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It was only a matter of time...


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It's just as they say; "Blink and you miss it".


Anyone see the 'last straw' post or was it simply weight of evidence and a case of "forewarned is forearmed"?


IF ANYONE DID, PLEASE DON'T REPEAT IT HERE.................just my idle curiosity.


Dave's thread seemed like it was getting back on it's feet after a few iffy posts in it's early stages.


Some of the later posts were interesting and funny to boot but I guess someone in authority decided we children had to get back in class after their playtime ended......


Ah, well. It was fun while it lasted. Sort of.





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I don't think that thread needed a "last straw". I don't even think the mod would have needed to read the whole thing. I am guessing after reading the first half, the decision was made. Fate sealed.


Unsalvagable, but noble efforts.

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Well it was a good try but I'm afraid you guys were right... I think it was references to the Halloween costumes that killed the thread. Thanks, you know who you are... Nuff said...


Yep, I was unpleasantly surprised to read that post.

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Sorry guys. I surely was NOT intending to offend anyone, and honestly didn't see it that way. I was just being "funny". I admit, I couldn't resist.


Perhaps foolish of me to think it wouldn't offend.


I think, mostly, it shows WHY we can't have certain subjects like politics and religion here. For some reason, if one says something about a candidate, it gets taken personal. Even a JOKE about a candidate that normally should not be an indication you are for or against is taken as a personal attack.


There is something about politics and religion that causes poeple to take sides and take up arms. It's those two subjects that seem to have an effect that one side can't respect the other. It's as if the option of respecting another who is one the "other" side doesn't exist, even if you want it to exist. Regardless of what you say, or how you say it, it will be taken personally by someone. When that point is seems to defy reason or logic, and is very different from one person to another.

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Was that the, "who do you think will win the precidency?" poll thread? Because I've been looking for ita and nothing.


It said to not give an opinion and just say who you think will win, that's not bad is it? I thought it was mature to at least address that it wasn't an opinion forum, sheesh. [blink]

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Was that the, "who do you think will win the precidency?" poll thread? Because I've been looking for ita and nothing.


It said to not give an opinion and just say who you think will win, that's not bad is it? I thought it was mature to at least address that it wasn't an opinion forum, sheesh. [blink]

That's the one. It didn't get locked, it got gone.


The thread and poll itself was fine, but it wasn't long at all until there was a page. I mean FAST. And, it honestly wasn't all that bad, to spite the direction it was headed...but DIFINITELY, political. Enough for a nuke, IMO.


I made a joke, and it got bad for a second, and it looked like it was going to get saved, but alas, not to be.

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