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what is your dexterity?


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I am right handed myself, so what is your dexterity? i know i like Hendrix myself, and he is left handed [thumbup] im thinking to myself "i might get a lefty strat and turn it upside down, then plug into a marshall!" so i am gonna wail $200 on a squier in lefty, so im gonna rock there, and also, i already have a marshall, but im gonna get a boss GT-10 and then get a mate of mine to make me some hendrix presets for it, then i can flip through woodstock and live tones, and studio tones :)

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...I know I like Hendrix myself, and he is left handed...

I might very well be wrong but I seem to remember reading that Hendrix could play both right- and left-handed and he chose to play 'Left' early on because it would make him more memorable. Could be utter rubbish, of course. I'll have to get my 'leeetle grrray cellls' working on just where abouts I read it....


Personally, I'm right handed.


I've tried to play left-handed (out of academic interest) and found that I couldn't even hold the guitar properly, never mind be able to play it. Seriously.



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I might very well be wrong but I seem to remember reading that Hendrix could play both right- and left-handed and he chose to play 'Left' early on because it would make him more memorable. Could be utter rubbish, of course. I'll have to get my 'leeetle grrray cellls' working on just where abouts I read it....


Personally, I'm right handed.


I've tried to play left-handed (out of academic interest) and found that I couldn't even hold the guitar properly, never mind be able to play it. Seriously.



Same here pippy, i tried lefty with the strings strung for righty like d*ck dale did, and to be honest, i sucked at it, and just imagine if hendrix played Righty? could ya reverse a few videos and post em on youtube?

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Hey Fenderguy.. so -- about just turning a lefty upside down...


Just for kicks, yea sure, but, realize the bridge saddles will not be cut right, as they are oriented for a standard setup, and like so for the nut. so -- to do this properly, the bridge needs to be setup for the proper saddle orientation and it would probably need a new nut cut for a left handed neck. Otherwise, it may give you the vibe you want to get to Jimi-Land, but it will never play in tune, especially in the lower registers.


you may not care at all about this - but just sayin...



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I might very well be wrong but I seem to remember reading that Hendrix could play both right- and left-handed and he chose to play 'Left' early on because it would make him more memorable. Could be utter rubbish, of course. I'll have to get my 'leeetle grrray cellls' working on just where abouts I read it....


Personally, I'm right handed.


I've tried to play left-handed (out of academic interest) and found that I couldn't even hold the guitar properly, never mind be able to play it. Seriously.





You be right sir. I read in his Bio that his father forced him to learn right handed, because it was more natural. Jimi only practiced righty when is dad was watching,

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...could ya reverse a few videos and post em on youtube?


Alternatively, you could try to hunt down one of these!


Fender released a limited release batch as a tribute in about '97 (I think). I can't find a good snap of one just now though.


Perfect for practicing in front of the mirror....




You be right sir. I read in his Bio that his father forced him to learn right handed, because it was more natural. Jimi only practiced righty when is dad was watching,

Thanks very much for the clarification, Big Bill!






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I say get a lefty Strat and flip it over......GT-10s are nice, I have one....The newest flagship is the GT-100, so, the GT-10s should be eventually


lowered in price....Also, I've seen GT-10s used for as little as $200.00 U.S. dollars.........

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Hey Fenderguy.. so -- about just turning a lefty upside down...


Just for kicks, yea sure, but, realize the bridge saddles will not be cut right, as they are oriented for a standard setup, and like so for the nut. so -- to do this properly, the bridge needs to be setup for the proper saddle orientation and it would probably need a new nut cut for a left handed neck. Otherwise, it may give you the vibe you want to get to Jimi-Land, but it will never play in tune, especially in the lower registers.


you may not care at all about this - but just sayin...




Reversed the bridge on my Les Paul and plays fine.

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I'm a lefty but play right handed. Left handed guitars feel awkward to me beleive it or not. You will find most south paws learn to adapt to a right hand world.


Same here, I do everything as a righty except writing, in which case I'm a lefty. But I am abidextris(but can't spell it)

But like the saying goes "Lefties are the only ones in there right minds"

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Same here. It always felt to me that "right handed guitar" is more of a left hand oriented thing anyways.


I agree. I'm sure someone better versed than I can (and will I'm sure) explain the technical reasoning as to right or left hand oriented guitars, but I have always felt that I have had greater control over the fretboard using my "dominant" hand. Picking with the right hand is no problem.

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I'm right handed but play a flipped lefty Strat to facilitate doing accurate representations of Jimi songs.In order to do some of the things that Jimi did it's imperative to use a flipped guitar. Jimi could play just about any guitar in any configuration and prefered the right handed Strat flipped over for the ergonomics of it and the fact that much of his technique depended on it.BTW even though I'm right handed I have 2 left feet...lol.

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Ambidextrous across the board. I usually use whichever hand is the closest to what I wan to do. By choice I would probably do most thing left handed it just feels right that way especially writing and drawing. When I was in grade school however I went to a catholic school and they considered left-handed to be improper and wrong they just said I was just to lazy to learn to write properly with my right hand. So they used to tape my thumb and index finger together like I was doing the OK sign so I could not right with my left hand. I learned to write with my right hand and my printing (90% of everything I do) is fine. When I write in cursive my letters look ok but I need to put the paper almost sideways in front of me and when write all my letters tilt backwards or to the left at the top instead of tilting forward to the right so it looks kind of weird. On guitars I own and play some of both, but I usually play right handed it's just to damn hard to find nice left hand guitars. I also feel too guilty if I buy left hand guitars because I might be depriving somebody who really needs it, so most of my lefties belonged to my dad and became mine when he passed away. I usually take a LP Gold Top that was his when we play shows, since it fun to watch the crowds reaction when I go back and forth.

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I'm a lefty who tried to play a rigjt handed guitar flipped upside down for a couple of years. It was strung rigjt handed. I gave up. Gast forward 20to some years amd i just got a real lefty, and now couldnt play a right handed one if i wanted too. Should have sought out a lefty years ago. Glad i have a couple of friends who are probably saving me countless hours in learning too .. .

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I also read that he liked the controls up high.


I'm ambidextrous. I write lefty (it's also my phone hand), play guitar and throw righty,


FenderGuy1, for Hendrix, analog is your buddy!


Clyde wah (by Fulltone), 69' Fuzz (by Fulltone), Octafuzz (by Fulltone), Deja Vibe (by Fulltone!), and possibly even a good delay pedal, although delay isn't exactly necessary for Hendrix tone as it is for say, Gilmour, EVH, Page, Lifeson, etc tones.


So a good Strat, a good Marshall or Marshall style amp (make sure it has tubes and that it ISN'T a Haze or MA series!), and those wonderful Fulltone pedals should get you there.


Dunlop's Hendrix pedals don't even come close IMHO.

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