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The magic of Jackson Browne, solo


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I have a lot of cd's... hundreds. This might be my favorite...




Has it struck anyone how unusual this work is? It is not happy music. JB even says so himself. Yet, it is hugely appealing. Then again, I like sad songs. Sometimes, I wonder how does he pull this off? Song after song, melancholy. Or, the fact that he does NOT add an upbeat or uptempo song in between, which is what most stage gurus would tell you to do.


I have had this for maybe a year, and I can't get enough. Yesterday, I listened to it twice all the way through.


I could say... wonderful live sound... or... he has such a pleasing voice... or... he has nice banter between songs... or... he simply writes really good songs. Don't know the answer but I wish I did.


Is there another artist that strikes you like this? For me, I suppose it is Neil Young's acoustic-oriented stuff. I suppose JB would be what you call the typical "brooding singer-songwriter?" But, I more than like it, I love it. For me, it doesn't get any better than the albums linked above.


And, of course, his guitars! I saw him at a solo show and he had 16 acoustics on stage. For himself! By far, most were Gibsons. He is certainly a Gibson man.

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i agree totally . i only got that cd about 2 months ago , and you're right . its beautiful stuff .

neil young also has the same hypnotic way of playing

i guess some people might get the same thing from beethoven , not everyone's gonna agree with us two .

charisma is what it is ,, lots of talent in the world , but charisma makes the difference i think.

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Chatting music and guitars with Jackson and playing through his collection was an extraordinary experience.



He seems to take his guitars pretty seriously, which is nice to see. He also plays them very, very well.

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Looks to me to be a good 'un although I gotta admit for me a big part of the attraction is getting to listen to Dave Lindley.


The first time I ever heard Jackson Browne was the "Buy for Me the Rain" 45 rpm back when he was with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. I still love that song.


It is also cool that he was a big supporter of Warren Zevon when Zevon was starting out. There is a great soundboard recording of Browne and Zevon playing live on the radio in Holland in 1976. .

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I learned an Eagles' hit, Take it easy, not knowing it was written by JB as a co-writer until a long time.

The second impressed by a youtube video where he introduced his sig guitar based on Gibson Roy Smeck.

The third impressed by a post link here to a youtube video where he was singing "Come on, come on..." in front of Wall Street Occupancy assembly.

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I've been a Jackson Browne fan since the early '70s. I saw his Running on Empty tour concert wayyyyy back when and I highly recommend that for a rock 'n roll live recording.


JT's piece in Frets is a must read for Gibson fans and JB fans who want an update.


Another great, and more recent, recording is a European tour piece (from 2010 I think) with David Lindley, his long time band member and friend, a AAA player in his own right. The name is "Love is Strange". Check it out!

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...Another great, and more recent, recording is a European tour piece (from 2010 I think) with David Lindley, his long time band member and friend, a AAA player in his own right. The name is "Love is Strange". Check it out!


Thanks, bought it just now. Can't wait! Solo, he's as good as it gets. With Lindley, awesome, as well.

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Thanks for the post. As I age, the lyrics of his brooding song, THESE DAYS, have new life: "...these days I seem to think a lot about the things that I forgot to do ... for you." Wow. Bet there's not one of us who can't relate to that. At least if we're paying attention to the past and learning from it.

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Thanks for the post. As I age, the lyrics of his brooding song, THESE DAYS, have new life: "...these days I seem to think a lot about the things that I forgot to do ... for you." Wow. Bet there's not one of us who can't relate to that. At least if we're paying attention to the past and learning from it.


And he was 16 when he wrote it? Sheesh, as a songwriter, that's what I'm up against. In fact, a recent song I wrote has that as the theme and have written many with that theme.

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Thanks for the post. As I age, the lyrics of his brooding song, THESE DAYS, have new life: "...these days I seem to think a lot about the things that I forgot to do ... for you." Wow. Bet there's not one of us who can't relate to that. At least if we're paying attention to the past and learning from it.



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jackson browne performing at mollusk surf shop, with billy gibbons, charlie sexton, dawes, farmer dave, benmont trench, and others...photos by neal casal





(sound is not great in the following videos)





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JT's piece in Frets is a must read for Gibson fans and JB fans who want an update.


Thanks! It was an incredible privilege to hang with Jackson and band for several weeks. I attended all meals, sound checks, concerts, chats, and jam sessions. One afternoon, lindley gave me an oud lesson. I've got recordings of Jackson, Lindley, and myself passing those vintage Smecks and my 1943 SJ around and taking turns playing them.


Jackson really impressed me as a thoughtful, articulate person and song writer and as a seriously good guitar player.

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