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what is your dexterity?


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I do everything with my left hand except writing (school made me right handed, forbidden to use that lefty there msp_biggrin.gif) and playing guitar. I've tried playing lefty and it works fine for me, need some practice though and it feels a bit weird. I think left handed guitars look odd and I wonder if they really need to exist. Never seen other instruments made for lefties. A left handed piano would be nice msp_biggrin.gif

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Idk, the Dunlop pedals seem to come close to me

I don't know about close, but to me, they don't "suck" eaither. I like the ones I've tried/bought.


The Dunlop Jimi wah is cool but the Fuzz Faces suck.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree there. I have the Hendrix Fuzz Face, and I like it (not saying there aren't better out there, I tried it, liked it and so I bought it). Also like the Octavio (even though I've read how it's not so close to the ones Jimi actually ended up using much more than this early version of the circuit).


The Jimi Wah I've not tried. But then I guess I'm content with the two that I have and occasionally use, a regular Cry Baby and a Vox 847 (depends on what board I'm using). I'd probably be spoiled if I tried vintage or something close to it in sound.

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I guess I'm a bit of a hybrid.

I write right handed, throw a ball right handed,catch a ball either hand, guitar right, tennis right, hockey left, golf left (I putt equally poor from both sides), handling small items like screws, either hand. I can't even hold a guitar properly left handed let alone try and play it.

After breaking a few bones in my right hand a few years ago, I learned to do many things left handed. Not very comfortable but you do what you gotta do.

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I don't know about close, but to me, they don't "suck" eaither. I like the ones I've tried/bought.



Guess we'll have to agree to disagree there. I have the Hendrix Fuzz Face, and I like it (not saying there aren't better out there, I tried it, liked it and so I bought it). Also like the Octavio (even though I've read how it's not so close to the ones Jimi actually ended up using much more than this early version of the circuit).


The Jimi Wah I've not tried. But then I guess I'm content with the two that I have and occasionally use, a regular Cry Baby and a Vox 847 (depends on what board I'm using). I'd probably be spoiled if I tried vintage or something close to it in sound.

It's possible to get lucky and get a good one (Jimi FF) but pretty unlikely. It's kindof a crapshoot with those things, and they're really not even very cheap. You're much better off just getting a Fuzz Face made by someone who puts a little more effort into it whether it comes in the cool round enclosure or not.

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It's possible to get lucky and get a good one (Jimi FF) but pretty unlikely. It's kindof a crapshoot with those things, and they're really not even very cheap. You're much better off just getting a Fuzz Face made by someone who puts a little more effort into it whether it comes in the cool round enclosure or not


Exactly, and with Fulltone you get modern features that we all require now. And they care about what they make.....


I love Dunlop, but when they try to recreate old things (with the exception of the MXR and Way Huge pedals, which don't count as "remade" cause' Jorge Tripps is still there....), they fail.


The EVH Phase 90 is an example. The authentic EVH sound can only come from the handwired Script logo reissue.


The best vintage style wahs are made by RMC and Fulltone. The best octavias are made by Roger Mayer, and Fulltone. The best new Fuzz Faces are made by Fulltone. The best new tape echo units (that run on tape!) are made by Fulltone.


Just like I still think the best digital effects ever are made by either TC or Eventide.

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I don't think you really need the "best" to do what you want to do, nor do I think Fulltone is the best, but I just think the Jimi FFs are sub-par. When I can easily build a better sounding box for a lot cheaper that's what I'll go for.


Fenderguy just go with whatever sounds good to you. I'm just making some suggestions

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I don't think you really need the "best" to do what you want to do, nor do I think Fulltone is the best, but I just think the Jimi FFs are sub-par. When I can easily build a better sounding box for a lot cheaper that's what I'll go for.


Fenderguy just go with whatever sounds good to you. I'm just making some suggestions


Yeah, Fulltone's not the best, but it is for me!


And it's whatever sounds good for me. Some of the Dunlop stuff just doesn't do it for me.


and FenderGuy1, check out the following players if you haven't.


-Alex Lifeson

-Ace Frehley.




Check out these guys though...

- Eric Johnson

- Robin Trower

- Walter Trout

- Chris Duarte

- Robben Ford


You don't have to like them but I ya' will!

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I'm right handed, but I always wondered why my left hand can do more than my right hand when playing guitar?

when i 1st started out I was wondering if the left hand would ever figure it out!has gotten better with time tho!yes Iam a righty and its still, learning new stuff! [crying]

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