Grant, Buchanon and Harding. and that's coming from a registered republican.


be realistic and take off your rose colored glasses.


there is a reason why he is the most unpopular president in history.

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a two front war where 1 front had NOTHING to do with 9/11.


george w bush has earned his place among the his peers- Hayes' date=' Grant, Buchanon and Harding.


I was working at the National Security Agency (NSA) when 9/11 happened. I help compile daily intelligence briefings that would go to the pentegon and some of those items would go on to brief the president. We should have and should be in both Iraq and Afganistan if you want safty in America.


On another note, it was the cut in the Dept' of Defense and military by Clinton that paved the way for 9/11 to happen in the first place. Having worked at NSA I know that for a fact.


Oh, and I think Grant was a good president - I'm no history proffessor, but wasn't he the president in charge when the civil war ended... because the south was being burned city by city?

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a two front war where 1 front had NOTHING to do with 9/11.


george w bush has earned his place among the his peers- Hayes' date=' Grant, Buchanon and Harding. [/quote']


I was working at the National Security Agency (NSA) when 9/11 happened. I help compile daily intelligence briefings that would go to the pentegon and some of those items would go on to brief the president. We should have and should be in both Iraq and Afganistan if you want safty in America.


On another note, it was the cut in the Dept' of Defense and military by Clinton that paved the way for 9/11 to happen in the first place. Those are the cuts that help the financial budget in America. So you may have made more money, but look at the true cost - 9/11. Having worked at NSA I know that for a fact.


Oh, and I think Grant was a good president - I'm no history proffessor, but wasn't he the president in charge when the civil war ended... because the south was being burned city by city?

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On another note' date=' it was the cut in the Dept' of Defense and military by Clinton that paved the way for 9/11 to happen in the first place. Those are the cuts that help the financial budget in America. So you may have made more money, but look at the true cost - 9/11. Having worked at NSA I know that for a fact.


Oh, and I think Grant was a good president - I'm no history proffessor, but wasn't he the president in charge when the civil war ended... because the south was being burned city by city?[/quote']


I worked for the airlines at that time and was involved with security procedures. We had been getting directives for years warning about Bin Laden and Al Quada. I'm not sure what military cuts had to do with it though. They hijacked civilian planes and didn't even carry any weapons that were prohibited at the time to do so.


I also like Grant, but he wasn't president until about 4 years after the Civil War ended.

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Arguing about Politics is akin to arguing about Religion, no one wins and both sides always have valid points.


As for Obama, I did not want him in and I am no racist by any means. America is a huge corporation so why would any company hire a person with limited experience to be CEO of the whole banana?


Face it, Obama is not going to get squat done, It will take a few years just to get the economy back on its feet. He also is facing a 2 front war... and as stated above, the Russians are flexing their muscles but how much will be dictated by their own faltering economy with oil prices dropping like a stone. If Obama lets the Big 3 collapse, he will be forever associated with possibly millions of people losing their homes and jobs through a spiraling effect


Lets not forget the North Koreans


... and I am quite sure that this is the time the Chinese will be starting trouble with Taiwan


So, what happens then, do we add two more war fronts to the picture and no way to finance any of it and an already overstretched military?


I don't envy anybody who wanted the job at this time. All I will say is that if Obama does not watch his moves carefully and show positive MEANINGFUL results, assuredly, there will not be another Black President for a few decades


If only Colin Powell had run...

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