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Hug Your Parents For Christmas....


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Both of my parents are still around and in their mid 80's as are my inlaws.I cant imagine losing them but I accept it will come some day.

For the last 20 years we are in Georgia and my parents are in Massachusetts and we havent gone up every year.This year we will be calling them at my sisters house where the family will all be using SKYPE on the computer so we can see them as well as talk to everybody.Almost as good and much better than just a phonecall.

Merry Christmas to all

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Lost my dad back in 1974 but still have my mom... I wont see here for Christmas but I'll be there for New Years and her Bday on the 4th of January, she'll be 88.... Did your dad's bike... Is that your stingray in the background? I had one exactly like it when I was a kid... [thumbup]

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If you still have them. I miss my Dad all the time, but esp this time of year.


I give my 90-year-old dad a call once a week. He was still playing golf a couple months ago, but had to cut back. He'd been playing an old hard-action Yamaha acoustic for years and years, so I had the bright idea of getting him a Gibson Les Paul. I didn't know there were so many kinds! Took me a month to settle on a 2012 faded Studio model. To say he was overjoyed would be an understatement. Of course, if and when he finally kicks, it won't be all bad news - I get an LP Studio! 8-[

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Good thread. My Dad and two great Moms are gone. Heck, nowadays my two older siblings and I are considered "the old ones." My younger bro isn't 40 yet... so we made certain that my little bro and I called him in Seattle from here on Christmas. Now I've gotta get to my sis - known as "Grandma" to a whole tribe in Texas - to say howdy and happy new year.


If there's family, if possible it's nice to keep in some contact. I ain't always been the best at that.



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